/ / Zelenogorsk - St. Petersburg. How to get to Zelenogorsk? Zelenogorsk - St. Petersburg: distance

Zelenogorsk - St. Petersburg. How to get to Zelenogorsk? Zelenogorsk - St. Petersburg: distance

Zelenogorsk (St. Petersburg) is one of thenumerous cities of Russia. It is a municipal entity that is part of the Kurortny district of the city of Federal significance - St. Petersburg. Until the 1950s the settlement was called Terioki. Now Zelenogorsk is a climatic health resort. It is located on the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea.

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Russia, St. Petersburg: Zelenogorsk. General information

In Zelenogorsk there is a railway station. It is on the line "St. Petersburg - Vyborg", to be exact - on the fiftieth kilometer of tracks. According to last year's data, the local population did not exceed fifteen thousand people. Zelenogorsk is the smallest city in the city, included in St. Petersburg.

Historical information. First mentions

The small village of Terioki was already known inXVIII century. It was located in the area where the Pearl Stream flowed into the Gulf of Finland. The settlement was considered a fishing village. Terioki first appeared in written sources around the middle of the 16th century. It is about the execution of several people who (presumably) were local smugglers. This happened on the orders of Gustav Vasa, who at that time was King of Sweden. Antti from Therioka was one of the unhappy. At that time the settlement consisted of three peasant holdings, which were subject to taxation. Already in the first half of the XVII century the village had about thirty yards.

zelenogorsk spb

Terioki in the power of the Russian Empire

The Nystadt Peace was signed in 1721. It marked the end of the Northern War. Settlement Terioki and other territories belonging to Old Finland, were in the power of the Russian Empire. Later, the village was part of the Vyborg gubernia. Through Terioki passed the postal route. In the middle of the XVIII century the village consisted of several dozen yards. Also on its territory was a small soap factory. Four servants were enough to serve him.

how to get to zelenogorsk

Soon in the local territories appeared a largenumber of suburban areas. This was due to the opening of the railway and the construction of the first station. As a result, the settlement grew rapidly. In the summer, its membership numbered about ten thousand people. Residents of Petersburg with pleasure bought the local land and came here for the whole year. The Orthodox Church was built in Terioki in 1880. Two years later the Finnish school began to function in the village. A few years later, an educational institution for Russian-speaking children was built. At that time it was designed for only twenty students. At the beginning of the 20th century, a Finnish school was opened here, designed for joint education of girls and boys. The educational period included five classes. At that time, about 3,000 people lived in the village. Many of them were Russian. Terioki turned into one of the most large-scale dacha areas that were located on the territory of the Gulf of Finland. The village, which at the usual time lived only a few thousand local residents, in summer accommodated more than 50,000 vacationers. Only in the region of Terioki there were about one and a half thousand dacha sites. Later on, a telephone exchange, mail, telegraph, electricity, Finnish and Russian outlets appeared. The railway connected the village with St. Petersburg. A dozen trains passed through it daily. Instead of the former wooden station, a new one was built - made of stone. His design was handled by a Finnish architect named Bruno Granholm.

Capturing the territory

In the spring of 1918, Russia lost the village of Terioki. He was at the mercy of Finland. The signing of the Tartar Peace Treaty marked the border between the states. It was located on the river Sestra. During civil unrest, the harbor of Terioka was used for military purposes. It became the base for seaplanes and British torpedo boats, which participated in the attacks of Kronstadt. In the 30s, according to the decision of the Finnish authorities, active restoration of the resort territories on the coast of Terioki began. Many dacha sections were reconstructed into boarding houses. Soon this resort again began to gain popularity, both in Finland itself and in other northern states.

Functioning in the period of the USSR

After the Soviet-Finnish (winter) war, Teriokiagain went to the USSR. In the spring of 1940, the Soviet authorities decided to use this coast to create a sanitary and health resort zone. Special funds have been allocated for this. Within a year, about thirty organizations functioned in the territory of the village, in which several thousand people worked. Also, sanatoriums and rest houses were opened. In the 51st year the first electric train passed here. An educational institution was built. Architect A. Afonchenko was responsible for its design. In the 65-ies, a new master plan for the reconstruction of Zelenogorsk was developed. Its author was the architect NI Buldakov. A few years later a monument to Lenin was opened in the Komsomolsky Square. It was created with the participation of several sculptors and architects. The monument was moved to Zelenogorsk (St. Petersburg) from another place. In the summer of 1988 the Orthodox community officially appeared in the city. She asked for the transfer to her leadership of the Kazan Church. The execution of this request was authorized by the authorities.

st. petersburg

Modern realities

Zalenogorsk district was formed in the 89th year. The administrative center was the city of the same name. The territory of the district covered numerous villages from Smolyachkovo to Repino. At the same time, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was handed over to believers by decision of the authorities. The district was disbanded in 1994. Its territory was included in the resort area of ​​the Leningrad region. A few years later, Zelenogorsk (St. Petersburg) received the status of a separate municipal municipality. At the same time he continued to be part of the Kurortny district. The Lutheran church was returned to the faithful. The church was completely reconstructed, the bell tower was recreated. The architect A. Vasiliev worked on the project, as well as engineer E. Grishin. In this place a monument of Reconciliation was opened. Above him worked sculptor Arsen Avetsin. A few years ago a new yacht club was opened here. Approximately at the same time, the psycho-neurological boarding school began its work.

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Zelenogorsk (St. Petersburg) is located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Nearby there is a transit highway. It is called the Primorsky Highway. The highway passes in different directions:

  1. To the east - to St. Petersburg and Sestroretsk.
  2. To the west - to the routes that lead to Vyborg. Also in this direction is the state border of our country with Finland.

In the north of Zelenogorsk there is an ironroad. In the southern direction from it is the Upper Highway. It goes to the east side by the villages located near the shore. The central highway of the city is located north of the Gulf of Finland. It is called the Lenin Avenue. It goes beyond the borders of Zelenogorsk and leads to other numerous highways.

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Economic aspects

In this locality, there is no industrialactivity. Nevertheless, in Zelenogorsk, the spheres of trade and public catering are well developed. There are two large shopping and entertainment centers in the city. There are ware and food markets. There are also many manufactured goods and other shops, restaurants, pharmacies and various cafes.

How to get to Zelenogorsk?

In the city there is a network of publictransport, which is well developed. Also in Zelenogorsk there are commercial taxis. In total, the city has about twenty different routes. Developed suburban direction Zelenogorsk - St. Petersburg. The distance between the cities is about 50 km. Connect their suburban routes (for example, with metro stations). Among them: "Grazhdansky Prospekt", "Staraya derevnya", "Prospekt Prosvescheniya", "Chernaya Rechka" and "Ploshchad Lenina". A railway line passes through the city. It runs in the direction "St. Petersburg - Vyborg". There are 51 electric trains in total. In Zelenogorsk itself there is only one station, which carries the same name as the city.

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There are evening, day and morning electric trains. It is recommended to use the fastest suburban train. In the direction of "St. Petersburg - Zelenogorsk" train should be less than an hour. She leaves at 21:36. In Zelenogorsk the team arrives at 22:15. Also there is a train, which you can sit down if you need to spend the maximum time on the road. In the direction of "St. Petersburg - Zelenogorsk" train № 6186/6044 follows 1 h 28 min. This composition makes on the way 16 stops. To get to the city, you can also take the bus "Zelenogorsk-St. Petersburg" (№ 211). He departs from the station. m. "The Black River".

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