/ What medicines to take on vacation?

What medicines to take on leave?

Leave is a beautiful time, which sometimesIt is necessary to wait the whole calendar year. Therefore, to spend a vacation should be with maximum benefit and pleasure and try to ensure that unforeseen circumstances do not overshadow the long-awaited days of rest. If you are going on vacation with a child in another country, you need to properly prepare for a stay abroad.

what medicines to take on leave

When registering a voucher, do not forget to purchasetraveler's policy. He will help you get medical help if necessary and do not worry about whether you have enough money to pay for treatment. Be sure to stock up on the most necessary medicines. It is necessary to think in advance which medicines to take on vacation abroad. To begin with, it should be determined what will be needed first of all to provide pre-hospital medical care in case of discomforts.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to takeall at once, for all occasions. Most likely, this is an unfortunate idea and it is absolutely not worth doing this. Take with you medicines that will help you with common diseases of travelers, namely: colds, diarrhea and spasms of the stomach and intestines, traumas of mild severity.

Here are the medicines to take on leave:

  1. sorbents - activated carbon, powder "Enterosgel" or others;
  2. tablets "Ftalazol" or "Loperamide";
  3. "No-shpa" tablets (against spasms);
  4. tablets "Nurofen" (or children's syrup "Nurofen");
  5. paracetamol;
  6. ointment "Pantenol";
  7. iodine or zelenka;
  8. adhesive plasters of different sizes;
  9. streptocide in powders;
  10. tablets for resorption with sore throat;
  11. drops in the nose "Galazolin";
  12. drops in the eyes of "Albucid";
  13. liquid means for disinfecting the skin of hands;
  14. antiseptic wipes;
  15. capsules Flucostat 150 mg (1 piece).

It is also advisable to take an electronic thermometer.

vacation with a child

Now let us explain why, what medicines to takein vacation, so important. During flights, adults and children often catch cold. Here an electronic thermometer and antipyretic, for example, paracetamol or Nurofen tablets, are simply necessary. They will help with fever or when there is a headache. With a cold and sore throat, use drops from the cold "Galazolin" and tablets for resorption.

Another common and unpleasant diseasetourists - it's diarrhea. Especially it is common in hot countries. If you decide to visit a distant country and want to find out what to bring to Thailand from medicines, let us hurry to answer: take the preparations for diarrhea with you first. The food there is too different from traditional domestic cuisine. The stomach can react to a sharp change in the diet of abdominal pains or diarrhea. In this case, drugs "Ftalazol" and "No-shpa" will help.

what to take to Thailand

Do not forget before eating not only to wash your hands, but alsowipe them with disinfectant or moist antiseptic wipes. With scratches and cuts, be sure to treat the wound with green or iodine, and for the night, sprinkle with streptocid powder and seal on top with a band-aid. Now it is clear what medicines to take on leave it is necessary. This first-aid kit can be taken with you and in the summer at the dacha.

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