/ / How to name the boy: interesting names on the "D" male

How to name the boy: interesting names on the "D" male

Names theorists and astrologers believe that fateand the character of a person is influenced not only by the stars and planets under which he was born, but also by the name that his parents called him. It forms the makings of the child, and even his emotional-figurative portrait in the eyes of other people. Most names mean anything. But did you ever think that the letters that make up the word also matter? Especially dominant is the capital letter, especially if it precedes the stressed syllable. Also, the value of the letter is amplified when it occurs several times in the name. So, Alexander is under the auspices of the letter "A", and Eugene - "E". But here we will consider the names on the "D" masculine, because this letter is very appealing to the strong sex.

Names for mens

What code carries this letter

An imaginative-emotional portrait of a person, a namewhich begins with the letter "D", involves a remarkable and sharp mind, a desire to take responsibility for their actions, responsiveness and the quality of a good family man. At the same time, such a man may be somewhat vain, inclined to external effects, capricious. If the "D" stands in the stressed syllable (Dmitry), or there are several such letters (David), a person is determined by a great spiritual, and sometimes physical, strength. They are born leaders. If the syllable is unstressed, as in Denis's name, then such a man has success (or aspires to it) from the public. Such people are witty, sociable, but also vain. There is a belief that almost all the names on the "D" male endow their carrier with physical and physical beauty. Also they are determined by the desire for comfort, fashionable, expensive and branded things. You do not believe in the magical meaning of letters, but just want to pick up your newborn son's name on "D", so that beautiful initials turn out? Still, look at the selection below.

Masculine names in letter d

The ancient names on the "D" are male

Contrary to the popular belief that David is Jewishname, they were often called boys in Russia. They were called in honor of the biblical king, who, as a boy, killed from the sling the evil giant Goliath. This fact alone testifies to the courage and spiritual strength of David. But the fact that "D" occurs in his name twice, speaks of some self-love and even selfishness. He is proud, persistent and pragmatic. But also not devoid of poetic veins. No wonder King David is considered the author of biblical psalms, the beauty of which conquered the world. The name Daniel also came from the Hebrew language. But at us it has changed and has got accustomed in the Slavic form of Danil. If David means "beloved", then this name is translated as "God is my judge". Danilu is characterized by calm disposition, thoughtfulness and responsiveness. Ancient names on "D" masculine are rarely found. This is Dementy and Demian, which means "suppressing", Daren ("gifted"), Demid ("conceived by Zeus"), Denasia ("eternal"). And a whole cohort of names, in the first part of which "good" is listed. You can call your son in honor of the hero of the bylina - Dobrynia. This is both original and fashionable.

Men's names in Russian

Common Names

If you do not want a boy from kindergartenbecame a victim of the mockery of his comrades, you can call him somehow simpler. Common male names on "D" (Russian) provide not very wide choice. This is Dmitry (which means "dedicated to the goddess of farming Demetre") and Denis ("cheerful, rejoicing"). Also there are the Old Slavonic names Dragomir and Dobromysl. Dmitriev is distinguished by a capricious nature, but at the same time they are smart and energetic, sympathetic and sociable. Denis is accurate, pragmatic. His cheerful disposition allows him to always be in the spotlight. Dobromysl, as it appears from his name, is thoughtful and wise, and Dragomir is able to find a compromise in conflict situations.

American names for men

American names for men on "D"

Here our choice becomes unusually wide,since, besides the letter "D" (Dorian, Dave, Donald), there is also the letter "J", which in Russian is transcribed as "J". And in this English names are not alone. You can choose a name for the boy on "J" and from the melodic Italian language. For example, Gianni, Jacopo, Giuseppe. However, there are many names on "J" that have analogues in Russian. So, George has a "twin brother" in the form of George (Yuri). In Jacob Jacob was enciphered, and Julian in Julian. But there are also authentic names. For example, Dante - in honor of the great Italian poet named Aligieri, who described hell and heaven.

Eastern motifs

Very beautiful man's names on the letter "D"are found among Arab and Turkic peoples. This is Dawlat, which means "rich", Daven - "lucky". In the Turks, Damir is a name-sign of an insistent person with an iron will. Although Darius was defeated in the battle with Alexander of Macedon, his name remains very popular. After all, it means "the owner of wealth." Terrible Dayan ("punitive") opposes the meek and beautiful name of Jaziro ("walk to the water"). A Jemal in translation from the Tatar - "beautiful." It is worth turning to French names. For example, Desiree means "desired". The German name "Dietrich" is "strong."

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