/ / "Be" - part of the speech what? What part of the speech is the word "be"?

"Be" - part of the speech what? What part of the speech is the word "be"?

To which part of the speech does the word "be" refer? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. In this connection, we decided to dedicate this article to this topic.

be a part of speech

General information

"Do not be a workaholic, but do not be lazy." Part of the speech in this case is not so difficult to determine. To do this, just put the word in the initial form and ask the appropriate question: what to do? - be. Hence, this is a verb. And why do many people very often wonder and are interested in what part of the speech is the word "be"? And the fact is that it is not entirely convenient to ask such a question (what do you do?).

The word "be." Part of speech - a verb?

"Be always a kind and sympathetic person." For sure, very few people will be able to disassemble this proposal on the composition from the first time. Often this is due to the fact that most people doubt that this is a verb. So how do you prove the opposite? For this it is only necessary to recall that all the verbs in Russian can be used in the forms of three inclinations.

the word is what part of the speech

Verb inclination

The lexical unit "be" - which part of the speech? Before answering the above question, it should be said that verbs in Russian vary in three different moods, namely:

  • indicative;
  • conditional;
  • imperative.

Let us consider them in more detail.


In such an inclination, all the verbs denote eitheranother action that has taken place, is happening or will occur. In other words, in the indicative mood the mentioned part of the speech changes in time (past, present, future). Let's give an illustrative example:

  • waved, waved, I will wave;
  • I walked, I walk, I will walk;
  • I was, I am, I will be;
  • walking, walking, going for a walk and so on.
    part of the speech of the word be

Conditional mood

In such an inclination, all the verbs of the Russian language denote an action that can occur, but only under certain conditions or circumstances. Let's give an illustrative example:

  • If I bought this book, I would read it all.
  • He would have a greater fortune if she had not sold her share.
  • They could have children if they turned to a specialist on time.

As you can see, the conditional inclination includes only the past tense verbs, and also the particle "would". By the way, the latter is always written separately and can stand anywhere.

It should also be noted that verbs in the conditional mood change only by gender (in the singular) and by numbers. For example: she would; he would; it would be; they would.

Imperative mood

The word "be" - which part of the speech? The answer to this difficult question can be found in this section of the article. The fact is that in the imperative mood absolutely all verbs denote the action to which one or another person induces his interlocutor. Thus, motivation can be represented as:

  • Wishes or requests. For example: "Bring me, please, orange juice."
  • Of the Council. For example: "You'd better consult a more experienced specialist."
  • Order. For example: "Sit down immediately!"

So to which of the three motivations isthe word "be"? Part of the speech of this lexical unit is a verb. He, undoubtedly, stands in an imperative mood and designates an order. For example: "Be always strong and never succumb to fear."

to which part of the speech is the word be

Features of the imperative mood

It should be specially noted that in the imperativeverbs never change from time to time. To make sure of this, try to independently declare the word "be". Part of the speech "was" or "will" - a verb. However, such lexical units refer to the indicative, but not to the imperative mood. Moreover, in the present tense they will have the following form - "is".

It should also be said that in the imperativeThe inclination of such a part of speech can vary both in persons and in numbers. However, it does not have the form of the 1st person units. number. This is due to the fact that you can not ask or order yourself to do something.

The most used and most widespread form of imperative mood is the form of the second person. Here is an illustrative example: "You must be courageous and kind to her."

be what part of the speech

Formation of imperative mood

  • If you want to form the form of the imperative mood of the 2nd person units. number, you should use the suffix -and or the zero suffix to be addedthe basis of the verb in the present or future tense. For example: They will put (a verb in the future tense) - put (verb in the imperative mood); they will lie (the verb in the future tense) - lyag (verb in the imperative mood). The only exception is the word "be".
  • If you need to form the form of the imperative mood of the second person of many. number, then to the singular form one should add a suffix or end -those. For example: put - put, lie - lie down, be - be and so on.
  • If you need to form a formthe imperative mood of the third person is plural or singular, then it is necessary to use such particles as "let", "yes" and "let". It may seem that they are added to the verbs in the future or the present tense, but this is not so. After all, as it was said above, the imperative mood has no time. Let's give an illustrative example: She reads (verb in the present tense) - Let (or let) she reads (verb in the imperative mood); There will be with you a father's love (a verb in the future tense) - Yes (or let) there will be with you father's love (verb in imperative mood) and so on.

As it was said above, the imperative mood does not have the form of the first person of units. number. However, such verbs still change in the first person of many. number. The following forms can be used for this:

  • Verbs in the form of future tense (however, alreadyan educated form is not worth it in the future time!). Let's give an example: We'll go to the concert tomorrow (a verb in the future tense) - Let's go to the concert! (the verb in the imperative mood).
  • Attaching a suffix or ending -those to the verbs in the form of the future tense. For example: He will be at a concert (verb in the future tense) - Be at a concert (verb in the imperative mood).
  • Joining the particle "come on" to the verbs in the future tense form. For example: She will be bold (verb in the future tense) - Come on, be brave (verb in the imperative mood).
    the word be

Let's sum up the results

Now you know what part of the speech the word is"Be". To consolidate the material we have covered, we repeat: this is a verb in the imperative mood, which was formed from an indefinite form - to be. It should be noted that it can be used in the following values:

  • Requests or wishes - "Be so kind, pass, please, salt."
  • Council - "You should be careful with him."
  • Order - "Be patient, and you will soon be all right!"

However, in the presented form, such a lexical unit is used only in the meaning of the order.

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