/ / Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade: history and description. The mysterious personality of the great scientist

Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade: history and description. The mysterious personality of the great scientist

The Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade will tell about oneof the most outstanding scientists and inventors of Europe. The unique institution will tell about the great and mysterious physics, which, according to many, with its own hands "constructed" the entire twentieth century.

Nikola Tesla is a brilliant scientist and a little magician

Unconventional and, of course, a talented personSerbian physicist is enveloped in a lot of secrets, mysteries and fictions, which are still inextricably linked with the name of Tesla. Researchers of his biography and historians of world science boldly assert that this man was much ahead of his time and, in fact, "invented" the twentieth century. In other words, Nikola Tesla set the direction for the development of the whole world science and technology.

Museum of Nikola Tesla

He was born in 1856 on the territory of modernCroatia, but spent most of his life "overseas" in the US. By the greatness of his mind and the size of his contribution to world science, he is often compared to Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci. Legends about the personality of the Balkan scientist gathered a myriad. It is rumored that Nikola Tesla possessed the gift of providence and could predict his fate and the fate of his friends. Also there is a fantastic version that the experiments of the scientist provoked the fall of the Tunguska meteorite!

About all these interesting facts (both real,so fictitious) will tell to its visitors the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Every year it is visited by thousands of tourists from different parts of Serbia and other countries.

Nikola Tesla Museum, Belgrade: history and value

By and large this is the only place on theEarth, where you can see the true things and documents of the great physicist. The Nikola Tesla Museum was established in December 1952 according to the decision of the government of the now non-existent Republic of Yugoslavia.

The institution is located in the old two-storeymansion in the center of Belgrade. Beautiful urban villa in the style of classicism was designed in 1927 by the Serbian architect Dražić Brasován. In 1949, all personal belongings and documents of the scientist were transferred from abroad to Belgrade (this was the will of Tesla himself). They became the basis of the future museum.

Museum of Nikola Tesla Belgrade

The director of the institution is VladimirYelenkovic. It is worth noting that the modern museum of Nikola Tesla not only acquaints visitors with the life and work of the scientist. The organization also actively promotes science and supports all kinds of research in the field of studying its history.

Nikola Tesla Museum: photo and description

160 thousand original documents, about 5 thousandbooks, magazines, drawings and schemes, as well as over 1200 inventions. All this carefully preserves in its collections the Belgrade Museum of Nikola Tesla. Address of interest: Krunska street, 51. The doors of the museum are open for visitors from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00 (on weekends - until 15:00).

The exposition of the museum is located on two floorsof the mansion. On the first visitor gets acquainted with the devices and devices invented by the scientist, and on the second one you can study documents, books and personal letters of an outstanding physicist. The second floor will be more interesting for those tourists who wish to better discover the personality of Tesla.

Museum of Nikola Tesla Photo

Of course, you can just wander around the museum, studyingits exhibits. But it is best to join the tour, which takes place here every hour. In the museum there are also English speaking guides. How is the standard tour? At the very beginning, visitors are shown a short video about the life and work of a physicist. Then the guide takes guests through the halls of the museum. And this walk is combined with carrying out some scientific and technical experiments. So, in the Nikola Tesla museum you can literally catch a lightning or hold a real "sword of the Jedi" in your hands.

Discoveries of the Balkan genius

It is incredibly difficult to imagine a modernscience without the inventions of Nikola Tesla. First of all, it is known for creating devices and systems working on alternating current. His name is the unit of measurement of magnetic induction. Nikola Tesla, as many researchers of the history of science say, committed the second stage of the industrial revolution of the twentieth century.

museum of Nikola Tesla address

Some scientific researches of the BalkanThe inventor was bordered on with frank madness. So, he invented a "ray of death" - a weapon that was capable of destroying enemy objects (planes, cars, etc.) in a directed beam of energy. True, none of the country's military departments was interested in this discovery. Tesla also developed an "earthquake generator". However, later, realizing the full danger of his invention, he broke the apparatus with a hammer.

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