/ / Steam locomotive: the device and the principle of operation

Steam locomotive: the device and the principle of operation

Steam locomotives, the arrangement of which against the background of othersToday's technology is primitive, still applied in some countries. They are autonomous locomotives using a steam engine as the engine. The very first such locomotives appeared in the XIX century and played a key role in the formation of the economy of a number of countries.

The device of the locomotive was constantly improved, as a result of which new designs appeared that were very different from the classical one. So there were models with gears, turbines, without a tender.

locomotive device and operating principle

Today the device of a locomotive can be consideredobsolete, since even in the middle of the 20th century diesel locomotives and electric locomotives were created - more economical locomotives. Although, as already mentioned, even now locomotives continue to operate.

Principle of operation and arrangement of a locomotive

Despite the fact that there are different modifications of the structures of this transport, they all have three main parts:

  • steam engine;
  • boiler;
  • crew.

Steam steam generates steam - just thisThe unit is the primary source of energy, and steam is the main working body. In a steam engine, it is converted into a reciprocating mechanical movement of the piston, which in turn is transformed by a crank mechanism into a rotary mechanism. Due to this, the locomotive wheels rotate. Also steam drives the steam-air pump, steam turbine generator and is used in the whistle.

The crew of the car consists of a chassis and a frame andis a mobile base. These three elements are basic in the locomotive arrangement. Also, the car can be adjoined by a tender-car, which serves as a store of coal (fuel) and water.

locomotive train

Steam boiler

When considering the device and the principle of operationThe locomotive must be started from the boiler, since it is the primary source of energy and the main component of this machine. There are certain requirements for this element: reliability and safety. The vapor pressure in the plant can reach 20 atmospheres or more, which makes it practically explosive. Violation of the operation of any element of the system can lead to an explosion that will deprive the machine of the source of energy.

Also, this element should be easy to manage, repair, maintain, be flexible, that is, be able to work with different fuels (more or less powerful).


The main element of the boiler - the furnace, where they burnSolid fuel, which is fed by a coal feeder. If the machine works on liquid fuel, then it is fed through injectors. The high-temperature gases emitted by the combustion transfer heat through the walls of the fire box to the water. Then the gases, having given away most of the heat to the evaporation of water and the heating of saturated steam, are discharged into the atmosphere through a chimney and a spark-extinguishing device.

locomotive boiler

The steam generated in the boiler is accumulated indome-camera cover (in the upper part). When the vapor pressure exceeds 105 Pa, a special safety valve releases it, releasing the excess into the atmosphere.

Hot steam under pressure is fed through pipes tocylinders of the steam engine, where it presses on the piston and crank-crank mechanism, leading to rotation of the driving axle. Spent steam enters the chimney, creating a vacuum in the smoke box, which increases the flow of air into the furnace of the boiler.

Scheme of work

That is, if we describe the principle of work in a generalized way, everything seems extremely simple. As the diagram of the device of a locomotive looks, it is possible to see and on a photo placed in article.

engine locomotive

The steam boiler burns fuel, whichheats the water. The water is converted to steam, and, as it is heated, the vapor pressure in the system increases. When it reaches a high value, it is fed into the cylinder where the pistons are located.

Due to the pressure on the pistons,rotation of the axis, and the wheels are set in motion. Excess steam is released into the atmosphere through a special safety valve. By the way, the role of the latter is extremely important, because without it the boiler would rupture from within. That's what the boiler boiler looks like.


Like other types of locomotives, locomotives have certain advantages and disadvantages. Pros are as follows:

  1. Simplicity of design. Because of the simple arrangement of the steam engine of the locomotive and its boiler, it was not difficult to establish production at machine-building and metallurgical plants.
  2. Reliability in work. This simplicity of design ensures high reliability of the whole system. There is practically nothing to break, because of which locomotives work for 100 years or more.
  3. Powerful thrust when starting.
  4. The possibility of using different types of fuel.

Previously there was such a thing as "omnivorousness". It was applied to locomotives and determined the possibility of using wood, peat, coal, fuel oil as fuel for this machine. Sometimes locomotives were heated with production waste: different sawdust, grain husk, chips, defective grain, old lubricants.

Of course, the traction capabilities of the car at the same time declined, but in any case it allowed to save a lot of money, because the classic coal costs more.

Steam locomotive steam engine


Without shortcomings, too, was not done:

  1. Low efficiency. Even on the most advanced locomotives, the efficiency was 5-9%. This is logical, given the low efficiency of the steam engine itself (about 20%). Inefficiency of fuel combustion, large heat losses during the transfer of steam heat from the boiler to the cylinders.
  2. The need for huge reserves of fuel and water. Particularly relevant, this problem became with the use of machines in arid conditions (in deserts, for example), where it is difficult to obtain water. Of course, a little later came up steam locomotives with the condensation of the exhaust steam, however this did not solve the problem completely, but only simplified it.
  3. Fire hazard, explained by the open fire of burning fuel. This disadvantage is not found in non-stop locomotives, but their range is limited.
  4. Smoke and soot emitted into the atmosphere. Serious, this problem becomes when locomotives move within the boundaries of settlements.
  5. Heavy conditions for the brigade, which serves the car.
  6. The complexity of repair. If something goes out of action in a steam boiler, then repairs take a long time and require investments.

Despite the shortcomings, the locomotives were very appreciated,Since their use has significantly increased the level of industry in different countries. Of course, today the use of such machines is not relevant, due to the availability of more modern internal combustion engines and electric motors. Nevertheless, it was the locomotives that started the creation of the railway transport.

engine assembly


Now you know the engine of a locomotive,its features, pros and cons of exploitation. By the way, today on the railways of underdeveloped countries (for example, in Cuba) these machines are still used. Until 1996, they were used in India. In European countries, the United States, Russia, this mode of transport exists only in the form of monuments and museum exhibits.

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