/ / Vitaliy Pashenko - biography and creativity

Vitaly Pashenko - Biography and Creativity

Contemporary stage is updated every year with newnames. Many people go to glory for many years. Vitaly Pashenko is from Krasnodar Territory. He does not have rich relatives, he made his way only because of his own talent. His path began with the team of KVN, and now he is a singer and popular stylist. Like many KVN participants, Vitaliy is a versatile person with a lot of talents.


vitaliy pashenko
For the first time his clean and beautiful voice the audienceheard from the stage. Vitaly Pashenko became famous thanks to his participation in the KVN team "BAK". She represented the village Bryukhovetskaya Krasnodar Territory. He accidentally got to watch the actors and, not surprisingly, passed it. The headquarters was made for a simple and understandable humor with a provincial flavor. This team replaced the "Burnt by the Sun", and had significant differences from them.

Already in the second season of "BAK" got the championtitle. Vitaly Pashenko, whose biography describes many talents, became the favorite of Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova. He remembered the audience not only with flamboyant humor, but also with a strong, clean voice.

Comedy Woman

After the KVN stars rarely become. The former team members have several ways - go to the stand-up show, Comedy Club, start a solo career. KVN produces a lot of talented people, so Vitaly Pashenko was simultaneously engaged in hairdressing. He is one of the most famous stylists of the country. Constantly gives master classes and does hairstyles independently. This does not prevent him from realizing himself from the creative side.

The Comedy Woman show experienced a few years agonot the best of times. It was reformatted and backstage added. That's why there was a need to have an attractive and talented young man for the role of a stylist, who will also play small sketches on the camera. Natalia Yprikyan was advised by Vitaly. His candidacy was approved, so you can watch your favorite KVN player on the TV screen.

Singing career

vitaliy pashenko biography
Vitaly Pashenko has a unique voice. He can take notes in a range of four octaves. He does not consider himself a professional, but he refers to the category of amateurs. In parallel with the shooting on TNT and work in his own salon, Vitaly records his own songs. They are popular with fans. One of the most favorite compositions, for example, is "The Crystal Voice".

In 2009, Vitaly won the singers competitionShow Time for students, which is far ahead of all competitors. In 2015, he sent his demo record to the show "The Voice". In July 2016 it became known that he had passed the preliminary selection. Fans are waiting for the filming of the stage "Blind audition" to cheer for Vitali. Until the date of the broadcast was announced.

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