/ / Organizational culture is a system of norms and rules of behavior

Organizational culture is a system of norms and rules of behavior

Organizational culture is relativelythe newly emerged term. This term is understood as a system of common values ​​and opinions shared by all members of the same company. Organizational culture is the basis of the life potential of the corporation. Experience shows that for progressively developing companies, a high level of spiritual achievements is characteristic.

Organizational culture is a system of norms andrules of conduct, common values ​​that each employee of the organization accepts. Considering this notion, one can not fail to note its connection with the total set of social, spiritual and industrial achievements of people.

Behavior, language, speech, main values,the principles of activity and life of the company are reflected in the organizational culture that distinguishes one structure from another. In addition, all these factors together have an impact on the development and existence of the corporation in the future.

Together with this, a dualcharacter, which has an organizational culture. This is manifested, on the one hand, by the influence of dominant values ​​and ideas, goals, outstanding leaders, rules and standards on it. On the other hand, corporate culture itself forms its own value system.

At the heart of the existing set of spiritualachievements in the company lies the philosophy of the corporation developed within the framework of generally accepted provisions and laws. Among the basic acts are, in particular, the Declaration of Human Rights, religious teachings, the Civil Code, the Constitution, the Charter of the enterprise and others. The development of the company's philosophy should be carried out in accordance with the national composition of its members, the number of employees, regional specifics, the cultural level of personnel, the standard of living, the type of production. Neglect of the established provisions within the enterprise leads to the development of conflicts between employees and administration, consumers and suppliers. Eventually, the image of the company decreases, in the structure of the corporation a crisis occurs, which leads, as a rule, to ruin.

The most common types of organizationalculture - the culture of power, roles, tasks and personality - can be considered as a guide in the definition or formation of a particular philosophy in the enterprise. At the same time, wishes and situation are taken into account. The presented typology of organizational culture was deduced by the English professor of management Charles Handy.

As a rule, small businesses are engaged inSecurities, real estate transactions, trade. In such companies, a culture of power flourishes, entirely dependent on the central source. Basically, such structures are taken with the help of friends or friends, the final decision about the device depends on the head of the enterprise.

For bureaucratic organizations is characteristicculture of the role. These enterprises are distinguished by a high degree of formalization due to the strict adherence to the rules by employees. The main source of power here is the position, the strength of a specialist is assessed in conjunction with the relevant situation.

The task culture is inherent in organizations,based on working groups or teams that are formed to solve certain problems. In the structure of such an enterprise, the strength of a specialist and his ability to work in a team are assessed.

In the case when an enterprise is formed with the purpose ofpromoting the embodiment of the interests of several (or one) personalities in its structure, there is a culture of personality. The specificity of such corporations lies in the fact that the goals of one or several employees are prioritized for common goals. By and large, organizations with a culture of the individual owe their existence to this person. That is why her interests are subordinated to everything.

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