/ / Roshchino (airport) - the main air harbor of Tyumen

Roshchino (airport) - the main air harbor of Tyumen

If you need to fly to Tyumen or othernearby cities and towns, your aircraft will land at an international airport called "Roshchino". We suggest today to get acquainted with this air harbor more closely, having learned about the history of its creation, the location and services that it provides to passengers.

roschino airport

Description of the air harbor of Tyumen

Roshchino (airport) is located in Tyumenregion. The distance from the air harbor to the city of Tyumen is thirteen kilometers. Roshchino is a federal airport. It accepts and ships both domestic and international flights. In this air harbor, air carriers such as Yamal and UTair are based.

In addition to Roshchino, in the vicinity of Tyumen there is aAnother airfield is Plekhanovo. Local air carriers are based here. However, soon it is planned to close it, and in its place to build a large business center.

Roshchino Airport Tyumen


Roshchino (airport) owes its appearancediscovery and development of large oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region in the sixties of the last century. For this period, the rapid development of local aviation. After all, access to the fields was complicated by a complete lack of roads, and their development was possible only together with the creation of an established aviation infrastructure. In this regard, in a short time in Tyumen was built airport. It was designed to receive heavy An-22 and An-12 aircraft, which transported various cargoes to the north of the Tyumen region. Passenger transportation at that time was carried out by An-24 type aircraft, and since 1972, Tu-134s also joined them. In the next two decades, Roshchino Airport has been actively developing. Through him, more and more cargo was transported to the northern regions of our country. Increased and passenger flow. So, in the seventies and eighties of the last century, more than 1.5 million people flew away from here in different directions every year.

Today the passenger traffic of Roshchino airportis just over one million a year. In 2012, a large-scale reconstruction was started here. In its course, it is planned to modernize not only the water supply, heating and sewerage systems, but also the airport building itself, as well as the station square. As a result, Roshchino will become a modern, convenient and international airport that meets all international standards. Due to the increase in the area of ​​the terminal, the capacity of the air harbor will also increase threefold (from 250 people per hour to 800 people per hour). The construction of five covered telescopic gangways will allow a passenger to board directly from the terminal building without the need to pass along the street.

Roshchino airport Tyumen how to get there

Roschino Airport (Tyumen): address, phone, website

As we have already mentioned, this air harborlocated in thirteen kilometers from the center of Tyumen at the address: Ilyushin St., 23. Call the airport help desk by phone: +7 3452 496 450. All the necessary information about the air harbor, as well as the online arrival and departure board can be found on the official website of Roshchino - www.tjm.aero.

Roshchino Airport (Tyumen): how to reach

The air harbor with the city center connectsurban transport. So, by bus number 10 you can get from the airport to the railway station. It runs from seven in the morning until ten in the evening. The city can be reached by bus number 35. It runs every 25 minutes from six in the morning to seven in the evening.

You can use the services of a taxi. Such a trip from the air harbor to the railway station will cost about 250 rubles.

airport Roshchino Tyumen address

The services

Roschino Airport (Tyumen) offers a passengerA standard set of services that can be found in almost every air harbor. For example, there are ATMs, payment centers, post office, as well as a medical center, a mother and child room, VIP passengers service, airline representatives, luggage storage. Since Roshchino is a small airport, it can not offer a lot of various entertainments that a passenger can indulge in waiting for his flight. However, if you are hungry, you can have a tasty snack in one of the two cafeterias located here. The airport also has souvenir and newspaper kiosks. Near Roshchino there is a hotel "Liner". Pay parking is also available. In the first twenty minutes parking is not necessary.


Early in the morning on April 2, 2012 in sixteenkilometers from the center of Tyumen near the village of Gorkovka there was a plane crash. The passenger plane ATR-72 belonging to UTair, which just took off from the runway of Roshchino airport, was flown here and was heading to Surgut. On board the aircraft in that ill-fated morning were 39 passengers and 4 crew members. To my great regret, this terrible catastrophe killed 33 people.

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