/ / Classroom is ... Themes of class hours

Class hour is ... Topic of the class hours

Today, one of the most important forms of organizationeducational work with students is considered a class hour. It is held once a week, on a certain day and time. During the lesson, the teacher conducts conversations with students, educates them, broadens their horizons, determines the tasks and goals of the classroom.

Basic information

A class hour is a form of communication between a teacher andstudents. To date, it is held in each school. The lesson is included in the training schedule and is conducted, as mentioned above, once a week. Its duration is 40 - 45 minutes.

cool hour is

In general, such a policy is not entirely true. A class hour can take less time, since its main task is to fulfill the tasks set by the teacher. You can conduct classes both in the classroom, and in the assembly hall, library, museum, even on the street.

Main goals and objectives

The class hour at school pursues several goals.

First of all, this is educational, which is to expand the range of knowledge of students in various spheres of life.

Followed by guide. It affects the practical side of life of schoolchildren, their behavior and attitude to life. It is realized with the help of conversation about this or that life situation, supported by examples.

The last goal - orienting. With its help, a certain attitude to the objects of the surrounding reality, spiritual and material values, is formed.

The main educational tasks of the class hour are:

- creation of conditions for the manifestation of the individuality of students;

- enriching their knowledge of the world around them;

- formation of the emotional-sensory sphere;

- formation of a class collective.

Forms of holding

A class hour is an activity that can be conducted not only in the form of a lecture, but also:

- conversations;

- competition;

- quizzes;

- games;

- KVN;

- meetings;

- excursions.

Subject of class hours

Preparation for the lesson

When preparing for a class hour, it is necessarydecide on the topic of the lesson. You can do this in advance by talking with students or questionnaires. When choosing the theme of a class hour, you need to identify the age characteristics of the student, their interests.

Before writing a script for a class hour, you need to sit down and ask yourself a few key questions:

1. How to set up children to participate in the class hour?

2. How and when to conduct preparatory work?

3. In what tasks will children be able to manifest themselves most fully?

4. Which of the students will be able to help in the classroom?

5. How correctly to sum up the lessons?

The answers to these questions should be written down on paper and periodically returned to them as the course notes are written.

After this, it is necessary to start compilingscenario and preparatory work. In some situations, you can use the ready-made development of the classroom hours, taken from specialized magazines for educators, various Internet resources. But it is important to remember that most of them require corrections. So, those or other tasks may seem to children too complicated or not to interest them. It is necessary to replace such tasks with lighter or more interesting ones.

classroom hours in class

In general, the preparation consists of the following:

  1. Defining the topic and tasks.
  2. Determining the place and time of the meeting.
  3. Identify the key points.
  4. Preparation of the plan and scenario.
  5. Selection of material.
  6. Room decoration.
  7. Determination of participants in the class hour.

After the session, it is necessary to perform its analysis.

Structure of the class

When preparing the lesson, it is necessary to take into account that the class hour has its own structure. In general, it is the same as the structure of any lesson:

  1. The introduction, the main task of which is to increase the attention of the students, the designation of the problem.
  2. The main part, the content of which is determined by the tasks of the class hour.
  3. The final part, which stimulates the needs of students in self-education.

Hour of communication

One of the forms in which can be conducteda class hour is an hour of communication. It is defined as a joint creative process between the child and the adult. Children take part in organizing the hour of communication on an equal basis with adults, together with the teacher determine the topic and the circle of interests.

The hour of communication has one important rule - to create a favorable environment in which each of the students can express their opinion without fear.

The main forms of communication are:

- conversation;

- discussion;

- story-role game;

- an oral journal;

- socio-cultural project.

Informational class hour

Class hours in the classroom can also be conducted in the form of protection and implementation of information projects, political briefings.

The main goal of this lesson is to formunderstanding of their own importance, the need to participate in the socio-political life of the country and the world as a whole. During the informative class hour, children learn to understand complex modern problems, to react correctly to what is happening around them.

class hour at school

The main forms of work in these lessons are:

- newspaper reports;

- retelling the event using quotes;

- work with the dictionary;

- work with a political card;

- commenting information;

- the formulation of problematic issues and the search for answers to them;

- viewing and discussion of video materials.


A few words about what could be the theme of the classroom hours. Classes can be devoted to:

  1. Moral and ethical issues.
  2. Questions in the field of science.
  3. Aesthetic problems
  4. Questions of the state and law.
  5. Psychological issues.
  6. The specialties of physiology and hygiene.
  7. Questions of a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Ecological problems.
  9. General school problems.

Within the framework of this or that subject it is possible to spend a whole series of class hours, united by one goal and having similar tasks.

Sample topics

Based on the interests of students and their age, the topic of class hours can be the following:

For students of grade 5:

  1. "How do I see myself in ... years?"
  2. "What am I?"
  3. "Books around us."
  4. "What I can?"

For pupils of the 6th grade:

  1. "My hobbies".
  2. "I'm at school and at home."
  3. "Own opinion, is it important?"
  4. "My strengths and weaknesses."
  5. "Learning to listen and hear."

script hour

In the 7th form, you can spend an educational watch on the following subjects:

  1. "I want and I can."
  2. "Learning to control yourself."
  3. "Attention and attentiveness."
  4. "Tell me who your friend is."

In the 8th class you can spend class hours on the following topics:

  1. "What is genius and talent?"
  2. "Train the memory."
  3. "Responsibility and safety".
  4. "The country of my dreams."

Students of grade 9 will be interested in discussions:

  1. "Man and creativity."
  2. "My rights".
  3. "My future profession".
  4. "Beauty in our life."

For class 10, it is advisable to prepare such class hours:

  1. "I and my environment."
  2. "Adulthood - what is it?"
  3. "Human deficiencies: causes and consequences."
  4. "Learning to control oneself."

In the 11th form, you can spend hours on the topic:

  1. "Will the school remember me?"
  2. "My professional choice."
  3. "My destiny."
  4. "Humor in human life."

class hour prevention

In winter you can spend a cool hour "Prevention of influenza", as well as "Prevention of injuries", "Rules of behavior on ice", "How to behave in the winter", "Holidays without violations" and others.

An interesting move that a teacher can make fordetermine the subject of classes, - announce at the beginning of the year or semester plans for class hours and enable children to independently offer certain topics, supplementing the existing plan, offer to participate in their preparation.

Do not forget to play KVN games, during whichstudents will be able to test their knowledge and skills. The form of the exercise is also occasionally changed. For example, today there was a lecture, then next time it could be an excursion or a conversation.

Tips for conducting

For more effective holding of a class hour it is necessary to follow the following tips:

1. The room in which the lesson is held should be cleaned and ventilated.

2. It is desirable to decorate the room with the help of flowers. You can use both real and artificial.

3. The topic of the class hour should be written on the board. It will also be appropriate to use the aphorism.

4. Do not forget about multimedia projectors and presentations, they will significantly increase students' interest in the material.

working out of class hours

5. For questionnaires, tests, use forms. Do not forget about visual materials - brochures, booklets.

6. Pay special attention to preparing for the lesson, if it's a cool hour in elementary school. Features of development and perception of children are such that educational hours are best spent in the form of games, travel. So you can be much more interested in students, attract their attention.

7. Do not forget about the comfort of the students. Let them sit down as they like. You can also arrange the desks in a circle, move two desks into one, if group work is supposed.

8. Do not be afraid to invite specialists - doctors, psychologists, historians, librarians for class time. Of course, if they understand the topic of your class hour better than you and can tell a lot of useful information.


Class hour is one of the most important formsorganization of the educational process. It is held once a week. During the lesson, the teacher raises the cultural level of the students, shapes their attitudes and values, organizes the team. The form can be any, depending on the topic of the session and the goals set by the teacher.

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