/ / The youngest subway in the world: Shanghai metro system

The youngest subway in the world: the metro scheme of Shanghai

Shanghai is a dynamic and fast-growing cityChina. Today it boasts the youngest and most high-tech subway in the world. Scheme of Shanghai metro scares tourists with a large number of lines and stations, but in fact it is a very convenient and fast type of transport, which all local residents enjoy with pleasure.

Shanghai metro map

Shanghai Metro - the pearl of China

Rapid development of Shanghai forced local authoritiestake urgent measures to reduce congestion. The way out of the situation was seen in the construction of the metro. In a few years, colossal works were carried out, and at the end of the last century the doors of the youngest subway in the world were swung open.

At the moment, the Shanghai metro schemeThere are thirteen lines that connect the whole city. The total length of the subway is more than four hundred kilometers. Every year new lines open, in the near future the city center and nearby villages will be firmly connected by new stations. At the moment, there are already two hundred and ninety stations, in the plans of the builders there is the opening of another hundred stations. The underground magnetic railway also belongs to the underground. It is one of the attractions of Shanghai.

Metro Shanghai: features

Underground metro stations are veryconveniently. Everywhere there are ramps for the disabled, some exits are equipped with special elevators. Large nodal stations have up to twelve exits, this avoids the confusion during rush hours.

Shanghai Metro scheme in Russian

The train interval is from two tofifteen minutes. In the cars and at the stations there are signs that are duplicated in English. A special scoreboard indicates which station will be next. The scheme of the metro station of Shanghai in English is on each station in several copies. It will be difficult to get lost in the subway.

Shanghai Metro scheme: how to buy tickets?

At the entrance to the metro, tourists will be asked to showbags, along the entire length of the moving track, which facilitates the transfer of heavy baggage. Tickets can be bought in special terminals, they are located at each station. In order to buy a ticket, you need to know the name of the station where you plan to go. Shanghai Metro scheme is applied to each terminal, the menu is translated into English. So there will be no problems with buying from tourists. The fare varies from three to nine yuan. Keep in mind that the ticket is one-time. It can only be used on the day of purchase.

It is important to remember that when passing the turnstile, the passengermust take with him a ticket. At the exit of the metro, it must again be attached to the screen of the turnstile. The program reads the information from the ticket and determines the correspondence with the station indicated on it. In case of an error, the passenger will have to pay the remaining amount.

Shanghai Metro scheme in English

Shanghai Metro scheme in Russian

Many tourists, unsure of their knowledgeforeign language, are interested in a subway map in their native language. But, unfortunately, in Shanghai it is impossible to find such a scheme. The interactive version also does not have a translation into Russian, so it's worth taking care of solving the problem before the trip.

The Metro map can be translated using a special program on the computer. In this case, tourists will not have problems with trips.

Any journey, apart from a lot of memories andpositive emotions, brings valuable experience and new skills. In order to gain this experience, one must fully immerse oneself in the culture and life of the host country. And the metro is a great way to get to know the life of the local population and quickly get to know all the sights of the city.

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