/ / Tubing in Moscow: Sokolniki, Vorobyovy Gory, Krylatskoe

Tubing in Moscow: Sokolniki, Vorobyovy Gory, Krylatskoe

In place of traditional winter sleddingconfidently goes tubing, that is, skating with slides on inflatable sleds, which are called tubes, "cheesecakes" or simply tubing. The name of this sports equipment is not fully established yet, but it enjoys a huge popularity. Maybe skating on tubing in Moscow, the main thing is to know the places.

tobogging in Moscow

How are the tubes arranged?

Inflatable sleds consist of a boot and rubbercamera. The cover is made of polyvinyl chloride linen. It has two polymer layers and a reinforced mesh of lavsan cord. The blade is very strong, has good wear resistance and water-repellent properties. Provides good glide even over a very thin layer of snow. The upper part of the cover is made of colored polyester fabric, which gives the tube a picturesque appearance.

The camera is made of strong vulcanizedrubber. It is almost the same as the car camera, it has a nipple with a cap. In many cases manufacturers of tubing use ordinary cameras for cars. The camera is housed inside the cover and covered with a sealed zipper. This prevents snow from getting inside the cover. Tubing in Moscow will amuse not only children, but also adults.

tobogging in Moscow


Diameter of "cheesecake" - from 60 cm to one meter andmore. Weight, which can withstand inflatable single sleds, can reach 90 kg, and the carrying capacity of two-seater tubing is 220 kg, that is, two adults can ride at the same time. For children, "cheesecakes" with a diameter of up to 70 cm are produced. Large tubes are designed for adults. Children on these "cheesecakes" can only ride together with adults. The inflatable sleigh has handles for which people hold, as well as a leash with a hook for towing uphill.

How to inflate the tube correctly?

In order to pump tubing, you need to perform a number of simple actions:

  1. The cover is laid out on a flat surface, free from stones and sharp objects.
  2. The camera is inserted into the cover by a nipple inside and down.
  3. The pump is connected to the valve, and the process of filling the chamber with air begins. In this case, the chamber increases in size several times and must completely fill the entire internal volume of the cover.
  4. Make sure that the cover is seated on thecamera, does not hang out and is attached to it across the surface without wrinkles. Otherwise, the cover and the camera will quickly wear out, and the tubing will become unsuitable for further use.
  5. Disconnect the pump, check that the valve does not exhaust air from the chamber, and then put the cap on the valve.

If the chamber is pumped in a warm room, thenthe street air will shrink, and the tubing will need to be pumped up. If the fully pumped tubing after being in the cold is brought into a warm room, the air will expand, and some of it must be discharged from the chamber in order to avoid its rupture. For summer time, the camera should be freed from the air and removed from the cover. Well, in winter you can safely perform skating in Moscow.

skating on tubing in Moscow falconers

How correctly and safely to ride an inflatable sled?

Any control and braking system atinflatable sledge is missing. When descending from the mountain, the tubing is almost uncontrollable, but the airbag is amortized by collision with an obstacle, which reduces the impact force and reduces the risk of injury.

To skate on tubing does not end in trouble, you must follow simple rules:

  1. You can not ride in places where there are steep slopes with cliffs and large stones, boulders.
  2. On the descent there should be no people, as well as obstacles in the form of trees, bushes, poles and buildings.
  3. The track for descent should be level, without sand, crushed stone and ice. At the end of the descent, there should be a level platform or a slight lift for the natural stopping of the sledge.
  4. It is inadmissible to link the tubing to each other in a "locomotive", as this can lead to their overturning.
  5. Do not try to jump into the tubing, if it rushes at high speed.
  6. During the descent, you must hold the handles.

It's time to decide where the best way to do skating is in Moscow. The capital can offer several places for such entertainment.

tobogganing in Moscow

Tubing in Moscow

In Moscow and in Moscow there are allconditions for tubing. A hill with clean slopes and a slope of no more than 20 degrees is quite a lot. Fans of tubing have long been chosen by them and created special tracks, which are called tubing routes. Those who have their own tubing can come to these places and ride for free. True, climb the hill you have to walk and carry the sled behind you. If you decide to make skating in the tubing in Moscow, Sokolniki gladly accept everyone.

In Moscow, everyone who has their own inflatablessled, can ride for free on a convenient slope near the Novodevichy Convent. Small slides of Neskuchny Garden will appeal to both children and adults. There are also small descents in the Catherine Garden. Unfortunately, in these places there are no lifts, but the slopes are quite shallow and short, so that the uphill turns into a pleasant walk in the fresh air.

Where else does the tubing run inMoscow? Sparrow Hills is a great place for this event. In the sports center there is an 80-meter tubing-track. You can buy single and double inflatable sleds. Twin tubes can withstand up to 220 kg. Thanks to the good lighting of the track you can use it even at night.

In Krylatskoe on the hills alift specially for those who want to ride on the tubing. You can use it for free on your sled. You have to pay for the lift. Those who came without a tube, can use the services of hire. As you can see, in many places it is proposed to skate on tubing in Moscow. Krylatskoe also boasts excellent hills.

tobogganing in Moscow

Outside of Moscow

In the suburbs lovers of tubing attractmountain-skiing clubs, in which special trains for tubing are created. The length of the tracks for some of them reaches 100 meters. Almost all these routes have lifts. A very large number of holidaymakers come here on weekends, and the administration is forced to introduce some restrictions. For example, it is not allowed to ride your own tubing, they must be taken at the rental points. On weekdays with the permission of the administration you can ride on your inflatable sleigh. Be sure to try skating in Moscow.

tobogging in Moscow

The number of fans of tubing grows with hispopularity. And not only in Moscow, but all over Russia you can see how the brightly inflatable sleds swiftly sweep along the snow-covered trails. A lot of positive emotions will bring skating on tubing. In Moscow, for this lesson, as we have already found out, there are special trails.

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