/ / What does the conscript need to know if he is in need of a medical examination at a military registration and enlistment office?

What should the draftee know if he is in need of medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office?

The older generation, which served in Soviet times,sincerely believes that it is the army that educates a weak young man from a real man. However, judging by the information coming from the media, the modern army is increasingly becoming the cause of the disability of a teenager (or even death!). Therefore, today's youth are trying to find any loophole in order to avoid getting into the ranks of recruits, and the first thing that comes to mind is to "slash", thanks to the medical board.

medical board in the military registration and enlistment office
The medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office is one of the mainstages of a short-lived journey from the doors of the recruiting station to taking the oath. Having received the summons in his hands, the recruit is obliged to appear without delay, where indicated. The medical board of seven doctors (at least) must make its verdict about whether a young man is fit for service. Therefore, a visit to the military registration and enlistment office should be carefully prepared, collect all available certificates, doctors' conclusions and confirm the existing diseases with official documents. Otherwise, with today's total shortage in the ranks of the Russian army, the medical board recognizes you are fit even in the absence of any limb.
military registration and enlistment office

The medical commission in the military commissariat obliges to visitthe following doctors: therapist, surgeon, psychiatrist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, oculist, dentist (and a doctor of other specialization if necessary). Each specialist will ask standard questions, listen to complaints and make corresponding entries in the medical examination sheet. It is important to pay attention to whether all of your complaints are recorded by a doctor. No matter how insignificant they may seem, the law obliges the medical worker to record everything, down to frank delirium and nonsense.

After the draftee is passedthe medical board, the military registration and enlistment office, or more precisely, the head physician, assigns to it the category of validity (on the basis of all provided certificates and conclusions of medical specialists). There are five such "final" categories:

A - means that you are fit for military service and are subject to conscription in the army;

B - under the call and are fit for service in the army with minor restrictions;

В - a category that exempts from conscription because of limited access to military service;

G - is assigned if the conscript is temporarily not fit for military service (with a delay of six months);

D - absolutely not fit for military service (full exemption from any military duty).

medical board of the military registration and enlistment office

The medical board in the military enlistment office recognizes young peoplenot suitable, temporarily unfit for work and limited to army service in the presence of such diseases as bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy, hypertension, blood diseases, stomach ulcer, chronic kidney disease, cancer, fractures, congenital malformations, reduced visual acuity (and other eye diseases), deafness, mental disorders, HIV infection.

The medical board in the military registration and enlistment office, as a rule, does notis interested in discovering new diseases. And he can make mistakes in determining the exact category of the recruit's suitability. For example, it is impossible to detect such severe diseases as a stomach ulcer or a concussion on the primary commission. Therefore, the draftee must apply for a medical examination in a medical institution. The doctor does not have the right to refuse to discharge the directions, but if he does not consider the request to be justified, you can complain to the chairman of the draft commission. And if he remains deaf, then your right is to order an independent and unbiased military medical examination, however, this survey will already be paid.

Now you know how to make the military commissariat, medical board and other components of the future warrior's life not a problem!

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