/ / Icon "Protection of the Blessed Virgin": meaning and description

Icon "Protection of the Blessed Virgin": meaning and description

During the earthly life, the Theotokos suffered a lot. The most serious test was the execution of Jesus Christ. After death, all her sufferings were reimbursed by glory and heavenly joy. As a mother she understands all human suffering and helps everyone who addresses her. She does not condemn the human race, but pities him and asks God for forgiveness for every person. All this displays the icon "Protection of the Blessed Virgin." In honor of this there is one of the great holidays of the same name. He is celebrated with 1 (14 old style) of October.

icon of the Holy Virgin

A wonderful event preceding the holiday

In the 10th century in Constantinople, the capital of the GreekEmpire, during the attack of the large Saracens troops, the inhabitants of the city gathered in the Vlaherna church. At that time, there was a riza and headdress of the Mother of God. All together, they prayed to God, asking him for help and salvation from the enemies. During the prayer, Saint Andrew looked up and saw the Virgin, walking through the air above the vaults of the temple, surrounded by angels and saints. Together with the inhabitants, She prayed for a long time with tears in her eyes, crying for the salvation of the city. Then She went to the throne, took the veil off her head and covered them all, who at that moment prayed, protecting them from the enemies. It is this event that reflects the icon "The Protection of the Blessed Virgin." At dawn, the enemy army was defeated, and the city was saved.

 icon of the Holy Virgin photo

What helps the icon

The icon "Protection of the Holy Virgin" protects fromtroubles and troubles. Before her, they ask that all bad things pass the house. The Virgin Mary is asked to protect against all sorts of diseases, as well as about their cure if they are already present. In addition, before this image is asked about protection from enemies visible and invisible.

It is recommended that each house has an icon"The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos." Prayer before her image will protect not only your home, but all those close to evil and evil. In the first lines she goes the praise of the Virgin and Her Son, then the confirmation that you believe in its power and worship the miraculous image. And only then do they set out the requests, after which again there is praise.

icon of the Holy Virgin

Icon Description

Icon of the "Protection of the Holy Virgin" (photo below)united two worlds - heavenly and earthly. On it you can see the altar and naves of the Vlaherna temple. Here you can see the veil that closes the image of the Mother of God. It is written in most cases in dark red tones. Roman in the center on the pulpit. In his hands is a scroll. In old rags stands Andrew, showing the disciple Epiphany a wonderful phenomenon. Near Roman stands the Ecumenical Patriarch, Byzantine emperor, monks and people. Above all, the Church of Heaven is depicted with prophets, saints, martyrs, among whom John the Baptist, John the Theologian. In the very center of the icon is the Most Holy Theotokos. She holds in her hands a protective cover that can cover the entire Orthodox world.

Icon of the Holy Virgin Mary Prayer

Readable lists of icons

The icon "Protection of the Holy Virgin" hasa sufficient number of honored lists, many of which can be seen in the temples of Russia. Thus, lists from this icon are in Moscow in the Church of the Resurrection. In the capital the honorable list is in the St. Basil's Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, as well as a list is in the Red Village in the Church of the Intercession. The faithful copy of the icon is kept in the Nativity Church in Kharkov. Similar honored copies are in the city of Novgorod, where Nicholas Cathedral stands.

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