/ / Small social group: characteristics, classification and socio-psychological processes

Small social group: characteristics, classification and socio-psychological processes

Small group in social psychology - the mainsubject of study. The scientists collected a rich theoretical and experimental material, which allowed to make scientific generalizations and create a methodological basis for the discipline. Let us consider the main points.

A small social group is aa union of personalities who have direct personal contact and are connected by some kind of activity, akin or emotional affinity. Its members are aware of belonging to it and recognized by others.

Such a community usually includes a small number of individuals, and the composition is determined by social characteristics (age, sex, education, nationality, etc.) and numbers.

A small social group has a different structure that can be defined:

  • first, the duties of its members in joint activities;
  • secondly, the roles (expected actions) of the person, for which specific duties are fixed;
  • thirdly, norms (prescriptions, requirements, wishes of socially-approved behavior).

A small social group can be classified according to several parameters.

First, according to the method of formation, the following are distinguished:

  • Formal, which arise for the performance of specific functions in an organization, and in the group there are from three to fifteen people;
  • informal, formed on the basis of mutual sympathies and interests, in which there may be from three to ten people.

Secondly, the degree of formation of interpersonal relations is distinguished:

  • differential small social group, which enter into their own volition;
  • collective, formed as necessary.

Thirdly, the following groups are classified according to the importance of each individual in them:

  • must necessarily be present for all members (this, as a rule, formal associations);
  • The reference small social group isa conditional or real community with which each individual will correlate himself as a model, and on assessments, values, opinions and norms which will be guided in behavior.

Such social communities have certain functions:

  • Normative and comparative. It implies that the standard and norms of behavior are formed in it, as well as the assessments of the surrounding and specific individual.
  • The instrumental is connected with the fact that it is necessary to organize joint activities.
  • Supportive and expressive function is associated with ensuring the emotional needs of each individual.

Within the small social groups, various processes occur, as a result of which the group changes its form and develops.

The main one is group dynamics. It refers to the processes of group disunity or rallying, the emergence of formal and informal leadership, the formation of norms and rules, the development of informal unification within the formal, as well as antipathies and sympathies.

In addition, no less important is the processthe formation of the norms of the existing group, that is, the developing rules of behavior of each individual individually. Such standards promote effective group interaction, and a small social group will be more cohesive. Due to the existing rules, the pressure on each individual will increase. Therefore, the group with their help can force everyone to follow the rules, supporting the integration of members in the group.

The third process is that in the smallsocial community a certain hierarchy arises. A leader is singled out, which can be both formal, which was officially appointed, and informal, which the group chose. The other members of the community should clearly know their functions and responsibilities.

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