/ / What is etiquette

What is etiquette

In principle, it can be said that etiquette is notthat otherwise, as a set of rules of conduct (most often unwritten rules of behavior), which must be used in interaction with other people. The etiquette should include a respectful and polite attitude to the people around us, rules of conduct in public places, at work, the rules for choosing clothes and so on.

What is etiquette? This is what makes it seem pleasant and educated for most people, this is what helps us not to stand out in a negative way from the crowd.

There are several types of etiquette. Service etiquette (business) is defined rules of conduct at work, as well as those rules that must be observed when interacting with their business partners. Military ethics are understood as rules that are created on the basis of the general morale of servicemen. It is also based on army regulations, traditions and so on.

What is diplomatic etiquette? This is a certain system of rules used by consular and diplomatic persons during any international or other meetings. In civil society, people, interacting with each other, use norms and principles of general civil etiquette.

It is worth noting that this, of course, not all varieties. In addition to the above, there is etiquette for children, corporate etiquette, academic etiquette.

There are several different systems. Let's consider each of them. Verbal sets rules relating to verbal means of communication. Speech that due to this system the form of communication is regulated. Norms determine how to pronounce and sound greetings, farewells, gratitude, wishes, apologies and so on.

There is also a system of facial expressions and gestures. It's no secret that, even without saying anything, a person can very accurately show his attitude to everything that is happening around. Gestures and facial expressions can be different: vulgar or restrained, directed towards all or to a specific person, emphasizing something positive or, conversely, negative. Let's not forget that the same gestures by representatives of different cultures or social strata can be perceived in completely different ways. This means that in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the person with whom you communicate. What is etiquette? This is something that will not allow you to get into an embarrassing situation when interacting with someone.

The spatial system is also important. The point here is that each person has a certain zone of comfort. Some people calmly communicate, being almost close to each other, and some can feel calm and free only if the interlocutor is at a sufficiently large distance. Rules of etiquette apply to distance during communication, and to the possibility of physical contact. What is etiquette? This is what allows us to communicate with people without disturbing their natural state of comfort.

The attributive system is also significant. Here everything is connected with things, clothes, various kinds of accessories and so on. Any person, before putting himself on anything, should think three times about the place he is going to go to. Of course, no self-respecting person will ever come to a business meeting in the office with business partners in a T-shirt and shorts. A man who respects himself and others, always dresses correctly, and his clothes are clean, neat and elegant.

What is etiquette, everyone somehow understand. But how many observe the ethical standards? It is difficult to say, because everything depends on what a person is, and on what kind of activity he currently has.

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