/ / Countries with which Greece borders: what are these states?

Countries with which Greece borders: what are these states?

Greece is a country that is located in SouthEurope. Its population in 2010 was eleven million citizens. The official language is, of course, Greek. Today, we will determine how the countries with which Greece borders are called, will become acquainted with the basic data on them. But first we learn a little about the state itself.

About Greece

The territory of this country includes the mainlandand the nearby islands. They also have a lot of cultural values ​​and historical monuments. But do not focus only on the Greece that was before, because in the modern form it is no less interesting.

countries with which Greece borders

Let's get acquainted with it more closely and see its geographical position. We'll figure out what these countries are, with which Greece borders, and consider the peculiarities of each of them.

So, Greece is a European state,located on the Balkan Peninsula, in its southern part. The country occupies a lot of islands. Major ones are Crete, Lemnos, Ikaria, Samos, Lesbos, Lefkada, Kefalonia, Corfu, Rhodes, Samothrax, Thassos, and the islands of the Cyclades and Northern Sporades. All of them are inhabited by local residents. The official name of the state is the Greek Republic. Its area is 131,940 km ². The capital of the state is the city of Athens. It is washed by Greece with four seas: Adriatic, Aegean, Mediterranean and Ionian. The coastline is heavily indented, its length is 4100 km.

According to natural conditions, the whole of Greece is divided into several regions:

  1. Northern Greece.
  2. Western Greece.
  3. Central Greece.
  4. Southern Greece.
  5. Crete.
  6. Islands of the Aegean Sea.

In all areas, a different climate and unparalleled beauty of vegetation, flowing small rivers, towering mountains with plains at the foot, stretch the beaches.

And now we will find out with which countries Greece borders. On the north side of it are Albania and Bulgaria, and from the east - Turkey.

Now, knowing with whom Greece borders, you can get acquainted with these countries in more detail, learn about their climate and weather.


The capital of the state is Tirana. The area of ​​the republic is 28 748 km ². Albania It is located on the Balkan coast, in its western part. Its territory is inhabited by more than three million people, including Gypsies and Greeks. The air temperature varies from +20 to +27, depending on where you are, because the north, the colder, and the south, naturally, warmer.


with whom borders Greece

Considering the countries with which Greece borders,get acquainted with Bulgaria. Its capital is Sofia. The area of ​​the country is 110,993 km ². The temperature in winter here is from -3 to +5 degrees, and in summer to +35. The country is small in size, but even so, the landscape of Bulgaria is very diverse. Small areas of the country are rich in valleys, hills, mountains, gorges, ponds and deep rivers. Bulgaria is washed by the Black Sea from the east. The main population of the country is the Bulgarians.


The capital of Turkey is Ankara. The area of ​​the state is 783.5 thousand square kilometers. Turkey is washed on four sides by the seas: Black, Mediterranean, Marble and Aegean. This country is the most popular and visited by tourists. It contains many secrets and mysteries of the past.

with which countries is bordered by Greece

In winter, the air temperature varies from+17 to +22 ° C, and water - from +22 to +26 ° C. In the mountains it is quite cold, and the temperature sometimes reaches a mark of -15 degrees, or even all -20 ° C. In summer, during the hottest period, the air warms up to + 40 ° C.

Now we know that Bulgaria and Turkey, as welllike Albania, are those countries with which Greece borders. All of them do not shine with populations of wildlife, except that only in the mountains one can meet wild predators such as bears, badgers, jackals, foxes and rodents.


Now we see that the countries with which it bordersGreece, no less ineteresny. The climate in them is a bit similar, but there are also differences. All these countries are washed by the seas and have resorts, including skiing.

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