/ / State Pedagogical Arzamas Institute. Gaidar

State Pedagogical Arzamas Institute. Gaidar

Every senior student starts sooner or laterthink about continuing education in one of the universities. Of course, the choice depends on many factors: the student's academic performance, that is, the future student, his inclination to study one or another subject, place of residence, and so on. But one of the decisive conditions is precisely the name of the institution or university, its credibility and status among the other educational institutions.

The Pedagogical Arzamas Institute isa higher educational institution that does not need a special presentation, since its name is known throughout the country. But to highlight some interesting facts and features of the university will not be superfluous.

History of the building where the institute is located

Arzamas Pedagogical Institute named after Gaidar- this is, at first glance, an unremarkable three-story building built of stone. There is a house on one of the oldest streets of Arzamas, where each building keeps its secrets.

Pedagogical Arzamas Institute
Built in the early twentieth century, it belonged torepresentative of the clergy. However, it is easy to guess that everything changed after the Revolution of 1917. The clergy were deprived of all rights, and the wealth of wealthy people was confiscated. Who was the first owner of this old house and what happened to him later - no one knows for sure. During the Civil War, the building housed the headquarters of the Eastern Front of the Red Army. Then came the famous House of Soviets, which in the days of the Soviet Union was in every city. The institute itself was founded in 1934.

The role of the Institute in the life of the city and the region

Pedagogical Arzamas Institute can be a joketo call a common relative. Every family in the city is somehow connected with this institution. In addition, the pedagogical college is also one of the most important cultural and educational centers of the city, and the entire southern region of the Nizhny Novgorod region. This institution is a subject for pride. The fact is that it is not a mediocre peripheral educational institution, but one that has managed not only to develop in the outback, but also to surpass other universities in the region, to provide a large number of people with jobs, and to promote the popularization of high education among the masses.

Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute to date has become not only an alma mater for students, but also a separate country, with its own atmosphere and infrastructure.

Arzamas Pedagogical Institute faculty

Faculty of the ASU. Gaidar

Since the foundation of the AGPU them. Gaidar has changed a lot in the field of education, the institution has always reacted quickly to these changes. So, today students can enroll in one of six faculties. Among them:

  • Naturally-geographical.
  • Historical and philological.
  • Psychological and pedagogical.
  • Faculty of preschool and primary education.
  • Economics and law.
  • Physico-mathematical.

In the process of training, 29 educationalprograms, which is very proud Arzamas Pedagogical Institute. Faculties of the university today accept applicants for full-time and part-time forms of education.

Arzamas Pedagogical Institute named after Gaidar

Branch AGPI them. Gaidar

Today, the AGPI has become one of the largesteducational centers of the region, and therefore it is quite natural that during the reorganization of education other educational institutions began to adjoin to it as affiliates. To date, this is only one institution - Arzamas Pedagogical Institute Lobachevsky.

This university also has six faculties and conducts a recruitment of applicants wishing to get a secondary special, incomplete higher (bachelor's degree), higher education (magistracy, specialty).

In fact, the cardinal changes afterthe accession of this institute to the AGPI did not happen. It should be noted that with the pooling of efforts, more opportunities have appeared to improve the life, study and leisure of students.

Arzamas Pedagogical Institute of Lobachevsky

Useful information for all applicants

Pedagogical Arzamas Institute annuallyIt is open to hundreds of young people who want to get a quality education. The following directions are offered: "Education and pedagogy" (includes 17 specialties), "Humanities", "Economics and Management", "Social Sciences", Sphere of Service ". However, it is necessary to clarify accreditation, since about a third of it has not been received today.

The list of documents for submission consists ofseveral blocks: medical certificates, a certificate of graduation and graduation, additional accompanying materials (direction, diplomas of contests, olympiads) and most importantly - a statement of the desire to act.

Special forms of training

For those who work, there is an opportunityUse the additional training program offered by the Arzamas Pedagogical Institute. Correspondence separation is no different from daytime and offers the same set of specialties and faculties.

Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute
Also in the institute there are such forms aspreparatory courses, which are held throughout the year for students of the 11th grade, preparing for admission. In most cases, these auxiliary classes are paid, depending on the specialty the price varies.

Another faculty of pre-university training has been established. In Arzamas college there is also an opportunity to get additional vocational education.

Since this establishment is on balancegovernment, then state places are allocated to pedagogical specialties. However, their number varies each year depending on the needs for personnel.

Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute

Leisure and accommodation

The Pedagogical Arzamas Institute includesabout 2500 students. The majority are nonresident inhabitants, therefore from the very beginning of existence there was a question on accommodation granting visitors. Today at the disposal of the entrants there are 4 corps of hostels, which are located in different parts of the city, but not far from the AGPI. These are furnished buildings in several floors, with all amenities. The order in dormitories is supported by both internal "authorities" (the elders, the commandant), and is controlled by the commissioners from the university.

Arzamas Pedagogical Institute, correspondence department
In the subordination of the AGPI sanatorium-dispensary "Youth", as well as the food factory NNGU.

Rating and reviews

It is only natural that every educational institutionwill only parade his achievements and positive moments, wishing to attract talented students. In order not to get confused, users of the network created a platform on which you can discuss all the interesting moments with students.

Arzamas Pedagogical Institute, correspondence department
It is interesting to look at the statistics. They clearly demonstrate the place the educational institution occupies in the all-Russian educational system:

  • In the general ranking of Russian universities AGPI 486th of the 1531st.
  • In Arzamas, ASPI is in the first place among all three universities of the city.
  • If we take into account only the pedagogical educational institutions, then the AGPI them. Gaidar is on the 28th line among 98 others.

All the list of documents and necessary information can be obtained at the Admission Board, which is located at: Arzamas, ul. Karl Marx, 36.

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