/ / Composition-reasoning "Who is right - granddaughter or grandfather": spelling variants

Composition-reasoning "Who is right - granddaughter or grandfather": options for writing

Composition-reasoning "Who is right - granddaughter orgrandfather "is included in the school curriculum for grade 6. By selecting this topic, children learn to find the right solution, to find the golden mean. To prove their point of view, students need to give arguments to make their choice seem more convincing. grandfather "introduces students to the continuity of generations, because they have different values, so there are such disputes.

What does the task say

The basis for the composition-reasoning "Who is right -granddaughter "is the text about the dispute over the gift.The girl says that her friend's birthday is coming soon, and we need to choose a gift for her.Mum begins to give advice, but the conversation is entered by the grandfather.

Grandpa advises her granddaughter to do something with herhands. Because when he was little, his friends had an unwritten rule: to give only what you did yourself. The girl doubts the correctness of his advice. She believes that in the class she will be considered a greedy and a bad girlfriend. Schoolchildren are asked to give an answer to the question of who is right - granddaughter or grandfather.

composition of reasoning who is the right granddaughter or grandfather

The best gift - made by own hands

In the composition-reasoning "Who is right - granddaughter orgrandfather ", you can write that the right grandfather, because when a person makes a gift with his own hands, he invests a part of himself, he tries to surprise his birthday.The thing made by oneself will always be unique and highly valued.

Let the gift turn out not quite neatmade, but for the birthday person it will be important that the friend tried to please him. He took the time to collect everything necessary to create a gift, make it beautiful and special. And a gift created by oneself is not an indicator of greed, but, on the contrary, generosity. After all, money can always be earned, and the time spent is not. Therefore, such a thing will be valued higher than what was bought in the store.

who is right granddaughter or grandfather

Golden mean

In the composition-reasoning "Who is right - granddaughter orgrandfather "you can write that you can not just say one opinion right: there is a clash of two generations and everyone talks about what is valuable to their representatives. Perhaps at a time when grandfather was small, it was difficult to find good things in stores and not always enough money to buy a gift, so everyone did their own unique things.

The girl is right that now such giftsseem a little strange and can cause bewilderment. And not everyone can evaluate them. Granddaughter, too, can be understood: she doubts the advice of her grandfather. You can combine both approaches: buy good materials and make them an unusual and unique gift. Grandpa can help her granddaughter, and such work will reconcile them. Together we will create a beautiful and unique gift that will please the birthday man.

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