/ / Vitaly Lozovsky. "How to survive and spend time with benefit in prison"

Vitaly Lozovsky. "How to survive and spend time with benefit in prison"

The work of Vitaly Lozovsky "How to survive andspend time with benefit in prison "has become a real guidebook for prisoners. In the content you can find the answer to any question that worries both prisoners serving long term punishment, and new arrivals.

Unexplained creativity of the writer

The writer Vitaly Lozovsky was born in 1966. Despite medical education, he was carried away by stories of people who had undergone a serious life test - deprivation of liberty. First, the writer for a long time led a forum where he answered questions, supported and simply communicated with people who had fallen into such a difficult situation. His forum was very popular among those who had been in prison for a long time, and those who had just entered this terrible atmosphere of the zone.

In 1998 Vitaly Lozovsky went to the"Journey" - he decides to visit several prisons. By mid-2001, he visited more than 12 Russian and Ukrainian prisons and colonies. These visits made a strong impression on him, and in 2004 the writer publishes his work "How to survive and spend time with benefit in prison."

Vitaly Lozovsky
For a lot of people who have ever come across the writer's work, it remains a mystery: what caused such an unhealthy interest in the world behind a concrete wall?

Vitaly Lozovsky - all about life in prison

Writer Lozovsky long and hard work onhis creation. Already in 2010, the book "How to survive and spend time with benefit in prison" was published. It was the first part of Lozovsky's work in a series called "Instinct."

Vitaly Lozovsky is all about life in prison

Vitaly Lozovsky's book is voluminous in itscontent: it consists of articles that the writer first published on his website. The work of the genre is a collection of reference materials on the survival of those who have to endure such a difficult life test for endurance.

Directory as a result of a strange study

This book is unique in its genre.the result of a study of the lives of people deprived of their liberty and those measures that the authorities are taking to preserve the state order. The work very clearly describes the feelings and emotions of people who once stumbled and made a mistake that cost them freedom.

Vitaly Lozovsky books

Lozovsky tells the history of prisons, writesthe interpretation of all prison "suits", gives advice on how to behave in various situations, such as beating, torture and all the like, accurately explains all the rules of the prison world, explains the important components of life behind bars.

Vitaly Lozovsky. Books that are a continuation of

Since the book "How to survive and spend time withbenefit in prison "was the first component of the publication, which was popular, Lozovsky continued his work. The second part of this handbook was "Intensive preparation for freedom" for those who had very little time left before liberation. This course contains the rules of conduct for those who have recently "leaned back" from the zone. Writer Vitaly Lozovsky described in detail all the subtleties of the outside world, clearly explained the social norms and unwritten laws of morality.

The next step of writer Vitaly Lozovsky inassistance to prisoners was the creation of training "Fight Club", the purpose of which was to win over fear of the outside world with the help of a specially selected program of physical preparation and psychological influence on a person. Passing just one course of such trainings assumes that a person can continue to live the same life, despite the fact that the past years can not be erased from memory.

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