/ / National study of the quality of education: problems and features

National study of the quality of education: problems and features

National study of the quality of educationis aimed at analyzing the teaching in Russian schools of various academic disciplines. Program documents were adopted that define the directions and tasks of the national education, for which periodic monitoring is carried out.

national study of the quality of education

The relevance of research

National study of the quality of educationis carried out in those regions that are defined as experimental territories. The results of such monitoring enable the representatives of the education system to consider the main problems, as well as to identify the subject areas in which students demonstrate low levels of training.


It is because of the lack of integrity andthe balance of mechanisms for assessing the quality of education, as well as the lack of a functioning mechanism for recording individual achievements of schoolchildren, there is no possibility of realizing a single educational space. The national study of the quality of education is aimed at finding the best tools for improving the quality of Russian education. Only when building a balanced unified system of procedures for assessing the quality of general education can we expect to identify the state of individual components.

niko national studies of the quality of education

For example, a national quality studyeducation contributes to the analysis of the level of training in certain regions and regions, allows for a comparative analysis, to identify lagging and prosperous regions.

Significance of research

Materials of national quality studieseducation is systematized, analyzed, used to generalize information not only about the state of education in the regions, but also to draw up a general picture.

Among the goals that pursue such programs, we will distinguish:

  • formation of a unified educational environment in the country;
  • assistance in the implementation of the RF program documents on the evaluation of domestic training;
  • modernization of mechanisms for obtaining meaningful and truthful information about the state of different parts and subspecies of the educational system;
  • Assessment of the implementation of new federal state standards in Russian schools.

national quality study of primary education

National quality survey of primaryeducation promotes the development of analytical, information, methodological basis for making specific decisions on the further development of domestic education. For what purposes is NIKO still organized? National research on the quality of education helps in the processes of standardization of evaluation technologies. After receiving information on specific academic subjects in the Russian educational system, unified requirements for marking are adopted.

Periodicity of studies

How often are NIKOs held? National studies of the quality of education assume a periodic study of specific academic disciplines at certain levels of general education. Such monitoring is organized at least twice a year. Each study is a separate project, implemented in a single program.

Approaches to the implementation of educational projects within the framework of NIKO

Any project that is being implemented in the course of NIKO,has its own subject of research, tasks, goals, which correspond to the current trends in the development of the general system of Russian education. NIKO is considered a separate, independent research conducted in the field of assessing the quality of domestic education. Diagnostic work that is offered to students in the national study is aimed at identifying the level of training of pupils of educational institutions in different subject areas.

materials of national studies on the quality of education

Note that in the framework of such a diagnosis is notprovided for the analysis of the economic status of the family. To perform diagnostic work in each region, the participating schools are selected. Organizers are involved in the process, in the role of which independent people act. For example, representatives of the school administration, employees of state bodies, as well as teachers, who are not teachers of the subject matter under examination, may act as experts.


In each independent study, thesome one specific unit. For example, when thinking about control work in biology, the main task of the study is to analyze the practical skills of students. After the information is processed, it is submitted to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, a decision is made about the appropriateness of making changes in the content of the academic discipline. Systematic national research is an excellent way to identify the problems that exist in domestic education.

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