/ / Compulsory preparation of citizens for military service: legislation, content, activities

Compulsory preparation of citizens for military service: legislation, content, activities

What is compulsory preparationcitizens to military service? OBZH (11 class) assumes a detailed acquaintance with the theory concerning military service. Practical skills Russian high school students acquire during training military training.

mandatory preparation of citizens for military service

Preparation options

All the training of Russians for military service is divided into two groups: voluntary and compulsory.

For the second case, it is assumed thatcertain information in the field of defense, medical examination and examination, as well as the implementation of medical and recreational activities.

life safety fundamentals

For full and timely preparationmodern schoolchildren in the educational institutions conducted a course OBZH. In its maintenance there is obligatory preparation of citizens for military service, military gathering is organized. Medical examinations of schoolchildren by doctors are organized: neuropathologist, therapist, surgeon, dentist, otolaryngologist. If such activities are not possible at the place of residence, high school students are sent for inspections to the regional centers. Special commissions set up to register citizens for military registration provide information on the fitness (unfitness) of draft-age citizens to fulfill their civic duty.

compulsory preparation of citizens for military service обж 11 класс

Features of compulsory training

Compulsory preparation of a citizen for military service provides for a number of activities:

  • acquisition of initial information in the field of defense;
  • training on the main issues of military service in a municipal, state or non-state educational institution of general education, vocational schools;
  • the implementation of military-patriotic education;
  • conducting medical examination and examination;
  • medical and recreational activities;
  • training in the direction of the military commissariat sergeants, sailors, soldiers.

This activity is carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on military service.

compulsory preparation of a citizen for military service provides for

Periods of compulsory training

Compulsory preparation of citizens for military service is divided into two periods.

First, work is carried out with citizens of pre-conscription age, to whom persons correspond before the time of initial registration.

The second period is compulsory preparation of citizens for military service of persons of draft age who are registered, but have not yet been sent to the place of the subsequent military service.

obligatory preparation of citizens for military service provides for education

Features of work

At the first stage, compulsory preparation of citizens formilitary service does not provide for the development of psychological qualities that are necessary for living in small groups, identifying individual opportunities and inclinations, improving physical health.

The activity in the second period of preparation becomes more focused.

Conscripts are introduced to theoretical aspectsservices for conscription, psychological qualities that servicemen must possess. Having received a theoretical basis for the forthcoming service, the recruit plans activities for individual training aimed at the successful performance of a particular military specialty.

There is a subdivision of posts and specialties, completed from the foremen, sergeants, sailors to classes: driver's, surveillance and communications, operator, technological, special purpose.

obligatory preparation of citizens for military service

Voluntary preparation

If compulsory preparation of citizens for militaryservice involves the education of qualities that will be required for service, without fail, then on a voluntary basis, citizens can engage in applied sports, acquire military registration specialties. As a voluntary preparation for the passage of military service, it is also possible to train cadets (students) in military departments of technical schools, colleges, universities.

It should be noted that compulsory preparation of a citizen for military service provides for a set of measures approved at the legislative level, and for voluntary preparation there is no such need.

For male orphans in our countrya variant of preferential enrollment in the cadet corps is envisaged. Enrollment is carried out only by the results of medical examination, from entrance examinations such minor citizens are released.

measures of compulsory training of citizens for military service

Different kinds of sports

For what purpose was the educational institutionintroduced a course of safety? The compulsory preparation of citizens for military service, the formation of a positive attitude towards the army among high school students, were the main reasons for the appearance of this educational discipline in schools.

In addition to the educational process, a citizen can engage in one or several applied sports to achieve maximum preparation for the performance of his military duties.

For example, to make helicopters, airplanes, missiles, manage them, participating in a variety of competitions in aircraft modeling.

These kinds of sports are also referred to as tourism on motorized vessels, rowing, competitions in sports, racing, serial vehicles.

Some measures of compulsory training of citizens for military service are currently held in conjunction with competitions in maritime all-around, hang-gliding and motorcycle sport.

Obtaining military accounting specialties

The content of compulsory training of citizens toMilitary service includes theoretical issues, and practice is important for improving the skills acquired. It is for this purpose that citizens who will be called up for military service are offered various additional educational programs, according to which they can receive a military specialty. After the completion of the course, citizens receive a special document that gives them the right to choose the kind of troops (service) according to the acquired specialty.

In addition to special educational centers, military musical, Suvorov schools, cadet corps are successfully coping with this task.

In them, mandatory preparation of citizensto military service. OBZH (11 class) secondary schools with specialized cadet classes, also includes a number of issues that allow to conduct psychological training of high school students for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of our country.

Particular attention during training is given to the formation in pupils of love for military service, moral and psychological qualities, discipline, patriotism.

Students of the Russian Federation, who are trained infull-time education programs in state universities, have the right to undergo training for the army in military departments operating on the basis of an educational institution. The condition of training is the presence of a positive opinion of the medical commission on the state of health of the student.

It involves the inclusion of military training inas a separate training course in the basic plan of the educational institution. It consists of theoretical material, practical course, training fees, carried out on the basis of military training grounds, special training centers.

compulsory preparation of citizens for military service in short

Military charges

Programs designed to train officersstock, called military charges. During their conduct, students are called cadets. The duration of such events for all types of military specialties, in addition to aviation, is 30 days. In the process of training, students periodically pass tests, and after completing a full theoretical preparation, they take exams. They are accepted by special examination commissions, which are created at training centers, in military units, or in an educational institution. This is the mandatory preparation of citizens for military service. Briefly, what exactly should cadets know, teachers tell them during lecture and practical classes.

As the commencement of military service for conscripts, the day of departure to the place indicated in the order of the military commissariat is considered.

Features of medical commissions

According to Russian legislation, up toinitial registration for military registration all citizens of the country of the male subject to mandatory medical examination. The Ministry of Defense and Health developed certain requirements, according to which drafting commissions make a decision on the suitability (inability) of a recruit for service in military units.

In addition to medical examination,Fluorography of the chest, urine and blood tests. During the examination of the citizen, weight and height are measured.

Assessment of physical and mental statecitizen is carried out for a certain category. Group "A" assumes validity, "B" means availability with some restrictions, "B" assumes temporary unfitness to service, and "D" means unfitness.


To form a positive relation ycapable citizens of a male in our country a special system of measures has been formed. Coordinators of all programs and training fees conducted by secondary and higher educational institutions are military departments.

Recently, significantly activatedactivity on the formation of a sense of patriotism in the younger generation of Russia. To this end, specialized cadet classes are being formed at the bases of ordinary comprehensive schools, and military patriotic clubs are being created in the system of additional education. These thoughtful actions give positive results, increase the prestige of military service among young people.

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