/ / What should be the recall of the practice leader

What should be the recall of the practice leader

Consider the basic requirements that are important to know when writing a review of the practice leader.

Students of colleges, technical schools, universities - thisfuture masters or specialists in a certain field. Theoretical knowledge young people get in the walls of educational institutions during lectures and seminars. Practical skills can be learned only by "touching" the future profession.

tip of the practice leader
So, the necessary measure of any educationalprocess is the passage of industrial practice, the results of which provide an official package of documents that confirms the professional level of the trainee. The main ones are:

  • a diary filled in by the trainee;
  • student trainee characteristics;
  • tip of the practice leader;
  • a review prepared by a supervisor from a university;
  • report prepared by the student.

Going to practice in an institution orproduction, the student must complete a program that includes a number of tasks related to work. Subsequently, preparing a review of the practice leader from the organization, the employee or the representative of the personnel department displays the results of the trainee's activity therein.

The success of the practice depends on:

  • Places of passage.
  • Competence and professionalism of the leader, for which the student was assigned.
  • Collective, which fell into the trainee, and the psychological climate in it.
  • Our own desire to learn how to work and master the profession is not only on a theoretical level.
  • Opportunities to show initiative and creativity.
    tip of the practice leader example

The recall of the practice leader is drawn upa competent person able to assess the contribution, aspirations and professional abilities of the student and display it on paper. The document is certified by the signature of the head, and, if necessary, by the representative of the personnel department and the seal of the organization.

Response of the head of practice: an example.

We suggest using the following template for drafting the document.


the head of practice from LLC "TRK Lavin" on the results of practical activities Shinkarenko Rodion Rashidovich

A student of the 4th year of the Institute of International Studiesrelations Rodion Rashidovich passed industrial practice in LLC "TRK LAVINA". Upon arrival, he was assigned to the advertising and public relations department, where he was the administrator of the shooting process of promotional products. Activity trainee was controlled by the head of the department Pavlova Pelageya Eduardovna.

In the course of the assignment, the student has shown himself to be a creative and enterprising person. He showed the ability to work in a team, to find compromises in the process of performing creative collective tasks.

Together with the employees of the department, the trainee attended field shootings, mastered the basics of directing and camera skills.

It is worth noting the ability to conduct business negotiations and find personal contact with customers and customers.

Evaluating generally the positive activity of the student during the practice, it is necessary to express the wish to the future young specialist to work on self-organization and the ability to plan his working time.

Referring to the results of the practice and the completed program, the student deserves an "excellent" rating.

Head of Practice

Head of advertising and communications department

with the public LLC "TRK LAVINA"

Pavlova PE Signature


tip of the practice leader from the organization

So, the main elements that contains the tip of the practice leader are:

  • Exact personal information about the trainee.
  • Name of the host organization.
  • Data about the head of practice.
  • A brief description of the student's actions during the period of their passage.
  • Pros and cons of cooperation, based on the impressions of a working specialist (leader.)
  • General assessment, signature, date.

Nothing complicated, as you can see.

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