/ How to get the girl?

How to achieve the girl?

Probably every guy on earth wants to knowthe answer to the popular question: how to get girls? After all, if the guys had such knowledge, then none of them would have problems in their relationships with their beloved girls. What is the secret, why so often the strong half hears a negative response to his proposal? In this article, we will try to help future gentlemen find the key to the heart of their beloved girl.

Since ancient times, men have fought for the hand andheart of his beloved, while trying to show all their advantages and positive qualities, to convince a woman to choose him, not a rival. It was necessary to show the character inherent only to this man: courage, courage, determination, chivalry, courage and much more. Sometimes rivalry reached violent confrontations, often resulting in a fatal outcome. Today is a little different, because we live in the XI century, where the brute force is no longer impress the girl.

But, despite the fact that the years pass and the timeschange, for women topical noble and brave men who bravely go forward and achieve their goal remain. What a girl wants is for the guy to win it, and not be a rag and a gang that does not know what he wants. So it happened in our world and in any other way, apparently the Creator so was pleased and we can not change it. Enamored guys have to conquer their loved ones and think about how to get the girl's heart and make her his mate.

The truth is that many of us, menhalf of humanity, do the opposite, making gross mistakes. For example, there are guys so indecisive that for a long time because of this they are alone, depriving themselves of the opportunity to give their love and take care of someone. Many psychologists call this "a man's fear of failing" - and this is a serious problem! Such insecure guys, one hundred percent, need to know how to get a girl, because they want and expect from them primarily decisive action. Men, we must act, and not dream about the moment when the girl we liked first comes up to us and says: "Hello, let's go for a walk together today, we'll go to the movies!" After all, you will agree that many of us dream about this. So, answering the question: how to get the girl? - consider this fact.

Also, there are guys who mistakenly think thatin order to achieve the girl, you need to be a "millionaire" or at least a successful businessman; that money solves many questions and opens hearts of many ladies. But it is not so! Yes, "silver answers for everything," as it is written in the book of books - the Bible. But guys, if you want to find a worthy girl, then you need to pay attention to another, for example, those things that will help you in life have a strong and inseparable family. Remember that girls value benevolent guys, only without rinsing and excessive sentimentality, as well as serious and confident ones that you can trust, and on which you can rely at any time.

And, finally, I want to note, if youit turned out to start a relationship with a girl, then my advice to you - take your time! Try to do everything beautifully, make more romantic encounters, show all your wit in this, because they really like it. In the end, if you do not have enough imagination, you can take the example from the hero of some romantic film. I'm sure that having looked at such a film, you will find something suitable for yourself, and maybe find an answer to the question - how to get a girl?

For those who are interested in this issueseriously, so much that even ready to enter a key phrase in Google search - most likely there will be no problems in order to beautifully look after a girl, and, of course, if she is the one and only, these courtships will end with a happy ending, at least , a campaign in the registry office. Well, if the result has upset you, smile and do not despair - then all the best is yet to come, you will definitely find your love !!!

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