/ / Norms and rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren

Norms and rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren

How a schoolboy will behave in society, independs on his upbringing and the skills that his parents put in him. Educated child will be much easier to adapt to a new team, to get acquainted with their peers and teachers. Only an educated person will take a worthy place in society, he will be loved and respected. To tell the rules of behavior in public places for schoolchildren is the task of teachers and parents.

How should the disciple behave?

The behavior of school children in public places shouldbe calm and balanced. Nearby are other people who demand respect for themselves. You can not laugh loudly and talk. Such behavior does not color a person and speaks of his insufficient upbringing. Screaming is prohibited unless there is a valid reason for this.

rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren
A student should know that visiting a museum orThe theater requires special behavior from him. Rules of finding in public places schoolchildren always learn on many subjects. In advance, this topic is discussed with the teacher in the educational institution and at home with the family. It must be remembered that during a performance or a performance you can not rustle with candy wrappers and drink water. All these are assigned special intervals. Otherwise, your behavior can be prevented by a number of people. It must be remembered that the museum can not touch the exhibits.

At the entrance to the premises the student must remove the cap. Undress is also in a specially designated place. It is not proper to enter the hall in outer clothing. Applause is necessary only after the presentation. It is worth taking care of the objects and colors that are in the room. The rules of behavior in public places for schoolchildren should always be observed!

Behavior of schoolchildren in public transport

Every day, children have to travel tobuses and trams to school, mugs. The norms of the student's behavior in public transport have their own requirements. At the entrance to the bus or trolley, older people and parents with young children must be passed ahead. It is necessary to try to pass through the salon, so as not to obstruct the passage to the people gathered on the way out.

safety rules in public places
No matter how tired the student is in the class, he mustgive way to older people and small children. At the entrance to the transport you need to remove the backpack from your shoulders, so as not to injure them sitting next to people. It is not necessary to push at the exit of elbows and legs, you need to politely ask the person to let go. The behavior of younger schoolchildren should not be challenging. On the bus you can not talk loudly and for long on your mobile phone. If this need arose, the conversation should be finished quickly.

Rules of behavior in school

At school, students need to know important rulesbehavior. We need to take care of school furniture and other interior items. It is worth to listen carefully to the teacher at the lessons and not to interfere with his comrades. To their teachers it is necessary to apply only to "You" and in a polite tone. On the changes you can not scream and run. With your classmates you need to talk in a calm tone, without using obscene words.

behavior of school children in public places
Never use brute force whenclarification of relations with other schoolchildren. It is necessary to fulfill all the requirements and obligations of their teachers. Any conversation should take place in a polite tone. Do not forget about the words of gratitude.

The rules of bad taste are considered to befinger on another person. Loud laughter also does not paint a well-bred person. It is necessary to be able to listen to a person and be benevolent. Always try to help in the current unpleasant situation. Life is a boomerang. A person receives an attitude that he deserves.

Rules of conduct in the classroom

At the lesson, you can not use a cell phone,to talk with a friend on the desk. Laughing and hindering other schoolchildren is also ugly. Without good reason to leave the lesson or be late for it is prohibited by the regulations of any educational institution. If there are unforeseen circumstances, then you need to provide a certificate from the doctor or a note from the parents.

culture of behavior of younger schoolchildren
To go to class during the lesson strictlyis prohibited. Also, you can not shout out the answer without the teacher's permission. Be sure to raise your hand. Only an ill-mannered student will interrupt the teacher. It's worth remembering that there are up to thirty children in the class at the same time. They all want to learn and understand the information normally.

Rules of behavior children should study from the first days of stay in the educational institution. The culture of behavior of younger schoolchildren depends more on upbringing.

Rules of behavior of schoolchildren after classes

After the end of the lesson, you need to put it in orderits workplace. The class on duty should wipe the board and prepare a room for the next item. Be sure to visit the toilet, so as not to be distracted by the lesson.

rules of being in public places
In the diary it is worth writing down a homework onpassed subject. The duty officer is obliged to apply to the canteen for meals. The class leader can post additional auxiliary material on the board for the next lesson.

Rules of behavior on the break

Strictly forbidden to quickly run along the corridor orstairs. Push and offend their peers categorically not! On the change it is not worth shouting and laughing out loud. When meeting in the corridor with other teachers or employees of the school you need to say hello. The behavior of school children in public places should be worthy.

In the dining room in the first place should be skippedjunior schoolchildren and teachers. It is necessary strictly during the change to comply with all the rules of conduct for school children in public places. On the change, you need to ventilate the class to give fresh air access. Care should be taken to the things and personal subjects of their classmates.

Unexpected situations

If you have a bad feeling or severe pain, be sure to inform the teacher, who is leading the lesson. If skin redness or severe itching occurs, contact a health center.

With nosebleeds it is necessary to put a handkerchief with cold water and try to sit in a quiet position. When complicating or increasing bleeding, seek medical attention.

If there is a fire or a natural disaster, you can not panic. It is worth following the safety rules in public places, which are told in the lessons of the OBZH.

Rules of behavior of schoolchildren in the assembly hall

Care must be taken to the subjects inconcert hall, observe the rules of etiquette, behave decently and quietly. You can not stop listening to the concert program by others and talking loudly. You can not go up and shout unnecessary cues. It is forbidden to pollute the territory of the assembly hall.

behavior of younger schoolchildren
Before entering the assembly hall, you mustturn off the mobile phone. Sitting in the armchair, it is not worthwhile to occupy two armrests at the same time. It is worth to respect the surrounding people. Before attending a school concert, the class teacher reminded the children about the rules of behavior in public places for schoolchildren. The boys are in the hall to skip girls and adults first.

Culture of behavior of younger schoolchildren in the library

In this place it is necessary to observe the strictestbehavior rules. The library is visited by people of different ages. Everyone requires respect and understanding. At the entrance to the library hall, you need to remove the outer clothing in the dressing room. It is forbidden to talk loudly, especially on a cell phone. We need to carefully and carefully leaf through the pages of books. The rules of conduct for schoolchildren in public places are the same for all ages.

behavioral norms

Each library can have its own rules of conduct. Silence is the basic norm that should be followed.

It is worth remembering that a schoolboy is an adult andan independent person who must be able to behave in public places. Proper behavior helps to have good friends, quickly get to know people. This is very important in adulthood. Rules of conduct in public places for schoolchildren are norms that should be observed unconditionally!

It all begins with a school bench. It is here that you can learn the rules of etiquette. Children who have mastered the rules of behavior in public places, it is much easier to communicate with relatives and friends. The educated person very quickly finds his place in the society. Do not forget about the safety rules in public places.

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