/ / Colleges of Nizhny Tagil: an overview

Nizhny Tagil's Colleges: an overview

Nizhny Tagil is a city in the Sverdlovsk Region. It is the second largest population in the region. It is the center of the city district of the same name. Currently, more than 355 thousand people live here. The city has 8 institutes, 7 universities, about 20 technical schools and colleges.

College of Economics

Many colleges of Nizhny Tagil train teachers,lawyers, programmers. Also in this city there is an educational institution that specializes in economic direction. It was founded on September 15, 1998. Even then, the faculties of the specialties in demand at that time were opened. Now the list is slightly changed, but the main options, of course, remained.

The college works on university systemseducation. For students here are open libraries, computer class. Students are offered various programs in use, which will help to obtain comprehensive information on the profile. Teachers in this college are specialists in various fields (jurisprudence, finance, economics). Associate professors and candidates of sciences are invited to cooperate.

colleges of the lower Tagil

Pedagogical College

Nizhny Tagil is a city in which there are manyeducational institutions. The pedagogical college entered their list. It trains young professionals who will be able to work in the future as teachers in junior classes, educators in preschool institutions. Moreover, the graduates of this college are fully prepared for cultural and social work.

If the student is a nonresident, then they offer him a room in the hostel. Like many other colleges in Nizhny Tagil, the pedagogical employs its students after receiving a diploma.

Teacher's College Nizhny Tagil

Mining and Metallurgical College

In Russia, the mining and metallurgical college isone of the old. It was founded in 1709. The reorganization was last conducted in 2015. There are about 1500 students here, 60 teachers work. Like other colleges in Nizhny Tagil, the mining and metallurgical industry trains in several specialties. A total of 12. Among the teachers there are professors, honored teachers. They are a real pride of this educational institution.

The college consists of several buildings, whichhave impressive sizes. Audiences and classrooms are equipped with modern technology, which allows you to become every quality specialist. Like other colleges in Nizhny Tagil, this offers a hostel to all nonresident. There are also sports grounds that help maintain an excellent physical shape.

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