/ / Stolypin's Biography and Agrarian Reform

Biography Stolypin and agrarian reform

A very interesting historical figure isPyotr Arkadievich Stolypin. A brief biography of him is given in this article. He was born on April 2, 1962 in Dresden. Peter Arkadevich comes from an old noble family. Almost all childhood and youth he lived in Lithuania, leaving for the summer in Switzerland. Biography Stolypin says that he studied at the Vilnius Gymnasium, and then graduated from St. Petersburg University (Physics and Mathematics Faculty). Petr Arkadevich was a convinced monarchist and a large landowner. He married early and had a big family. Until the age of forty he held various positions in the western provinces.

Biography of Stolypin
Biography Stolypin tells that since 1884he serves in the Ministry of State Property, and in 1889 he transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1899, Pyotr Arkadievich became first a district, and then a provincial leader of the Kovno nobility. In 1902 he was appointed governor of Grodno, and in 1903 he took the Saratov gubernia.

During the revolutionary uprisings of the peasants in 1905he vigorously and rigidly suppresses the performances, while showing personal courage. Partly due to the fact that against the backdrop of the revolution, Pyotr Arkadevich was able to provide for himself in the province of relative order, in April 1906 he received the post of Minister of Internal Affairs, and in July of the same year he became chairman of the Council of Ministers. Biography Stolypin said that in August, he was the first attempt was made, as a result of which his daughter and son were injured. For all their lives there were eleven.

Having received his posts, Stolypin vigorouslyis taken to work. The revolution is rampant in the country. The first thing the official introduces is the court-martial, which carried out proceedings for 48 hours, and sentenced the execution - for 24 hours. According to statistics, in the period August 1906 - April 1907 1102 people were condemned to the death penalty, and the gallows began to be called "Stolypin ties". Subsequently, Soviet historiographers and propagandists in every way condemned these measures and branded Stolypin as a bloody obscurantism. However, for comparison, in 1937 681 692 death sentences were executed in the USSR, and in the period 1961-1962 (more quiet Khrushchev times) - about 4 thousand.

Petr Arkadevich Stolypin biography
Biography of Stolypin contains information about how,that in addition to tough measures, he developed a number of important bills (for example, on religious tolerance), introduced universal primary education, modernized local self-government. In 1907 he sought the dissolution of the Second Duma and adopted new electoral legislation, which strengthens the position of the right-wing parties in the parliament.

One of the statesmen of the Russianthe empire, which was strongly concerned with the level of efficiency and the state of agriculture, was Peter Stolypin. His biography is in many respects interesting due to the complex agrarian reform that he began to carry out. Pyotr Arkadievich believed that the problem lay not in the "land hunger", but in the low productivity of peasant labor, as well as in the existing community way of managing. He wanted to resolve the situation without affecting the landownership of the landlords.

After the removal of communal restrictions, the landshould naturally go into the ownership of strong men in the economic plan, with the consolidation of all rights. The ruined peasants had to be employed in industry or resettled on the outskirts of the state. The reform also implied the liquidation of the strip, the lending and subsidizing of peasant farms, assistance in the purchase of privately owned land, agronomical consultations, the use of fertilizers,

Petr Arkadevich Stolypin short biography
Stolypin said that he only needed 20 yearsrest to realize their plans and bring Russia to a new economic level. In general, his reform failed. Perhaps, due to the fact that he was simply not allowed to bring her to the end. Peter Arkadevich was killed by a terrorist in 1911. However, the private results of his work are impressive. In the period 1906-1915, about a quarter of the households left the community. By 1915, they accounted for about half of the grain produced in Russia. A negative role was played by the systematic attacks on Stolypin on the part of Nicholas II and his entourage, as well as open hostility with Rasputin, which aroused hostility towards the statesman on the part of the empress. It is believed that the obstacles "from above" that repaired Stolypin only brought the bloody upheavals of 1917 closer.

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