/ / Poetry is the author's view of himself, other people and the world around him

Poetry is the author's view of himself, other people and the world around him

Poetry is the melody of the soul. The very word "poetry" sounds like music. What does it bear in itself - pacification, a lyrical mood or a call to action? Poetry is creativity that does not come from the mind or heart, but from the very depths of the inner world of man. Some poets for years wait for inspiration, while others can not stop the flow of their thoughts, poured into words and rhymes. Some diligently observe all the rules of versification, sacredly honor the rhythm, and the masterpiece does not work. Others can disregard all canons and go down in history. Some follow fashion, write on topical or profitable topics, while others remain true to themselves, even if their word does not bring them success, and the verse will remain a memorial to a day gone by. In creativity there should not be conventions, frames, it is impossible to create under the order, for the sake of money and glory. Eternal is only a free word, and history knows a lot of that evidence.

Folk poetry

Sincere, pure, uncomplicated folk poetryIs the wealth and pride of every nation. Without mother's lullaby and playful babushkas, happy children do not grow up. Without proverbs and sayings, work is not done, weddings are not ridden without chastushkas, without song they do not go into battle. And the basis for everything is poetry! How many poems folk poets have become a literary treasure! How many texts poured into the songs and flown around the countries and across the country. Russian poetry is a living confirmation of this. Without knowing it, one can not understand the broad Russian soul and the common man, turn to its origins. The popular word does not lose its relevance for an instant, even if it seems that it has long been gathering dust on the mezzanine of life.

poetry is


Classics - this is not a collection of laws generally accepted inpoetry of norms and rules. These are creations, time-tested and relevant every day and hour, understandable to representatives of different generations, regardless of upbringing, religion or worldview. Classics - this is not just a sample, an example for imitation. It can not be repeated. You can only create a new stage and try to describe your native nature better than Tyutchev and Fet, to show a person's soul better than Esenin and Voznesensky, to understand a woman better than Tsvetaeva and Akhmatova. If the theme of poetry is life itself, then it will tell you which epithets and metaphors will best suit and become a byword for the next generations.

Russian poetry

Original poetry

Very often identify the author of a workhelps only look at the fruit of his work. The first, of course, comes to mind Vladimir Mayakovsky. Not everyone understood, far from simple, sharp and concise, he was able to create a drawing of his poems, which never repeats twice, but also makes it absolutely clear who is the author. You can argue long about whether Mayakovsky likes the modern reader or not, but one thing is certain - he was original. In their own unique, and such classics as Gabriel Derzhavin and Alexander Sumarokov, who worked in the genre of visual or figural poetry. World literature is a unique collection of authors, each of which aspires to originality, making its poetic word beautiful in all its manifestations and inimitable not only in content, but in its form.

theme of poetry


Time is very fleeting, so the concept ofmodernity is very blurry in its chronotope. Until recently, modern authors were Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Leonid Filatov. And now it's Alexander Kabanov, Sergey Gandlevsky and Vera Polozkova. Many names are still little known, since modern Russian poetry is formed hourly, every minute. The World Wide Web, social networks and, of course, literary publications help the majority to gain popularity and reach the reader. The word of young poets may not be as artistic as the classics, but it reflects the frenzied rhythm of the life whirl, in which people try to quickly grow up, live quickly, and quickly love.

poet and poetry

Poetry of the townsfolk

Speaking of the poetic word, it is impossible not to mentionso-called philistine poetry. The gift to put words into stanzas and think in rhyme is for many, but not everyone can believe in themselves and start carrying their talent to the masses. Millions of works are dusted on shelves, in drawers of a desk or old notebooks. There is a chance that someday they will be published and recognized, and perhaps, so forever and remain only known to their author. Someone writes about love, while others write congratulatory texts for the holidays. Some develop advertising slogans, while the latter put words to music and give songs to the world. But deep down in their souls they never cease to be poets.

Poetry is not just words, it is a whole world. For someone, it opens in moments of joy and happiness, while others pour out the soul only in moments of mental torment. In any case, poetry helps express the author's feelings and emotions. The poet and poetry are connected, like a mother and a child, by an invisible thread, one and for all life, which can not be ripped apart by any circumstances.

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