/ What does lol mean. Youth and computer slang

What does lol mean. Youth and computer slang

Parents all have a harder time understanding their children because ofappeared special computer slang, although they once spoke for themselves in an incomprehensible adult language of hippies and informals. Now many dictionaries are being created that introduce us to new phrases and expressions, greatly facilitating many lives, and, we hope, expanding our horizons.

What does lol mean?
The combination of the letters "lol" is often heard in young people's conversational speech and occurs in Internet chats. Let's talk about what lol means today. Where did this word come from?

The meaning of lol

This combination of letters is an abbreviationthe whole phrase in English and means "a lot of laughter" (lot of / out laugh). Thus, Internet users show their emotions by correspondence, instead of emoticons and other signs, which you can also draw a smile or laugh :-), :-D, ;-)), and so on.

Naturally, Russian-speaking usersThe Internet does not always write "lol", but uses its domestic letters and it looks something like this: LOL (very funny), lol (funny) and such a mutation as "ololo", which means lol, but already as a mockery, irony and sarcasm.

All this is nothing more than Internet jargon,a special language that is not always understandable to an adult, especially if the entire computer vocabulary is used, created by the founders of the Upyazka.ru website and ordinary citizens of our vast country. All masterpieces of Russian Internet jargon you can peep in the original dictionary of the Utopia "Onotolitsa".

Lol value
Another thing about what lol means

Knowing the tongue tingling of English,It is not surprising when this word reveals a few more meanings, which, perhaps, will be useful to you one day. According to the slang dictionaries, lol meaning is varied, but not far from the original, that is, ridicule.

  • A simple person, worthless, incompetent, unskillful, stupid, which means lol in some circles of our society.
  • Laughter over someone or a soundless laughter.
  • Misunderstanding of anything, stupid as wellmeans lol, which is very similar to the word "Loch", but not so offensive, especially when you do not know what the meaning of this value is, because they also say "lol" about the foolish, cheerful person, the soul of the company.
  • And, of course, do not forget about the expression of emotions through the word lol, which means laughter, fervent laughter to the abdominal rezi.

After a long search for the meaning of the word "lol," you cancome to this conclusion: finally there was a word that itself has so many meanings that it is unclear whether to take offense at it or not. In my opinion, all the traditions of the Russian language are observed: the word has several meanings, sometimes quite the opposite. Let's say how green parsley and green dollar. Now you can openly say that the person acted stupidly, but without offending him at the same time and not calling obtuse, but only pronouncing "lol".

The meaning of lol
One could fantasize about the topic thatsuch words are capable of bringing peace to the whole world, but good and justice are contained not so much in words as in heart acts. So let your lives have more laughter, and if you want to express your emotions thanks to computer slang, then I will laugh together with swami: ololo, comrades, and lol!

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