/ The Origin of Life on Earth: Hypotheses and Doubts

The origin of life on Earth: hypotheses and doubts

The best minds of antiquity and modernity led andcontinue to argue about how in one of the innumerable planets in the universe, the emergence of biological beings has become possible. The fact that this issue - painful, is evidenced by numerous myths and traditions, in a poetic form describing the origin of life on Earth. Of course, many centuries have passed since the days of Ancient Egypt and Babylon, mankind has accumulated a considerable amount of scientific knowledge, but this issue is still open. And the controversy on this matter is still all the same irreconcilable.

The origin of life on earth

Despite many different hypotheses, they can all be combined into three basic concepts of the origin of life: Creationism, evolutionism and the theory of panspermia. Of course, this is a very conditional division withinEach of these concepts has a lot of currents that do not agree with each other. It should also be borne in mind that adherents of a hypothesis may recognize the partial rightness of another concept. The hypotheses about the spontaneous generation of living beings from inanimate nature, as well as the concept of biochemical evolution expressed in the 1920s by the Russian scientist AI Oparin, stand apart.

Hypotheses of the origin of life on earth

Let us briefly consider these theories. Creationism is without doubt the most ancient of them. He considers the origin of life on Earth as the process of God's creation. The sacred texts of the religions of the world say that living beings, however, like the entire material world, were created by God or by gods. In its fundamental flow, creationism does not recognize evolution and natural selection, believing that all beings were created once and in the form in which they now appear. But most of the adherents of the theory of the emergence of life as an act of God's will partially acknowledge the theory of the evolution of species.

At one time Ch. Darwin made a furor among contemporaries, suggesting that the development of man and all modern species of plants and animals underwent a process of natural selection. Organisms were forced to adapt to changing environmental conditions and evolve. Thus, the origin of life on Earth followed the path of development from the simplest organisms to more complex ones. If we continue this theory "in depth", we should assume the existence of one "common ancestor" for all living things.

The basic concepts of the satiation of life on earth

The theory of panspermia considers the originlife on Earth as a result of the introduction of the simplest organisms from the cosmos into the atmosphere of our planet. The hypothesis is based on the properties of some protozoan cells to safely overcome such suicidal conditions for more perfect organisms, as close to absolute zero temperature, complete vacuum and radiation. In this concept there is also a place for the doctrine that living organisms were intentionally left on the planet by aliens, and also that life was born simultaneously with the Big Bang - the beginning of the Universe.

Of course, all the hypotheses of the origin of life onThe Earth has its own "strong" and "weak" places. Completely just been refuted doctrine of samozarozhdayuschihsya beings (for example, before it was assumed that the flies are "born" rotten meat, and lice samozarozhdayutsya dirty hair). The experiments of Louis Pasteur showed the inconsistency of this theory. So far, no results have been shown in the laboratory studies begun by Oparin and continued by the English biochemist Haldane. These scientists argued that the simplest cells could be generated by the evolution of complex carbon compounds.

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