/ / Are they taking part in the army with the armed forces? The diagnosis of "vegetovascular dystonia"

Are they taking part in the army with the armed forces? The diagnosis of "vegetovascular dystonia"

Conscripts who are sent to serve in thearmy, must have good health. True, there are a number of diseases in which "fit" is put. But with some, the service becomes impossible. Are they taking part in the army with the armed forces? In order to answer the question, you need to know what it is. This is what we will talk about in this article.

What is the VSD?

VSD - what is it in plain language? This is vegetovascular dystonia. This syndrome previously had no clear definition. And it was raised almost to all, if the cause of the ailments was not entirely clear. At the moment, the VSD has received a clear definition. This is a complex of symptoms caused by disturbances in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. It is responsible for:

  • the nervous structure of the human body, which controls the work of all internal organs;
  • the creation of hormones;
  • heart rhythms;
  • activity of the lungs and so on.

whether they are taking to the army with

Are the concepts of the army and VSD compatible?

VSD and the army - concepts often incompatible, soas in the violation of the body can begin: arrhythmia, oxygen starvation, nervous disorders and fainting. A patient tearful, often there is a sharp change of mood, regularly there are headaches. Incorrectly transmitted nerve impulses lead to uncontrolled vasospasms. But in any case vegeto-vascular dystonia is not a disease, but only its manifestations. Therefore, the draftee needs a more thorough examination.

Types of the disease

Vegetosovascular dystonia can be of four types:

  1. Hypertensive. In this case, the pressure is constantly increased, the head often hurts. The patient experiences constant and sharp changes in body temperature. Sweating can occur, blush the face or the skin on it becomes a marble color.
  2. With VSD on the hypotonic type, the army can beis contraindicated. Since the patient has a low blood pressure, there is weakness, drowsiness and dizziness. Possible loss of orientation and sudden fainting. Especially when changing the vertical and horizontal position.
  3. Cardiological. This type of pathology is manifested in patients suffering from tachycardia, arrhythmia or heart pain. When examining the reasons that could lead to VSD, it is not revealed.
  4. Mixed. It combines some or all of the above symptoms.

all this is such a simple language

What does the law on the law enforcers and the army say?

Are they taking part in the army with the Supreme Council of the Interior in accordance with the law? Yes, but only as a limitedly fit recruit. And only if in the past six months there has been no manifestation of symptoms of the syndrome. But the military commission often considers such a diagnosis unprofessional, and the conscript is usually sent for additional examination. After this, a disease can be identified, the consequence of which is this syndrome. In this case, exemption from service is given according to the new diagnosis. But if a serious illness is not revealed, then the draftee goes to the army.

Military medical board with the SBR

What is it, in plain language we told. It's not a disease, it's a syndrome. Therefore, if the medical board in front of the army has identified the presence of the VSD, then the draftee goes to a more thorough examination in order to establish the cause that caused the symptoms. Among the doctors who examine the young men before the service, there is a psychiatrist and neuropathologist. And if earlier doctors diagnosed "VSD", it is necessary to report this to the medical board.

army and army

It can confirm that the syndrome is leakingin a light form and the draftee can be sent to the army. But the fact is that the VSD is a manifestation of a certain disease. And often unregulated loads can not improve the health of the recruit, but, on the contrary, aggravate. Even dangerous exacerbations of the disease are possible.

What is the danger of the VSD syndrome when serving in the army?

Are they taking the army with such a diagnosis? Unfortunately yes. And this happens quite often. Although the presence of IRR even in mild form, not to mention the average and severe, can lead to many negative consequences:

  • obstruction of capillaries and small vessels;
  • progression of heart abnormalities;
  • Disorientation in space may occur;
  • loss of hearing and sight;
  • chronic pain of internal organs;
  • disorders of brain activity;
  • frequent syncope;
  • a decline in strength, which can go into hypoglycemia.

Whether take in army with the diagnosis всд

The conscript is considered unfit for service in theArmy, if the arterial hypertension systolic pressure is not less than 140 mm Hg. and diastolic is in the range from 90 to 100 mm Hg. Art.

Are there any panic attacks in the army? Most often yes. But if the recruit was recognized as fit for service, then in this case the combat weapon in his hands will become dangerous not only for colleagues, but also for civilians. In a fit of panic, a person is overcome with such fear that he can not be responsible for his actions. And this is one of the signs of the manifestation of the IRR.

What if you took an army with such a diagnosis?

Are they taking part in the army with the armed forces? Despite the contra-indications of physicians, often the military commission recognizes people with vegeto-vascular dystonia that are fit for service. And if the conscript still got into the army, you need to try to follow certain actions and observe some measures to protect your health. Otherwise, the syndrome can be seen only when manifested in severe form. And this is an exacerbation of the disease, because of which a diagnosis of "VSD" appeared.

hypotonic type army

Immediately upon arrival in the unit, the conscript who hasvegeto-vascular dystonia, should go to the medical center, giving the doctor a copy of the medical record. As a result, doctors will have to monitor the condition of the recruit. When exacerbation of dystonia, you should immediately go to the medical unit. You can not try to deal with panic, fainting and other symptoms on your own.

And if there were breathing disorders, hypertension,neuroses, heart pathologies and other severe symptoms, the draftee can be demobilized from the Air Force before the due date. First, the soldier goes to a thorough diagnosis. And afterwards, if, as a result of the check, the disease is confirmed by the doctors, it is sent home.

We sorted out with you whether they take the army with a diagnosis of "VSD." We hope that the information was useful to you.

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