/ / Hampton Court (Hampton Court). Palace and park ensemble in London

Hampton Court. Palace and park ensemble in London

Hampton Court is the most beautiful palace in England,which is located in the bend of the Thames, in the western part of London. Its interior decoration is truly gorgeous, especially the Great Hall of King Henry VIII. This medieval palace interior is decorated with ancient elegant tapestries, made at the request of the monarch himself. Here is also the Royal Chapel, where divine services are still held.

Historical background

Hampton Court was finally built and decoratedup to 1733, but the idea of ​​creation was born in 1514. The Richmond-upon-Thames area was chosen as the location on the left bank of the Thames, sixteen kilometers from the center of London. In 1529 the palace was given as a gift to Henry VIII.

In the XVII century, architect Christopher Wren completeda palace and park ensemble in baroque style, since William III dreamed of making English Versailles from the castle. Until 1760, Hampton Court managed to serve as a royal residence. Here are paintings of such great painters as Raphael Santi, Andrea Mantegna and Brueghel the Elder. At present, this palace and park ensemble is part of the management fund "Historical Royal Palaces".

Hampton Court

Stories about ghosts

There are many different, both ancient andnew stories about the ghosts that live in the halls of the palace. Hampton Court even has a special book, which includes information about all sorts of strange incidents.

The British themselves are sure that in every Englishthe castle is inhabited by ghosts, that is, the souls of the owners who have left their lives. Just the most mysterious place you can confidently call the castle Hampton Court. The residence of the royal family still keeps the memory of the sinister past.

It all began in the distant 1525, when HenryVIII decided to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon. The reason was that the queen had not given birth to a son, as the king wanted, but a daughter. Henry asked the Pope for permission to divorce, but was refused. A little later the king became the head of the English church, divorced from Aragon and married Anne Boleyn.

And history repeated itself: the young girl gave birth to the king's daughter. Henry very cruelly treated his wife: he executed, accusing of witchcraft and adultery. The third wife was Jane Seymour, thanks to whom the king finally had a son. The woman herself died because of complicated births. The fourth bride, Catherine Howard, strangely enough, was also executed after two years of marriage with Henry.

It is not difficult to guess that the ghosts of the castleHampton Court is the king and his wives. On October 16, 1970, the servants of the castle allegedly saw Jane Seymour. She was described as a beautiful woman in white robes with a candle in her hands and a soft smile on her face. According to eyewitnesses, all the ghosts suddenly appeared and just as suddenly disappeared. Catherine Howard was seen running towards the chapel in horrifying despair.

The ghost of Henry can be called the most eerie ofall. There are rumors that he appears only at night and only during a thunderstorm. Witnesses say that when the lightning lit up the hall, they saw the figure of a man, chained in armor and with a crown on his head. His gaze was full of anger, and from the very ghost it was blowing not with cold, but with fervor. These mysterious stories can boast a royal castle.

Hampton Court Palace

A paradise for tourists

To plunge into the past of England, visitorsLondon just need to pay a visit to Hampton Court. This place is famous for its large garden, the area of ​​which is 24 hectares. Lakes, the highest fountains, Victorian canals with yews ... Everything that is necessary for an unforgettable vacation.

A tourist who arrived in September has the opportunitytry the black grapes. The peculiarity and uniqueness of these fruits is that they are collected from the oldest vine in the world. It was in 1768, planted a man nicknamed Capable Brown - the royal gardener from the castle of Hampton Court.

Labyrinth - a place that will cause a keen interest in both adults and children. It is quite large: its width is 60, and the height is 1.80 m.

Hampton Court labyrinth


Hampton Court (London) is located in sixteenkilometers from the center of the capital, so you will be there about half an hour. Well, now more about the route. The palace itself is located in the county of Surrey, East Molsi (Surrey, East Molesey). The metro station has the name of the castle itself. Also you can take buses № 111, 216, 461, 726.

You can also choose a trip on the train fromLondon Waterloo Station. But the most interesting journey is along the river Thames by boat. True, there will be more time for this. The visit to the palace starts at 10:00 and ends at 18:00.

Hampton Court Castle

Traveler Reviews

We consider it necessary to immediately note that thisthe greatest historical place yet no tourist has found any deficiencies. Both Londoners and visitors alike repeat that a trip to the Hampton Court Palace is absolutely necessary! Everything is fine here: lawns with flower beds, gardens, parks, the interior of the palace, and, most importantly, the prices for visiting.

In this place you will definitely get tosome costume show that takes place right on the street. Workers of the palace will gladly offer you a cloak of the times of Henry VIII, in which, walking around the royal apartments, the visitor will fully experience the life of the 15th century. Having visited this castle, you will not only have an unforgettable time, but will also learn a lot of useful and interesting information about the Renaissance.

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