/ / Ishim State Pedagogical Institute. P.P. Ershova: faculties and conditions of admission

Ishim State Pedagogical Institute. P.P. Ershova: faculties and conditions of admission

In the city of Ishim there is such an educational institution asIshim State Pedagogical Institute, bearing the name of P. P. Ershov. The history of this educational organization began in 1929 with the opening of a technical school in the city to train teachers.

History of occurrence

Time passed, and the institute gradually developed. In the 1930s the technical school became a school. In the 40-ies in the building of the institution opened a teacher's institute. In 1953 the school, functioning at the university, was closed. Since that moment, only the institute has started training in the city.

Later, the university was called pedagogical. It expanded the number of training directions and specialties. In 2014, on the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of our country, the Ishim State Pedagogical Institute joined the Tyumen State University and became its structural subdivision. At present, it is considered a branch. In the structure of the IHPI, the departments distinguish the following:

  • pedagogical;
  • humanitarian and social;
  • natural and mathematical sciences, computer science.

Ishim State Pedagogical Institute

Pedagogical faculty

Teaching is considered to be subtle and complexart. It is impossible to master it without the help of qualified specialists. The Pedagogical Faculty, which exists in the Ishim Pedagogical Institute, is designed so that those who wish can study:

  • master the skills of teaching;
  • express their thoughts and teaching material;
  • use modern information and computer technology.

In the organization of the educational process at the pedagogicalFaculty 2 departments are involved: psychology and pedagogy, methods and theory of preschool and primary education. They are staffed by teachers who are specialists in their field. In the educational process, they apply entrenched traditions, as well as modern teaching methods.

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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

This is a structural unit in IshimPedagogical Institute (IGPI named after P. P. Ershov) is quite large. It offers a huge number of training profiles that are related to humanitarian disciplines. Every applicant who decides to try to enter this university chooses a profile that is closest to him.

From the walls of the faculty go mainlyteachers of general educational disciplines (history, Russian and foreign languages). The structural subdivision of the Ishim Pedagogical Institute also produces managers and economists.

Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Informatics

In each school, secondary special and highereducational institutions are taught to students and students natural sciences, mathematics, computer science. These are very important disciplines. Unfortunately, the shortage of teachers is now very acute. To solve this problem, the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Informatics work at the Ishim Pedagogical Institute.

The above-mentioned structural subdivision in the highesteducational institution is a forge of highly qualified teaching staff. The faculty has 2 departments, connected with natural sciences, mathematics and computer science. They organize the most effective educational process, which facilitates the training of good specialists who meet the requirements of the times.

Igpi Faculties

Directions of training

The Ishim State Pedagogical Institute offers entrance entrants only 3 directions:

  • "Pedagogical education (with two profiles)";
  • "Vocational training (by industry)";
  • "Psychological and pedagogical education".

The first of these has severaleducational programs to choose from. Applicants who intend to work with young children in the future are best able to choose "Primary and preschool education". For those who want to be a teacher, there are such programs as "Biology, Chemistry", "Russian and foreign languages", etc. "Vocational training" in the Ishim Pedagogical Institute includes "Management and Economics", "Law Enforcement Activities and jurisprudence ». In the latter direction there is such a program as "Psychology of Education".

Tyumen State University

Admission to the university: documents and exams

For admission to IGPI them. P. P. Ershov is required to compile a standard package of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport (original or copy);
  • certificate / diploma (original or copy);
  • Photographs 3x4 cm (for those who enter the university by the results of entrance examinations held within the walls of the Pedagogical Institute);
  • documents confirming the existence of individual achievements.

In the university, which included in its composition TyumenState University, come on the basis of results in three disciplines. The main subject is Russian. The rest are determined by the specialty. Important nuance - schoolchildren enter the university only by the results of the USE. People who have graduated from high school or graduated from secondary vocational schools go to the institute by results of admission tests specially conducted in the educational organization.

Education remote: IGPI

Ishim Pedagogical Institute, included in theTyumen State University, is a modern educational organization. It develops in accordance with the time, therefore one of its services is the currently popular distance education. This form of training allows you to study all the educational material in comfortable home conditions, calmly perform various tasks, pass tests.

Distance education is not allocated inlegislation in a separate form. That is why the graduates receive educational diplomas on higher education with an indication of their correspondence form of education.

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Thus, the Ishim statethe pedagogical institute deserves the attention of the entrants, because it offers many training profiles, promotes the formation of specialists and the improvement of personalities. Entering here, each student receives only useful and relevant information, which he will need in the future.

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