Products and substances that accelerate the metabolism in the body
As a rule, with the years the person startsslow metabolism, and many people gain weight. Our body does not need as many calories as in youth, while the portion size remains the same. Naturally, some of the food is not processed into energy, but adds fatty deposits. Therefore, it is useful to know what products and preparations are available that accelerate the metabolism in the body.
Briefly about metabolism
As already mentioned, the rate of metabolism often depends on the age of the person. But there are other factors that influence the pace of these processes. These include:
- Weight of a person. In lean people exchange processes occur faster than those of "downed" and large. The more fatty deposits, the slower the metabolism.
- Floor. Women are more likely to suffer from this problem. Exchange processes in men occur faster, as they tend to have more muscle mass than the weaker sex.
- Poor health. Internal problems are also reflected in the rate of metabolic processes, especially if a person has gastrointestinal disease or diabetes mellitus.
Despite the possible predisposition, eachcan change something, but for this it is necessary to increase physical activity and eat what speeds up the process of metabolism. Listed below are tips on lifestyle, as well as mentioned products and herbs, which contribute enormously to the acceleration of metabolism.
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Nutrition rules
Before listing the products, substances anddrugs that accelerate the metabolism in the body, it is worth mentioning the diet. Many of those who began to suspect that the metabolism is weakening, begin to adhere to the "hungry" diets. But the result is reversed, because the brain reacts to the lack of food by slowing down metabolic processes. Therefore, it is better to eat up to six to eight times a day, but eat 200-250 grams. It is better if the diet is dominated by fiber. If the body digests something all day (not high-calorie foods), it will not accumulate fat, because hunger is not foreseen. In addition, about 10% of calories are spent on processing food. The last meal should be three or two hours before bedtime.
Exercise stress
The acceleration of metabolism is impossible ifMuscle tissues are not developed at all, because these processes occur in the muscles. For a good metabolism are important: sports, strength training (but do not overdo it) and active life. If there are no funds or time for the halls, go quick steps to work and just half an hour a day, give home fitness. If you gave a rest to the muscles after exercise, the metabolism only remains for some time strengthened. Sport should be regular.
Fluid Balance
No products that accelerate the metabolism inbody, do not benefit if you have a permanent lack of water. After all, only with its presence can there be a good metabolism. Also, water can moderate appetite and purify the body of toxins. From soda will have to give up. In pure water, you can add lemon juice.
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Take time to rest
Sleep need eight hours a day, but not less. With the onset of the phase of deep sleep, the brain cells begin to be updated, which is very favorable for our metabolic processes. Also teach yourself to fall asleep "by the hour," that is, at the same time.
It is possible to positively influence metabolism withusing regular bath or sauna visits. Here the body warms up well, the heart rate increases, the pores open, and the blood supply of the tissues improves. Also, profuse sweating allows you to remove toxins and toxins. But metabolism is enhanced not only when it is hot, but also at low temperatures. The body tends to warm up, and the energy is produced more intensively, so you can not forget about the contrast shower.
During a deep massage, especially after a bath,increases blood circulation in all parts of the body, improves nutrition of tissues. Also, one must not forget that there are many active points on the feet of a person. With regular massage, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also activate the metabolic processes of the body. But this procedure should be carried out by a specialist.
Saline procedures
For carrying out of independent massages it is possibleuse substances that accelerate the metabolism in the body. For example, you can make a solution from a tablespoon of salt and a spoonful of vinegar. Products must be diluted in two liters of water. The resulting liquid should be moistened with a towel or a hard massage glove and rub the body until light redness. With regular procedures, metabolism increases, and cellulite becomes less noticeable.
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Herbal baths
For warm foot baths you can brewherbs that accelerate the metabolism in the body. You need to take an equal amount of oregano, mint, chamomile, burdock, nettle and wormwood. The mixture should be about 600-800 grams. Now we must insist on it in a bucket of warm water. Foot baths also have a good effect on metabolic processes.
Fresh air
It is difficult to maintain an adequate level of exchangeprocesses if you constantly sit indoors. Make every effort to go out every day and if possible walk in the park. Well, if the weather is sunny, because the warm rays supply the body with a vitamin, important for our metabolism.
Green tea and coffee
If there are no contraindications, it's good to drink in the, and if there are restrictions, fall in love with green tea. These two drinks contain caffeine and tannin - substances that accelerate the metabolism in the body, as well as stimulating the nervous, cardiac and digestive systems. Also after a cup of warm drink the body starts to spend more energy, which contributes to additional burning of calories.
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Protein Products
Proteins in any product are food that acceleratesmetabolism, because on the digestion of these elements our body takes a long time, unlike carbohydrates or fats. If the main diet will be low-fat meat, energy consumption will increase, and the intake of "empty" calories will decrease.
But what to do with carbohydrates, because they alsonecessary for the body. It is important to distribute the intake of such food evenly on the day, so as not to create sharp jumps of insulin. Also, foods that are to be digested longer should go into food. For this, it is better to choose ingredients rich in fiber. They will be able to digest longer, and this stability during the day will allow to normalize metabolism by as much as 10%.
Vegetables and fruits
Among plant products, nutritionists identified those that contain substances that accelerate metabolism in the body. They can be listed in a small list:
- Grapefruit and other citrus fruits.
- Almond.
- An Apple.
- Spinach.
- Beans.
- Kiwi.
- Broccoli.
Of course, in order for the organism to receive enough trace elements, it is useful to drink juices, prepared immediately before their intake. It can be carrot with celery or grapefruit.
Salmon and tuna are excellent helpers in improvingmetabolism. They contain microelements and vitamins that accelerate the metabolism in the body, for example, it is Omega-3 and other acids that participate in metabolic processes.
If included in the daily diet of marinealgae, you can activate the metabolism. Often, the problems of the thyroid gland are reflected in the metabolic processes of the body. Iodine, which is contained in this product, will help to fill the deficiency. But do not get too involved, in a day you need to use no more than two spoons. It is important to remember that with the thyroid gland jokes are unforgivable, so it is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist if there are suspicions of the disease.
Many of those condiments that simply lie in theour kitchen cabinets, include substances that accelerate the metabolism in the body. These include: red pepper, ginger, curry, cinnamon and other fragrant additives. They are able to increase the metabolism of a person by 10%. Some brew tea and add a little cinnamon or ginger.
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Another important stimulator of our exchangeprocess is dairy products. Calcium is an element that is directly related to metabolism, and if you take these ingredients every day, they will have an even greater impact than seasonings.
Metabolism is lost from its rhythm, if inthe body lack of vitamins. B vitamins are especially important for this process. If you do not have them, you can buy drugs that accelerate the metabolism in the pharmacy. It can be "Magne B6". Also important components are: chrome, calcium, iodine. These trace elements are involved in metabolic processes, and therefore periodically need to replenish them, drinking a vitamin complex.
Medications and metabolism
Today, the Internet is filled with advertising, in whichColorfully presented various tablets that accelerate the metabolism in the body and promote weight loss. On many pages, there are reviews and photos of girls whose excess weight has melted before their eyes, while they have corrected their health. But in fact, such drugs, which accelerate the metabolism in the body, have not only side effects, but also "pitfalls." For example, among the often offered tablets there is "Turboslim". The main effect of the drug is suppression of hunger. The person taking this medicine, disappears appetite, and so his diet changes dramatically. Such changes necessarily affect health, and there are pains in the stomach, diarrhea and other painful symptoms. After a while, you can actually notice the changes, because the body is exhausted.
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Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that inSuch agents are added with acids and substances aimed at accelerating the metabolism. But in practice, interruptions in nutrition and a sharp reduction in incoming food have the opposite effect. The organism "includes" the economical regime, and the metabolism slows down, so the acids and other useful substances contained in the preparation turn out to be useless.
Herbs in the struggle for rapid metabolism
If you need to usedrugs that accelerate the metabolism, you can resort to herbs. If there is no possibility to prepare medicinal plants independently in a warm period, they can be purchased at a pharmacy. Useful herbs include:
- Dandelion. The roots of this plant cleanse the liver and have a beneficial effect on its functioning.
- The nettle is dioecious. This plant helps to reduce excessive appetite, and is also actively used by people who have increased body weight.
- Mokritsu. This plant in the gardeners is considered a weed, but it allows you to reduce your appetite, and also to normalize the digestive system. A greater effect this plant will have, if you apply it in a "duet" with a mug.
- Ginseng. Helps reduce appetite, has a good effect on the activity of endocrine glands, speeds up metabolism and, therefore, struggles with excess kilograms.
- Spirulina. Since these are seaweed, they affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, and therefore stimulate metabolic processes.
The listed herbs, which accelerate the metabolism inbody, can really prove to be good helpers, but at the same time it is worthwhile to study their effect on the body before use. Each of these plants has its contraindications or side effects. For example, ginseng can cause insomnia, nervousness, headaches and changes in blood pressure. Also, if you are worried about your health, it is better to consult a doctor and consult about the use of these and other medications.
Tips for accelerating metabolism
To speed up their exchange processes,make an effort, because any struggle is not easy. Try to put less salt in the food, because in large quantities it causes swelling, retaining moisture. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, because sugar slows metabolism. With a strong desire to enjoy a caloric "yummy" limit date, dried apricots or raisins.
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The daily diet should include two low-fatmilk dishes. Calcium can be obtained from milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. It is also important to provide yourself with vitamins, which come from fruits, salads, vegetables.
You can never skip breakfast. During the first meal you start the metabolic processes.
Try to keep a good mood, bean optimist and laugh more often. It was proved that sincere laughter strengthens metabolism in the body. If you are constantly confronted with grief and frustration, learn to meditate. At any time you can relax and normalize your mood and mental state.
Spend regularly aromatherapy. The special effect has juniper oil. Smells are capable of affecting the circulatory and nervous systems.
If you are an office worker, and for a long timeyou have to sit at the table, put an alarm clock, to get up several times a day and conduct a short warm-up. So you will "disperse" the blood and knead the muscular system, and this has a beneficial effect on metabolism.
To speed up the exchange processes, it is necessarypatience, because this is a long and time-consuming process. But it is important to remember that, despite age and other factors that slow metabolism, everyone is able to change their health and appearance. It is interesting that even changing their preferences a little, we can significantly speed up the exchange processes.