/ What is the famous Prioksko-Terrasny reserve? Animals and plants of the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve

What is famous for the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve? Animals and plants of the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve

In the middle of the 20th century (1948)) it was decided to transform a large reserve located in the suburbs into five separate enterprises. In the difficult times for the protected time (1951) in the Moscow Region, 4 reserves were abolished. Since that time the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve is the only one in the Moscow region.

what is famous for Priokskoe terraced preserve

He joined the network of UNESCO large biosphere reserves. In February 1979, he received the corresponding certificate.

From the history of the complex

Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve began its activity in June 1945, first as part of a protected complex.

After obtaining the status of its biosphere taskhave considerably expanded, therefore in 1984 here the background monitoring station has been created, the main task of which was meteorological observations and detection of polluting and harmful substances that can enter the territory

In the early 1970s, the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve began to conduct ecological monitoring at a higher, ecosystem level.


Many of our readers know how they workorganizations in different parts of our country. If you are interested in what the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is famous for, first let's find out what tasks were put before this organization.

Prioksko terraced preserve

First of all, this is the preservation of a unique natural complex, characteristic of this territory.

Stationary study of the ecosystems of this reserve and its neighboring territories. Restoration and preservation of natural fauna and flora.

Studying, breeding and settling into the places of the former habitat of European bison.

As you can see, even based on the tasks set, it is possible to draw certain conclusions about what the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve is famous for.

During his long history, he performed the taskto restore rare and preserve species typical for this region. The result of this complex and multifaceted work has become a significant enrichment of the fauna of the Moscow region.

Aboriginal appearance of these places - beaver, - by the beginning of XXcentury was almost completely destroyed in the center of the Russian Plain. To restore it to the protected area in 1948, 4 beaver specimens were brought from the reserve of the city of Voronezh. After seven years (1955) the population was replenished with 2 more pairs of Belarusian origin.

In 1962, these animals began to settle. Already in 1973 appeared the South-Moscow population, numbering 110 beavers in 30 settlements on the tributaries of the Oka. In October 2003, beyond the territory of the reserve, in Serpukhov district, there were already 68 settlements of these animals with a population of 329 animals.


Climatic conditions

Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve, photowhich you can see in this article, is characterized by a temperate continental climate. In this region, the winter is mild-frosty, and the summer is warm. On average, the annual air temperature does not rise above-3.9 ° C. The hottest month is July (+17,7 ° C), the coldest January (10,5 ° C). The maximum temperature is +38 ° C, the minimum is -43 ° C. In a year, no more than 500 mm of precipitation falls. The thickness of the snow cover, which appears at the end of November and departs in April, is 55 cm.


Terraced plain, gently sloping withnorth to south. Relief of terraces. A characteristic element of this relief of the central and northern parts of the reserve are karst funnels, which arise in places where the Carboniferous limestones are closely lying.

The relief of the southern terraces is characterized by hills and sandy trees, which rise 10-15 meters above the lower, neighboring areas.


The territory of the reserve is not distinguished by a largenumber of water bodies. Here there are several small rivers, there are low-water lakes and a few swamps. The largest rivers are Ponikka and Todenka, which originates outside the reserve, its length is about 9 km, the width is about 4 m.

Of the lakes, the largest are the Sirnovsky and Protovskoye. In the summer heat of the lake practically dry out completely. Mires occupy an insignificant part of the territory (not more than 1%).

Priooksk terrasy biosphere reserve

Animals of the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve

An aboriginal species - a roe deer, which was completelywas exterminated in the region by the end of the XIX century. To restore it, two pairs of these animals were brought to the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve in 1948. They were released in 1950. By the beginning of 1957, the number of these animals in the reserve had reached a record figure of 63. From that moment, the roe deer was moved to Chekhov and Serpukhov regions.

In 1967 the restored Moscow Regionthe population of the roe deer was 157 individuals. In February 2008, the number of livestock already totaled 170 individuals. This species is quite successfully reintroduced and returned to the hunting fauna.


Answering the question: "What is famous for Prioksko-Terrasny reserve?", You can safely say: "Increase the population of moose." Before WWII, animals of this species were very few in these places. After the war, there was a rapid growth in numbers. Its peak came in the middle of 1961 - 1,300 animals in Serpukhov district, including 300 inhabited Prioksko-Terrasny reserve.

Because of the high density of animalsthere were problems with the state of the forest, as well as the condition of moose in the southern suburbs. Mass death and the appearance of epizootics began. After a detailed study of the situation zoologist of the reserve L. V. Zablotskaya insisted on the regulation of the number of moose with the help of shooting. In the winter of 1961, 101 animals were shot in the reserve and 128 in the Serpukhov district. As a result, within a few years the population remained at the level of permissible.

Prioksko terraced biosphere reserve Photo

The most common of the predatory inhabitants of the reserve is the fox. In addition, 11 different species of predatory mammals live on its territory, 7 of which live permanently on this earth.

Bats (bats) are represented by 11 species. Among them - Natterer's night nuts, ushany, water, pond, red, small and red evening, and others.

A fairly large population of hare-hare, less often you can meet hare-hare. After a long absence, the beaver was returned, and he happily settled on the reserved rivers.


Among the mammals inhabiting the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve, the bison, or rather, one of their species - Bison bonasus L. - is listed in the International Red Book, as well as in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

In 1948, MA Zablotsky created a bison nursery. His goal is to breed a bison for the restoration of a rare species. Before the nursery tasks were set:

  • growing young animals and releasing them at will in the places of the former habitat of the species, transferring strong and healthy individuals to other zoosads and nurseries;
  • expansion and preservation of the gene pool of bison.
  • Scientific research in ecology, biology, bison ethology;
  • improvement and development of new methods of keeping and breeding bison in captivity, as well as in natural conditions.

The nursery is spread over an area of ​​200 hectares. For bison here the conditions are as close to natural as possible. The area of ​​the nursery is divided into equal pens. They are surrounded by a grid of wire and are connected by long corridors.

animals near the nature reserve

Each such pen contains a bison family. It consists of a male, 5 (less than 4) females and young animals up to 10 months old. Then, the bison is separated from the mothers and a "youth" herd is created.

At the end of 2009, 328 excellent thoroughbred bisons were raised and sent to different regions of Russia, Byelorussia, Ukraine and other countries.

In the kennel, serious research isbiology, etiology of the bison. In addition, the Central Bison nursery trains and trains highly qualified specialists who then successfully work at other locations.

For comparative studies in the nursery contain a group of American bison.


If you have not yet understood what is famousPrioksko-Terrasny reserve, photos placed in special editions, will help you to consider the luxurious nature of these places. In the reserve there are more than 950 different plant species.

Of the trees are especially common pine, oak, linden, aspen, spruce, birch. Such mixed forests occupy about 93% of the entire territory of the reserve.

In more ancient, steppe bogs grow dyed wood, gray veronica, rakitnik, sedge, etc.

Lime-pine-oak forests have an admixture of maple, as well as an undergrowth of a birch sylvestre, hazel, honeysuckle, viburnum, etc.

than the famous prioksko terraced nature reserve Photo

There are many berry crops inhabitingPrioksko-Terrasny reserve. Plants of this group - blueberry, cowberry, sour, as well as cranberries and blueberries are most often found in the northern pine forests of the reserve.


There are a lot of birds in the reserve. In mixed forests they choose the most suitable tiers, where their chicks are safe, they are reliably protected from enemies and where it is easier to get food. For example, nests of large predators are found on the crowns of large trees located in the first tier.

Smaller birds that feed on insects,settle on the second tier or in the underbrush, and the eagle owls nests on the ground. Here you can meet large tits and finches, redstart and forest ridge, nuthatch and ratchet-rattle, thrush and baby, and many others.

Prioksko terraced nature reserve reviews

Secured territory

In order to reduce the influence of active economichuman activity on the natural complex of the reserve was created a security zone. Its territory is quite extensive - an area of ​​4710 hectares and a width of 2 km. It includes the Oka floodplain, the forest blocks surrounding the territory.

In this zone, in contrast to the reserve,Limited economic activity is allowed. Forest management is allowed, but solid felling is prohibited. Agricultural work is allowed in the Oka flood plain (it is forbidden to open new lands). In addition, excavation of soil is prohibited, mining and development of mineral deposits, construction of any types of roads and premises of any purpose. The conditions of fishing and hunting should be agreed with the administration in addition.

Pedagogical activity

The reserve is an excellent scientific base formany high schools of the capital, as well as educational institutions of Russia. Here students from various faculties and branches of the Moscow State University, the MAAA named after Timiryazev, are trained. Here students of the biological faculty of the Moscow State University are gaining experience. In addition, specialists from various research institutes work here. In the reserve is an occupation for young naturalists - students of lyceums and schools.

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve: guest reviews

In the opinion of those who visited this wonderful place,It is created for lovers and connoisseurs of nature. Everyone admires the amazing and rare in our days the opportunity to see the pristine beauty of the Moscow region and the unique, sometimes endangered, species of plants and animals.

Visitors are pleased that in the walks through the reserve they are accompanied by experienced guides, who are entertaining and informative about animals and plants.


Many complain that it is too far to reach the kennel of the bison, and they advise the administration to organize some kind of transport for movement around the territory.

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