/ / Organizational parent meeting in 9th form

Organizational parent meeting in 9th form

The 9th grade for many is decisive. Some of the children leave school and continue their education in secondary specialized educational institutions. It is very important to hold an organizational meeting correctly at the beginning of the year. It is worth explaining to the moms and dads of the guys, which will have to pay attention.

Fundamental rules

The first parent meeting (grade 9) is conducted according to the following general criteria:

  • the teacher must deal with the education of parents, and not discuss the failures of the students;
  • the theme is chosen according to the age and characteristics of the students;
  • in the course of the meeting, only the theory is not enough; it is also necessary to introduce practical forms in the form of trainings, discussions, and analysis of situations;
  • It is inadmissible to discuss the personality of students and, even more so, to condemn them.

The theme should be chosen correctly for such an event. Parent meeting (9th grade) is the only opportunity for the teacher to work closely with the moms and dads of the students.

What are the topics for parenting meetings in grade 9?

Subjects proposed for the parent meeting(9th grade), should correspond to the interests of the parents. When conducting a thematic meeting, communication is of an educational nature, when knowledge is provided mainly in the educational type.

parental meeting in 9th form
Topics can be suggestedsubject teachers, the administration of the educational institution. Any nuances need to be coordinated with the parents. What should be the mandatory topic? Listed below are the questions that should be raised by the parent meeting (grade 9):

  • about education in the family and the example of parents;
  • on the characteristics of adolescence and sexual development;
  • on the formation of interest in the book;
  • active family rest;
  • methods of family vocational guidance;
  • on the management of educational activities of the child in the family;
  • the role of the family in the formation of diligence;
  • on the formation in the family of aesthetic and patriotic personality traits;
  • the establishment of moral principles of humanity.

What other questions should be covered by the parent meeting (9th grade). GIA (state final attestation) is an element without which it is impossible to do without.

Parent meeting 9th grade hyia
If the topic is chosen correctly and attracted the interest of those present, then the visit will not be a problem in the future.

Information for the parents of the ninth-graders about the delivery of the OGE

At the beginning of the school year,parent meeting, which discusses how the 9th grade will be held by the GIA. It is not the first year that the form of attestation for ninth-graders is called the main state exam - OGE.

State testing mustaffect the parent meeting (grade 9). Examinations are carried out on the basis of normative legal documents, in which the procedure for their holding is established. From the Regulations on the conduct of the GIA, parents learn that attestation in an independent form provides an objective assessment of the student's learning achievements. This evaluation is necessary so that at the end of the 9th grade the child can be trained according to his abilities and knowledge either in high school or in an educational institution, by training a profession.

parent class meeting
Parents are informed, in which points of conducting - PES - examinations will be conducted, who and in what terms announces the results.

They should also know about the procedure of appeal, which is applied in case of disagreement with the results of the assessment of the exam.

Selection of subjects for delivery of the United Civil Service

When a parent meeting is held at 9class, the team gets acquainted with the rules of the GIA. Students should already choose which subjects they will take at the exams. Certification of the academic achievements of the basic school course is conducted in the form of an examination in 4 subjects.

first parent meeting class 9
All without exception, they pass two main exams -on Russian language and algebra. The remaining two exams students choose at will, according to the list of the Federal Service. At the same time, students write a statement before December 1, indicating the chosen subjects, it must be signed by parents. Choosing together with the child the subject for passing the exam, you need to remember about his real abilities, to relate the subject to the further perspectives of the student.

How can parents help their children successfully pass the examinations?

Parents should listen and take into accountthe recommendations of subject teachers, at least according to what topics need to be repeated to their child. Parents need to know how the future examining, sequence of repetition of the educational material should be engaged in the home.

If parents know the schedule of consultations and examinations, it will also benefit their children, at least in terms of compliance with the regime.

parental meeting 9 grade exams
A parent meeting (grade 9) about how exams will be given will help parents identify specific assistance.

Parents can:

  • to create a working atmosphere at home that would be cozy and comfortable;
  • help to make a schedule that determines the working time of the child, which would combine 15-minute breaks with hours of study;
  • control nutrition, which should be full, with a large number of vitamins necessary for brain function;
  • to communicate with the child kindly, without increased tone;
  • give advice or help if the child needs it and asks for something;
  • provide the child walks, fresh air;
  • control how their child spends time;
  • give a good night's sleep and feed a good breakfast before the exam;
  • monitor the availability of teaching materials for the exam;
  • create a good mood and wish your child to pass the exam successfully.

The psychologist advises

GIA is different from the traditional exam,is associated with some difficulties, including psychological ones. Especially at the stage of preparation for exams. School psychologists are involved in solving these difficulties. The main thing that should be paid attention to students and their parents is the formation of the ability not to give up in any situation, the ability to overcome oneself, no matter what happens. Parents know their children's characteristics better than others. If their child is weakened and working capacity is not high, if he has increased anxiety and he is afraid of the future, if there are still any specific behavior, then parents need to get advice from specialists.

parent class 9 organizational class
At the time when a parent meeting is held in grade 9, it is advisable to get acquainted with the advice of a psychologist:

  • the number of points does not indicate an objective measurement of opportunities;
  • help a teenager with his example to cope with anxiety, do not let him "break";
  • help gain self-confidence, praise more often;
  • pay attention to the child's well-being, do not overdo it;
  • pay attention to the observance of the regime of the day and nutrition.

Career Guidance. Parent meeting

9th grade is the time when students are ready to choose a profession according to their interests and inclinations. But children need the help of their parents on this important issue.

final parenting meeting grade 9
Parent meeting in grade 9 should deal with the following issues:

  • the importance of the early definition by ninth-graders of their own interests and their propensities to certain professions;
  • the formation of an understanding that children should choose a profession on their own, without pressure from someone else's side.

It is recommended to hold the meeting in the form ofdiscussion of questions in the form of a round table, with the obligatory participation of the ninth-graders themselves. The theme should be thought out in advance for the event. Parent meeting (9th grade) is a unique opportunity to understand what interests a teenager has, who he wants to become in life.

The teacher can acquaint with the results of the analysisrelations of students to the choice of profession on the basis of the questionnaires. Issues for discussion may vary: from the professional interests of children to the relationship of parents and their influence on the choice of the future profession. At the round table there can be specialists from the employment center, who can both advise and tell about the rating of modern professions.

There is a need to specifically discuss the state ofmodern economic situation and its place, its vital and professional position in the economic and social life. Parent meeting in the 9th grade on this subject is necessary. This will help determine the future of the guys, choose the right direction.

Final meeting

If at the beginning of the school yearthe parents' meeting (9th form) is organizational, then before passing the exams there is a need to hold a final meeting. On it once again passes consultation of parents on carrying out GIA, on rendering assistance to pupils from parents. There is a discussion of the future students, their self-determination after examinations.

It is worth discussing the progress of the children in advance in order to eliminate learning gaps. The selected topics help to hold the final parent meeting (grade 9) with the greatest benefit for graduates.

What determines the success and effectiveness of the parent meeting?

  • from the right timing, it should be convenient not only for the teacher, but, first of all, for the parents;
  • from the correctly chosen problem of discussion;
  • from the correct placement of parents in the classroom, a good option when everyone is sitting in a circle;
  • from how familiar the parents are to each other, you can even use business cards with names;
  • from observance of the generally accepted rules: it is obligatory to remove the outer clothing, not to be silent while discussing and others;
  • from observing the rules of speeches, time must be protected, especially someone else's;
  • from easy and frank communication.

Very many topics can affect the parentcollection (9 class). GIA, academic performance, behavior - all this matters. It is important that information is given to the mothers and dads of students in the correct form.

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