/ Presidential granddaughter. Ksenia Gorbacheva. Biography and personal life

President's granddaughter. Ksenia Gorbacheva. Biography and personal life

The only daughter of the famous politician Mikhail Gorbachev, Irina Virganskaya, was born in 1980 with a daughter. The girl was called Ksenia.

Children's years of the presidential granddaughter

The baby was loved by the whole family, but not spoiled. She was brought up in austerity, from childhood she was told about the rules of etiquette. Xenia's mom developed her daughter in every possible way, tried to give her a good education, knowing that all of this in the future will come in handy.

Her grandmother also contributed to her education -Raisa Maksimovna. She spent much time talking with Ksenia, explaining how and why to act in specific situations. Grandma never imposed her opinion and views, but only directed the girl to choose the right decision.

Every year Ksyusha and her family rested in the Crimea, and these trips were always awaited by the girl with impatience. She adored the sea and the Yalta coast.

He recalls his childhood with the special warmth of XeniaGorbachev. Her biography is bright and interesting. Many pleasant moments remained in my memory: as every evening she read stories before bed, as the whole family gathered around a large table and discussed the pressing problems, as grandmother and eternally busy grandfather walked with her favorite - she remembers everything to the smallest detail. Especially vivid memories are connected with the way my mother brought Ksyusha, a first-grader to the lineup for school, and 10 years later she met a graduate with a certificate in her hands. She also did not forget about the first love.

Ksenia Gorbacheva

Ksenia Gorbacheva studied at the ballet schoolThe Bolshoi Theater. For 10 years of studying, she performed several times on stage, but she could not become an outstanding ballerina. The cause was frequent illness and injury to the joints, knees. Adult Xenia, remembering her ballet lessons, regrets that she had no childhood with games and fellowship with her peers. The girl's day was painted every minute. Daily activities and training have been time consuming.

Debutante of the Paris Ball

In France, a charitableBall, which is attended by 23 girls from around the world. Debutants are chosen in the most careful way. Take into account both the nobility of origin, and the amount on the parent bank accounts. Participation in such an event for young debutantes can be the beginning of their career in the modeling business.

In 2001 she became one of the debutantes of XeniaGorbachev. Photos on which the granddaughter of Mikhail Sergeyevich is dressed in a chic evening dress from Dior, after decorating the pages of European magazines. Noticing the beauty in a gorgeous dress, the fashion designer Laura Biagiotti invited her to take part in Milan at the Fashion Week. She invited the girl, walking along the catwalk, to demonstrate her new collection. Gorbachev never dreamed of becoming a model, but she agreed with pleasure.

Ksenia Gorbacheva photo

Student of MGIMO. Acquaintance with the future spouse

Ksenia Gorbacheva wanted to study abroad. But grandfather Michael did not allow his granddaughter to leave the country. She entered MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism. At the institute I learned Spanish and successfully passed the state exam. In 2003 she received the diploma of a specialist, the granddaughter of Gorbachev.

Kseniya Gorbacheva biography

Ksenia Gorbacheva at the institute got acquainted withKirill Solod, who also studied at the Faculty of Journalism, but 2 years younger. The couple started dating. Gorbachev liked his granddaughter's choice. Yes, and Xenia and his mother made a pleasant impression on Cyril's parents. In the girl they fell in love modesty, nezalovannost, intelligence and the ability to behave with dignity in society.

Silent wedding and fast divorce

In the spring of 2003, the granddaughter's wedding took placeGorbachev and the son of businessman Malt. About 140 people were invited to the celebration. There were politicians, businessmen from different countries. The holiday was quiet and calm, which surprised journalists. Each participant was assigned a role. The bride was taken to his fiance by his grandfather - Mikhail Sergeyevich.

Ksenia Gorbacheva private life

After the wedding took the name of her husband and with allby her things she moved to the apartment given by his parents Ksenia Gorbacheva. Personal life with Cyril did not work out, their marriage lasted only a couple of years. After the divorce, she again became Gorbachev.

Favorite work of Ksenia Gorbacheva

Ksenia, going to MGIMO, dreamed of a careerjournalist. She liked this profession. One day, resting with a company of friends, Victor Drobysh introduced her to Iosif Prigozhin. The girl was offered a job related to the artists. For her, everything was new and unknown, but she agreed to try herself in this direction.

Soon, gaining experience, she began to work in theproducer company of the National Music Corporation V. Drobysh. In parallel, she was one of the freelance correspondents of the printed edition of Gracia.

Wedding with Dmitry Pyrchenkov

Ksyusha met with her second husband onwork. Dima Pirchenkov in the past was the director for the concerts of A. Russo. In 2009 their wedding was held. Compared with the first marriage, this time Ksyusha was more modest, less guests. Media was not notified about the mural. The couple did not want to be under the sights of the paparazzi. Marked a grand event in one of the restaurants on Rublyovka.

Granddaughter Gorbachev Ksenia Gorbacheva

Daughter of Alexander

Dmitry and Ksenia raise their daughter Alexander. The woman in Germany gave birth. In Berlin she chose not a clinic, but a doctor who helped to be born to her child. In one interview, Ksenia Gorbacheva admitted that she did not want to and was not going to give birth in Russia.

When the young mother heard the first cry of her baby, and then felt the touch of her little calf on her chest, she burst into tears.

After the birth of her daughter Ksenia Gorbachev with her familylived in Germany. Sasha went to school in Berlin. About the fact that her famous Russian figures are in the family, the girl is told, showing photos. In Russia, the family comes only for the New Year holidays.

Details on how the elder granddaughter livesGorbachev, carefully hidden. She rarely appears on social events, spends time with her family, devotes herself to her favorite work. Her personal life has always interested journalists. But Ksenia Gorbachev, like her younger sister Nastya, does not allow the public to learn more than necessary.

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