Main geographical discoveries of Herodotus: description and history
Herodotus, who is usually called the father of history,was born in 484 BC in the city of Halicarnassus (however, these data are not verified, and no one can accurately name the date of his birth). It is known for certain that he was born in the interval between the Persian wars. Also, contemporaries know a lot about his travels. A lot of information about the Egyptians, Phoenicians and other peoples left behind Herodotus. Geographical discoveries will be briefly discussed in this article.
The Origin of Herodotus
A boy born in Halicarnassus since childhoodHe watched the ships coming and going to the port from distant countries. Most likely, this gave rise to a passion for unexplored lands, travel and discoveries. In his younger years he had to leave his native land because of the struggle against tyranny, which was nevertheless established here. Having lived a little in Samos, in 464 the traveler Herodotus, whose geographical discovery will make a considerable contribution to science, sets out on her long journey.
Herodotus in Babylon
The ancient majestic capital of Assyria,stretched on the banks of the Euphrates, is Babylon. A great man began his journey with him. The city was surrounded by a moat with water and strong double brick walls. Streets, walking strictly like a ruler, filled the house in three or even four floors. The traveler especially notes the architecture of the times of the Tsars of Netotidis and Semiramis. Dams, irrigation canals, a bridge - all this was erected in Babylon precisely because of wise women. What geographic discoveries of Herodotus are connected with this place?
In general, he respectfully spoke about cultureAncient East, not forgetting its importance for the culture of the ancient world. Herodotus revealed to the world many information about the peoples living in the territory of the modern Tien Shan and Turkmenia (sogdah, sakhah, arelets, etc.).
Geographical discoveries of Herodotus in India
While still in Assyria, the traveler is veryI heard a lot about the unknown country of India. His records about it were of great interest to contemporaries. According to Herodotus, the first information about the unknown corner was received by King Darius, when he sent his subjects to explore the path from the mouth of the Indus to the Red Sea.
There was a huge variety ofand bright birds, large animals and amazing plants. The Greeks of this time did not know rice. Therefore, the question "What geographical discovery did Herodotus in India?" Can be answered like this: he gave the Greeks a new nutrient cereal - rice. Surprised him and the "woolen fruit" - cotton. He wrote about the people of the country that people there speak different languages, there are nomadic and sedentary people, and they are all different: some are engaged in fishing, and some are feeding on one grass.
What geographical discoveries did Herodotus make in Scythia?
Speaking of the discoveries of the traveler in thiscountry, it is worth mentioning that he was the first to give a detailed description of the life, customs and customs of Scythia. Before Herodotus about the Scythians, almost nothing was known. Since the scientist was born in a mountainous and uneven terrain, he was most struck by the fact that Scythia is a large plain rich in black earth fertile soil. The climate of the country surprised Herodotus, it seemed to him that the winter lasted no less than eight months. He stops in detail on the description of the rivers of the territory: Istra, Tire, Borisfen and so on. His work on the tribes of Scythia proved to be important for contemporaries, besides, it is confirmed by excavations carried out in our time. Herodotus truthfully described the customs and customs of some tribes, personally acquainted with them. Particularly interested in its nomadic livestock tribes, as their way of life was unusual for a Greek. The traveler described the military tactics of the Scythians that he liked very vividly. They knew how to retreat before the attacking troops, to lure them into the territory convenient for them and only then to open a profitable battle.
Herodotus in Egypt
Egypt aroused the curiosity of the greattraveler more than all previously visited countries. He embodied for him the perfect combination of geography and history. The geographical discoveries of Herodotus, made by him in Egypt, were of immense significance for Greece of that time. The floods of the Nile struck him, he threw all his strength at the solution of his secrets.
The traveler and historian left the first descriptionEgyptians, their way of life and unusual inventions. He especially noted in his work the connection between an animal and a man, which was not observed in Greece. The secret agreement concluded by the Egyptian with a cat, crocodile, ibis, surprises Herodotus. But still he pays most attention to the study of the sacred waters of the Nile. Very much caught his island Elephantine, where there was a "nilometer". An ordinary well with walls lined with granite, was connected to the river by a special device. On the boards, which were fixed very firmly, there was a water level in the Nile. Returning from the island, the traveler decides to send to Libya.
Criticism of old ideas
Herodotus, traveling on different lands, received a huge experience for that time. He could also criticize the old ideas about the world. These geographical discoveries of Herodotus are also important!
The Greeks believed that the inhabited land has the formcircle. Herodotus refutes this misconception. He also talked about the fact that the land massif should not be divided into three parts, and borders should be drawn along the great rivers. To share Europe, Asia and Libya (which had colossal differences in population and nature of the area), he proposed not to the rivers Fasis, Tanais, Neil, but to the Mediterranean, Pontus and Metaide. Traveling around the world, the scientist refuted the Greeks' idea that the earth is disk-shaped, rises at the edges, and deepens to the middle.
After reading the works on geography and history, writtenthe Greek Herodotus, one can not underestimate his great contribution to science! The traveler is called one of the main pioneers of his time. He collected the available knowledge about the world in one work, gave contemporaries and followers descriptions of many tribes, their way of life, customs. Follower of the great Herodotus was Strabo.