/ / Learn English easily and simply

Learn English easily and simply

Today, nothing stands still. Tourism is developing, requirements for those who are getting employed are increasing, communication contacts are expanding. And everywhere you need knowledge of English. He becomes more and more indispensable every day. How to effectively and quickly master it, if neither in the school, nor at the university study was not crowned with success.

There are several common mistakes that most people make when they learn foreign languages.

Error 1. Great attention is paid to the study of grammar, the translation of texts and dictionaries. This is an inefficient waste of time, because the knowledge of grammar does not allow communication. Modern technologies make it possible to solve translation problems quickly. Using English-Russian translator, you do not have to spend a lot of time on multivolume dictionaries.

Mistake 2. Lack of motivation and praise. The use of complex manuals and materials for training does not allow rapid progress. Accordingly, there are no tangible results, and the person begins to "scold" himself, thinking that he can not comprehend the language. The motivation is lost. And all by the fact that the study system is not chosen correctly.

Mistake 3. Rare, but long occupations. Having decided to learn the language, you can not interrupt the system. Exercise is better less in time, but often. After all, not hearing and not seeing the language, it is erased from memory and forgotten. And, after a long time, everything will have to start anew.

Knowing the main points that interfere with the improvement in the study of the English language, we must try to avoid them. And to make the study more effective will help to fulfill simple rules.

Basics of language learning

Learn English should start with vocabulary, andno grammar. And if you teach not in separate words, but in whole constructions or sentences, then the basics of grammar will be mastered by themselves. A good help will be translator m-translate.ru. This will help in the translation and memorization of word combinations.

How would not it be difficult and not clear on the firststages of training, but listening is the most effective method of learning the language. What is remembered by ear, reproduced and more accurate, and more literate than what is learned visually.

For this purpose, songs in English,texts for auditions, or even single simple phrases. Do not immediately choose a high level, you can start with the simplest. This will make it possible to significantly reduce the time for understanding, awareness and translation. So, you can move faster.

To teach everything new, only after a repetitionlearned earlier will give an opportunity not only to expand the vocabulary, but also to improve pronunciation and grammar. Every time you start, you need to take a little time, and repeat those words that were learned before.

Everything is not so difficult and scary, if there is a desire and confidence that everything will turn out. Positive attitude and observance of recommendations will soon give the first positive results.

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