/ / How to start a correspondence with a girl? How to like a girl by correspondence?

How to start a correspondence with a girl? How to like a girl by correspondence?

Generation after generation of young people are facingwith difficulties at the first acquaintance with the fair sex. Thanks to the global information globalization, we have the opportunity to communicate with people who are unlikely to be met personally. However, new technologies do not abolish the traditional difficulties that people experience when they first get to know each other.

How to start a correspondence with a girl? How to make a favorable impression on her, interest him and put him in his place? Let's try to understand this delicate problem.

Starting the correspondence

Getting in touch with a girl is very importantmoment. He decides whether your communication will develop or it will end, and not having time to start properly. Let's proceed to the phased plan of correspondence. So, why it is better to start dating?


how to start a correspondence with a girl

Try to find out her motivation, understand what she wants to get a girl from online communication. It can be:

  • struggle with loneliness and lack of communication in life;
  • desire to acquire new knowledge or acquaintance in a certain field.

There are individuals who use social networks for a banal increase in self-esteem, but we will not condemn them, because everyone has their own goals.

Before starting a conversation, try chasing the nameor the girl's email over the network. Perhaps you will find "traces" of her activities, according to which you can at least roughly determine what she expects from communication.


Before you start a conversation with a girl,read her personal information, if any. Pay attention to her place of residence and interests, then think over the question, the answer to which will please your companion.

If, for example, a girl is fond of mountainskis, you should not immediately ask a direct and simple-minded question: "Is it terrible to ski?" It is hardly interesting for her to answer the layman. It is better to study the information a little, dig a little deeper, to look at least as a beginner, and not a completely distant person from the topic.

Personal information

how to correspond with a girl

Many young people are puzzled over howAttract attractive correspondence. It's great if you have skills that can interest the interlocutor. This option is acceptable if the girl herself is open to communication. She talks about her interests and herself, reinforcing the information with a lot of personal photos.

Show her your sympathy, but without imposing andwithout flattery, and offer her communication, briefly telling about her beloved. Just do not need to "pour out the soul", giving a lot of information about yourself, let it be and have something to boast about. So you can scare her away or prove yourself a chatterbox or braggart. Save the intrigue.

Try to start with a neat phrase, somethinglike: "You made an impression on me of an open and handsome man. I thought that it would be interesting for us to talk about ... ". Having an idea of ​​the interests of the girl, you can easily suggest a suitable topic.

Network etiquette

Thinking about how to start a correspondence with a girl, do not forget that good manners have not been canceled in social networks either.

  • Do not try to drastically reduce the distance, you are still unfamiliar, and you risk pushing off decisive actions and causing a wary attitude towards yourself.
  • If you begin to communicate delicately, respecting the rules of good tone, and sincerely, not allowing embellishments and grafts, then your chances of continuing correspondence are dramatically increased.
  • Pay attention to literacy, because two or three first messages are the most important. Doubting the correctness of writing words or turns, look for information about it.


When deciding how to start a correspondence with a girl, beoriginal, avoid template questions. For example, using a standard phrase such as "Hello, how are you?" - you are unlikely to attract the attention of the fair sex. How many times had she had to answer such questions? Most likely, you will get a regular "normal" and drive yourself to a standstill.

why it is better to start acquaintance

You can attract a girl:

  • the ability to think outside the box;
  • possessing a unique sense of humor.

Of course, it's not easy to be interesting in communication, but "look and see", perhaps you will achieve in this field of higher virtuosity.

Continuation of correspondence

The first words are said, you've made an acquaintance, and what's next? How to like a girl by correspondence? If you set a goal to win her heart, well, everything is in your hands.

"Try out the soil," try to figure out whatthere is a commonality between you. To this end, you can unobtrusively tell something interesting from your past and share your plans for the future. It is possible that the girl will want to tell you some cases from her life, or her goals will coincide with yours. This will be an excellent start for the first time.

how to attract a girl with interesting correspondence

Regardless of how long you have been communicating, correspondence helps you to get closer and understand each other.

Topics for communication

Mutually interesting communication will help to understand howlike a girl by correspondence. To ensure that your online dialogue is not suddenly reduced to zero, you will have to be in constant search, we offer a range of topics that you can touch in everyday conversations.

Manifestation of care

Since you are interested in each other and withwith pleasure you correspond, then in the continuation of the topic of how to correspond with a girl, it is worth asking her about how the training or work day passed. Unobtrusively show her your care, ask if she is tired, whether anything is disturbing her. Support her if you feel that she now needs it.

Plans for the weekend

Ask the interlocutor about her plans for the coming weekend, even if it's just the beginning of the week. This is exciting and can be the reason for the long-awaited first meeting, if you live in the same city.


chips when communicating with a girl

Mention of the qualities of a girl who youattract - mandatory part of the program. Even if you have already met offline and now you have the task, how to correspond with your girlfriend on, do not neglect the compliments, because representatives of the beautiful half of humanity really love ears.

Write to her about how dear you are to her, praise her, but remember that you need to do this sincerely and keep to the measure. Some sensitive individuals may be scared off by excessively passionate impulses.


It would be nice to think up and use your chips when communicating with a girl. For example, you can take turns telling each other one secret. Let it be a fun game, but it will be only yours.


  • Talk about the past. Share your memories of your childhood, how you lived before meeting each other. But do not start asking about former lovers. Perhaps she herself will start this topic, then be sensitive, ask questions with caution and do not rush to talk about your "exploits".
  • Talk about parents, because the more you learn about your companion, the better you will understand her motivation in certain actions, her reaction to your behavior.
  • Ask the girl that from the past sherefers to its achievements. Firstly, she will be pleased to share with you something worthwhile in her presentation. Secondly, the answers will become a key to understanding her aspirations in the future.


Goals in life? If your goal is to learn how to properly correspond with a girl, then this topic is reserved for intellectual conversations, from which one can understand the life priorities of your interlocutor, her views on life, assess the community of interests and prospects in the relationship.

Self improvement

how to correspond with your girlfriend

Every person has a tendency toperfection, unless, of course, it's a self-satisfied ignoramus. Try to talk about what qualities of character are especially valuable for your ladies heart. Carefully talk about yourself, about your bad habits, shortcomings and the desire to get rid of them. Give information in a dosed and try to push the interlocutor to openness. Her revelations will help to understand how to like the girl by correspondence.

Interests and hobbies

The level of communication requires constant changes,so do not be zealous in talking about the meaning of life, do not forget about the earthly. You, of course, wonder how your interlocutor uses free time? Be sure to ask her about it. Perhaps you will find common interests that will add one more "brick" to the foundation of your relationship.

how to like a girl by correspondence

Little nothings of life

This topic has no limits. The main thing - to find out what for your lady's heart is a small thing and what is important to her. Here you can talk about anything: about movies and music, about politics, about famous people whom you sympathize with, or, conversely, about those of you who are antipathy. On the latest technology, shopping, travel and other topics, the main thing is that the conversation was fun for both of you.

Gently probe the soil, let it speak out about your preferences, study them. This knowledge will add to your "piggy bank" an understanding of how to like the girl by correspondence.

Do not impose on her topics in which she is frankdoes not understand. If you want to achieve that she shared some of your interests or opinions, then be patient. Do not engage in a fierce argument, act carefully, give your reasons, listen to her thoughts on this matter, perhaps you will be able to persuade her to his side. If not, then it does not matter. You know that all people are different, this is the charm of communication. Have fun talking about what interests you both.


It's great if you have a mutual acquaintance. You can arrange joint verbal battles, if it really is your mutual friends, then you can joke to ask them for the resolution of your dispute, a fresh look from the outside will never hurt. But do it with the approval of the interlocutor and do not go down to discuss the personal life of your friends. Not all girls are gossips.

From all of the above, we can conclude: Be sensitive and considerate with your girlfriend, stay yourself and let yourself be her, do not try to remake her. Respect her and yourself, take care of your fellowship.

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