/ / Some tips on how to improve handwriting

A few tips on how to improve handwriting

With the development of computer technology, many peopleget used to typing on the keyboard, which makes writing worse. Do not forget that the letter directly affects the development of fine motor skills, which is closely related to human thinking. This is especially important for schoolchildren, regardless of whether they are in a junior school or a graduate class.

The problem of how to improve the handwriting of children is facing many parents. In fact, it's quite simple, at the same time, the sooner you start classes, the better one can get the effect.

One of the main mistakes thatparents - early training of preschool children in writing. At 5-6 years, the child rarely develops motor skills so that the desired result immediately results. In addition, many parents who do not have special knowledge, initially do not pay attention to how the hand of the baby is put, and also how and what he writes. In order to obtain a caligraphic handwriting, it is necessary that the fine motor skills be sufficiently developed. Some teachers often face the fact that the child initially incorrectly writes letters - the way his parents showed him. At school there is a method of "non-stop" writing. And it is known that it is much more difficult to retrain.

In this regard, many teachers do not recommendadults train children in writing capital letters. There are special prescriptions for preschool children, in which children are given tasks for the development of fine motor skills, and also in order to correctly "put" the hand before the beginning of studies. Usually here it is necessary to write down the elements of written letters, do shading, continue a certain pattern, etc.

Before improving the handwriting, it does not matteradult or child, you need to determine which results you want to achieve. So, to ensure that letters are legible and legible, they should be about the same size, the ovals in them - the correct shape, and the lines - as straight as possible.

Having mastered the basic rules of writing, for whichUsually the school program takes 2-3 months, gradually the skill is fixed. Thus, if a first-grader is initially introduced to the proper lettering, then further automation takes place. Subsequently, the child will not think too long and print letters, and his main attention will be directed to the literacy of the letter.

It is believed that over the years the handwriting is changing. This is mainly due to the fact that not every adult at work is confronted with the fact that he had to write daily. And in the 21st century, where computers and information technology "rule", many are practically freed from this. At the same time, we forget that thinking is connected with the process of writing. In addition, adults can start thinking about how to improve handwriting, if they suddenly need this skill due to their duty.

So, for this purpose the copy method is used. It is quite simple and is used for both kids and their parents. Before you improve the handwriting of this method, you need to be patient and have samples with calligraphic letters (any recipe is fine). If you train in rewriting at least an hour a day, then after a month you will notice a significant improvement.

Parents who think about howimprove the handwriting of the child, must necessarily analyze how they write themselves. After all, children often take an example from adults. After certain results have appeared in this case, you can try using different pens and pencils to rewrite the samples. It is important to pay attention to the pose when writing, because it should not only be as free as possible, but also comfortable. It should be noted that the use of gel pens in primary school is not recommended.

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