/ / Saprophyte is ... Bacteria-saprophytes

Saprophyte is ... Bacteria-saprophytes

With the help of a microscope one can see such a world, othe existence of which a person never thinks about. Countless forms of life, diverse and extraordinary, surround us everywhere. Microorganisms can be found everywhere: in the purest spring water, at the bottom of the deepest ocean, in hot springs, in polar ice. Among them exist as extremely dangerous to humans, and absolutely harmless or even useful. Today we will talk about bacteria-saprophytes.

Separation by method of supply

In the microcosm all organisms are divided into auto- andheterotrophs. The former are able to create their own food for themselves. Others need finished products for life. Heterotrophs, in turn, are divided into parasites, symbionts and saprophytes. Consider briefly each of the species.

saprophyte pictures

Parasite is an organism that lives at the expense of its owner. It dwells inside it or on its surface. Usually harms its owner, causing a variety of diseases.

Bacteria-symbiont - a creature living in symbiosis (commonwealth) withother organisms. Despite the fact that these bacteria live at the expense of their host (rather, even a friend), they not only do him no harm, but, on the contrary, actively help him. These include organisms living in the intestines of animals. Eating food consumed by the host, they produce useful substances and help digestion.

Saprophyte bacterium is an organism that is fed by a dead and decaying organic matter. Most often he injects his enzymes into rotting matter, after which he feeds on this solution.


Saprophyte is a microorganism that processesdead cells of living beings for their sustenance. In the process, complex organic substances are converted into simple and inorganic compounds. Thus, this microscopic creation can bring considerable benefit.

saprophy is

So, microbes living in the body and eatingproducts of vital activity and decay, purify the body of toxins, which affects health and well-being. Lactic acid bacteria, living in the intestines, restrain the growth of putrefactive organisms. Cellulose-decomposing bacteria are able to cleave cellulose by means of their enzymes, so that it becomes readily assimilable to the host.

Caused harm

Saprophyte is an organism, under normal conditions, peacefully and imperceptibly coexisting with another organism (usually a host). It rarely brings tangible benefits, but it does not cause any particular harm.

bacteria saprophytes

However, often under the influence of adverseconditions this cohabitation can get out of control, and bacteria will cause the disease. Do not forget that saprophyte is a living organism that also releases certain products of vital activity. Here they are, as well as the remains of dead cells and can be dangerous to humans, causing various types of allergies.

Here they are, the creatures of the microworld are saprophytes. Photos can be obtained only through the invention of powerful microscopes. Otherwise they would have remained unnoticed.

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