/ / Parks of Gomel - a wonderful holiday in the city

Parks of Gomel - a wonderful holiday in the city

Gomel is the administrative center of the regionand one of the largest cities of the Republic of Belarus. The city attracts a large number of tourists every year due to its long history, sights, pleasant climate.

Where to spend leisure time in Gomel?

Parks of Gomel are a universal place for restand entertainment. Here you can find quiet places by the river or a playground for outdoor activities. In Gomel at the moment there are 4 large parks, each of which has its own history and sights.

Park of Culture and Rest. Lunacharsky

This is one of the largest parks in Gomel. It is located on the banks of the Sozh River. His story began in the 18th century as the estate of Count Rumyantsev. Further the territory expanded and by the 19th century. was already 25 hectares. The creators of this space - generals Rumyantsev and Paskevich - tried to preserve the natural landscape in the regeneration area. Thanks to their efforts in the Gomel park you can find trees such as birch, pine, spruce, cedar, and even red oak. It is noteworthy that plants were imported from other countries, for example Poland.

The main attraction of the place is the palace and park ensemble. Here you will find the palace of the Rumyantsevs and Paskevichs, where there are archaeological expositions, as well as interior and personal effects of the owners, a burial vault, a winter garden, a lookout tower. The photo of Gomel Park will speak for itself.

parks of gomel

Thus, a trip to the Lunacharsky Park of Culturecan become for you not only entertaining, but also cognitive. But even if you do not want to visit museum expositions, alleys, gazebos, beautiful flower beds - everything here will contribute to filling with fresh emotions and good mood.

A convenient location in the center of the city guaranteesthat you can easily get from anywhere in Gomel by bus. It should be noted that the bus park of Gomel is a big enterprise. It provides communication between all areas of the city.

Festival Park is the best place for active rest

This is another, favorite place for many peoplefor relax. The park opens up to you a lot of options for pastime - from contemplation of nature to boating or biking, which can be rented for an hour or a whole day. In addition, you can play in the fresh air in table tennis, checkers or chess, which are also kindly provided by the park's staff. In winter, skates and skis are available for hire. The festival park is also famous for its two alleys. This is the Alley of Lovers and the Avenue of Benches. The first of them is known for its sculptures - a boat with a loving and dancing couple. And the Avenue of benches is a place with original and amusing benches for rest. True, some of them are not intended for comfortable rest, but for creating a creative atmosphere.

In any case, the park is loved by both locals and visitors of the city. To get to it is also simple - by bus or trolley.

bus fleet gomel

Are there Gomel parks with a certain orientation?

Of course yes. And this is primarily a skate park. The site is equipped to the maximum and includes tracks for experienced riders and beginners. It is important to note that all equipment is made of strong metal structures, so the track can withstand a large influx of people. Skate Park is oriented to skating as an Olympic discipline. However, here there are special sites for working out figures with beginners. The territory is located on the waterfront, which offers a beautiful view. That's why the site quickly became a favorite place for leisure activities for young people. Also the park is suitable for roller skating.

bus fleet 6 gomel

Where to go with the children?

If you go for a walk with a child, then the bestthe choice will be an amusement park on the territory of the palace and park ensemble. Here you will find entertainment for both children and adults. On the territory there are more than 20 attractions, as well as several cozy cafes.

gomel park pictures

For guests it is worth noting that the transport connection in the city is implemented by an impressive number of routes bus fleet number 6. Gomel also offers a large number of trolleybus routes.

So, you decided to go to this beautifulcity? You have a good leisure time thanks to the parks of Gomel. Be sure to visit at least one of them, and you will forever love the cozy atmosphere of the Belarusian nature. Parks are open for visiting all the year round, so you will have a great time, no matter when you come to Gomel!</ span </ p>

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