/ / City of Saransk: attractions with photos, museums and temples. What to see in Saransk?

City of Saransk: attractions with photos, museums and temples. What to see in Saransk?

Saransk is an ancient city. It was founded in 1641. It all started with the erection of a small fortress, which was part of the Atamar zasechnoy feature. The latter represented a fortification line, protecting Russia from the southeast. She was at the intersection of horse-drawn tracks connecting Kazan and Crimea, Moscow and Astrakhan.

saransk attractions

The city got its name from the word "sara". Translated from the Finno-Ugric languages ​​(Karelian, Estonian, Finnish and others) it means a "wetland". Of course, at the present time Saransk, whose attractions are described below, looks quite different. It is not only the main city of Mordovia. The specified settlement is the all-Russian capital of sport walking. In 2012, Saransk was awarded the title of the most comfortable city in Russia. This is not a metropolis, life here is not flowing as fast as, for example, in Moscow. Sights of Saransk (photos shown in the article) can be viewed for a day. As advised by local residents, it is best to begin the exploratory walk from the streets of the Communist and Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

A unique book collection

The main national library of Mordovia,named after Pushkin, is the largest collection of publications in the entire region. It was founded in September 1899. It was then at the request of intellectuals that they organized a free library-reading room, which had a fund of 353 books. Gradually the meeting expanded due to the activities of philanthropists. In 1939 the library acquired the status of republican and moved to a separate building (before that it was located in the building of the city pawnshop). In 1979, the institution acquired a new home. The library to this day is located at: ul. B. Khmelnitsky, 26. Not long ago, another one, nine-storeyed, was attached to the old building. Today, there are many different departments, and the whole floor is devoted to the works of Mordvin writers and poets.

sights of saransk photo

Musical Theatre

Saransk, whose sights weconsider, is famous for its musical theater. Spectators can enjoy musical comedies and operas, ballet performances and operettas, as well as concerts of classical music. The date of the creation of the theater is September 1, 1935. It was on that day that he was admitted to the permanent budget of the Mordovian Narkom of Education. The organized troupe presented a premiere play called "The Beggar Student" (the author of the work on which he was based is K. Miller). During its history, the theater has experienced more than one reorganization. As a result, by 1959 it consisted of two separate units - the theater of drama and the theater of musical comedy. In 2011, moved to a new building with a large hall for seven hundred spectators. Over the acoustic design worked the best craftsmen from all over Russia. In the same year, the institution was named after I.M. Yaushev - a famous Mordvin singer.

State National Drama Theater

What to see in Saransk? The ardent theater-goers first of all rush to the Soviet, 27. It is there that the pride of the country - the National Drama Theater. Most of the productions in his repertoire are based on plays by Mordovian authors. Of course, viewers have the opportunity to get acquainted with the world and domestic classics.

Polezhaev Museum

The institution collects and studiesinformation about A.I. Polejaeve - Russian poet, who lived and worked in the nineteenth century. Alexander Ivanovich also installed a monument in Saransk. The Polezhaev Museum was opened on June 5, 2001. Currently, there are five rooms. Three of them are dedicated directly to Alexander Ivanovich, one to all the writers of Mordovia. The last room is a living room for literary and musical evenings and thematic events, including art exhibitions.

city ​​saransk sights photo

Art Museum

This is one of the largest research and developmenteducational institutions of the Volga region. Within the walls of the museum is the world's largest collection of Erzi's works, the famous Mordvin sculptor. In addition, the collection of works by the academician of portrait painting Makarov and People's Artist Sychkov is presented. On the basis of the museum an art salon is open. It exhibits and sells works of graphics, sculpture and painting by authors from Mordovia. The building itself has the status of a monument of architecture. It was erected in the 60s of the twentieth century and was reconstructed in 2001.

museums of Saransk

Local History Museum

Considering the museums of Saransk, it is impossible not tomention this oldest not only in the city, but throughout the republic the establishment of culture. It was founded in 1918, and was opened to visitors a year later. Currently, the fund of this museum stores two hundred thousand exhibits. Among them are many ancient books, weapons, coins and stuffed animals. Three expositions on the history and nature of the region are exhibited on a regular basis. Special exhibitions are arranged in a separate room.

Saransk map with landmarks

Churches, monasteries

One of the oldest monasteries of the city was foundedback in 1659. It is on the left bank of the Moksha River. This is the Nativity-Theotokos Sanaksar Monastery (for men). At first all its buildings were wooden, and only after a hundred years they were replaced by stone ones. By the end of the eighteenth century, thanks to the activity of Hieromonk Feodor of Sanaxar, the monastery became known throughout Russia. The most difficult period in the history of this sacred place was the 1920s. Then the monastery was closed, and the brothers were repressed. Only in 1991 there was a revival of the monastery.

The main Orthodox church in the republic isCathedral St.Fedorovsky Cathedral. It is located in the city center. Its construction was dedicated to Fedor Ushakov - a famous naval commander, the admiral. In the shape of the temple you can observe an interesting combination of imperial (dome rotunda, portico, colonnade) and Great Russian (kokoshniki, bell towers, bulbous glans) began.

Some temples of Saransk, unfortunately, are nothave survived to the present day. Among them - the Cathedral of the Savior. He was on Cathedral Square. The supposed period of construction of this shrine - XV-XVI centuries. The temple was huge and majestic. Equal to him in his time was not in Saransk, nor in other cities of the county.

what to see in Saransk

The Assumption Complex was built in 1693. Initially, it consisted of two independent churches - the summer (the Assumption of Our Lady) and the winter (Nikolaevskaya) churches. In addition, a separate bell tower was erected on its territory. In 1735, the first stone buildings appeared. The Uspensky complex was closed in November 1930. He re-opened his doors to the parishioners only sixty years later - in the 1990s.

temples of Saransk

Memorial Cemetery

What else is interesting about the city of Saransk? Sights (photos are presented in the article) of the settlement include not only museums, theaters and churches. Many travelers are eager to visit the local memorial cemetery. It is located in the western part of the city. Here you can think about the eternal among the mass graves of the participants of the Second World War, who died in the hospitals of Saransk from the most serious wounds. At the Eternal Flame, on the pedestal, stands the figure of the grieving mother. The authors of the work are architect Danilenko and sculptor Kondratiev.

"Mordovian Compound"

The map of Saransk with sights includesone more interesting object is the historical-ethnographic complex. It was opened in August 2012. Visitors to Mordovia Podvorye can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the way of life and life typical for this region a hundred years ago. The object is a village that includes six buildings. In the elements of the decoration of doors and windows symbols of the Mordovian people and national ornaments were used.


One of the most amazing settlementsOf Russia - Saransk. Attractions of the city attract many tourists every year. Go and you are in this amazing place for new impressions!

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