Why you need handwriting analysis
As a rule, when a person writes, he does notthinks about how he does it. At the same time everyone has his own style of recording information. The handwriting of each individual is like a fingerprint. In order to understand the features, character traits, the author's temperament, a psychological analysis of handwriting is used.
Explores the special qualities of a person that are reflectedin his letter, a separate science. Graphology (handwriting analysis), according to experts, allows not only to understand other people, but also to understand yourself. The way of writing can tell a lot about a person.
It should be noted that in many European countries handwriting analysis has long been used in testing people. More recently, this system has become officially recognized in America.
The analysis of handwriting is best done on the model,written on a sheet of plain white paper, without fields, lines and cells. To get the most natural handwriting, it is better to ask to write something that comes to mind (do not rewrite the text from the newspaper, for example). A lot about a man says his signature. In addition, the lettering in it differs from the usual writing of the text. Therefore, it is desirable to get a signature.
Of course, the analysis of handwriting is better done witha sample written by the author who did not know about the study. If a letter consisting of several pages is taken for study, the researcher should pay more attention to the last page. As a rule, by the end of the letter, people think least of all about the "beauty" of letters. Thus, handwriting becomes as natural as possible.
For better consideration of all elements of the letter (dashes, hooks and other details), experts recommend using a magnifying glass.
The analysis of handwriting is conducted in several directions.
The first is "geometric consistency"The uniformity of pressure, the uniformity of gaps between lines and words, the evenness of fields and lines of lines are estimated here.The holder of a handwriting with a high degree of" geometrical consistency "is endowed with a large reserve of energy, will, able to maintain an internal balance, act deliberately, suppressing unwanted emotions.
The second criterion by whichresearch is harmony. Here, as a rule, more attention is paid to the general impression of writing. When, looking at the written text, the researcher has a feeling of a single whole, then, most likely, the author of the sample is endowed with a rich internal culture and good taste.
In the analysis of handwriting, graphology is taken into accountletters. This criterion is the level of deviation from the calligraphic writing. And the stronger the difference, the more original and individual the author is.
It should be noted that graphology hassome limits of possibilities. So, for example, you can not say looking at the text (if there is no signature), which gender is the author. Sometimes the slight pressure and small letters that a woman could seem to possess might belong to a shy man.
The researcher can not reliably determine the author's age by the written text. Here it should be said that the method of writing letters reflects not the chronological but the mental age.
Certainly, in the handwriting can not determine the familyposition of the author, occupation, hobbies. However, the peculiarities of the outline of letters can reveal the presence or absence in the person of calculation, perseverance in achieving the goal, softness, firmness in decision-making, clarity of thoughts.
Each sample for the graphologist is individual. The researcher's task is to reveal the weak and strong character traits reflected in the handwritten text.