/ Monuments of Russia. Great monuments of Russia. What are the monuments in Russia

Monuments of Russia. Great monuments of Russia. What are the monuments in Russia

A huge Russia is famous not only for its enviable dimensions and beautiful nature, but also for a large number of historical monuments that mark all pages of the history of the state.

The most interesting and famous

Monuments of Russia attract tourists to Moscow andSt. Petersburg, forcing passers-by to toss their heads and admire the mighty pedestals and magnificent palaces. In order to see all the monuments, you will have to spend a decent amount of time for the tour across the country, because significant cultural monuments are installed not only in large cities, but also in tiny "home" towns. The most famous pedestals, of course, are located in the cultural centers of Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, so tourists often direct their stops exactly there. This article will list the most famous monuments of Russia, so that those who wish can choose the most interesting monuments and draw up their own tourist route in accordance with their location.

The Great Kremlin: The Tsar Bell

Here tourists can find as many as two significant monuments: the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon.

monuments of russia
These monuments are not only amazingdimensions, but also an entertaining history of creation. The Tsar Bell was born with the light hand of Empress Anna Ioannovna. Perhaps, in the Tsar Bell, the Empress wished to fit all her ambitions, since when declaring the desired size of the monument, foreign masters seriously thought that the Empress was fond of joking. The desire of the Empress was taken seriously only by the family of Motorines. They suffered a setback with the creation of the bell, since the project approval alone took three whole years. The first casting culminated in a complete collapse, which the elder Motorin could not stand. His son still brought the matter to an end, and now the Tsar-Bell proudly towers over the cobbles of Red Square. However, despite a huge amount of effort, Moscow never heard the voice of the bell.

The Great Kremlin: The Tsar Cannon

Such monuments of Russia as Tsar Cannon, located on Ivanovskaya Square, attract tourists to the Kremlin area in any season of the year.

cultural monuments of russia
The Tsar Cannon was installed in honor of the Russianartillery. Its mass is very impressive - almost 40 tons. Initially it was created to protect the Kremlin, but then it was decided that its military power allows it to ferociously destroy the walls, rather than bravely defend them from the enemy. Like many military cultural monuments of Russia, the mighty Tsar Cannon never took part in hostilities, but still arouses awe of tourists and locals. On this occasion, a beautiful legend was invented, in which it was told that one shot the Tsar Cannon did after all, but not during combat operations. It is said that the Tsar Cannon shot Fritz Dmitrii's ashes, but there is no declared evidence for this assumption. In a sense, this monument turned into a common name even, since even the inhabitants of the most distant remote place heard of it.

The Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God

Some of the cultural monuments of Russia can boast of a collection of legends, composed in their honor. For example, a lot of stories people have written about the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

what monuments there are in Russia
All these legends were passed from mouth to mouth,therefore, they were constantly embellished, and now it is impossible to understand what is the truth from this, and what is an embellished fiction. Previously, on the site of the Temple towered the Church of the Trinity of the Life-giving. Over time, other small churches were built around it in honor of the victories of the Russian people. As a result, when the small temples accumulated about ten, Metropolitan Makarii suggested Ivan the Terrible to erect a large temple in their place. The sanctuary several times was subjected to brutal attempts to destroy, but all of them were in vain. Services were banned there, in order to resolve them again after a while. The Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God is located in Moscow and it is obligatory to visit those who want to know what monuments there are in Russia and what it really would be worth looking at.

Peter and Paul Fortress and pages of Peter's history

St. Petersburg is famous for its culture, about it in the network even go numerous anecdotes.

monuments of architecture of russia
Visitors expect from Petrograd elegance,courtesy and extreme friendliness and are very indignant when their expectations are not justified. In St. Petersburg there are many beautiful monuments of Russian culture. One of the most striking is the Peter and Paul Fortress. Tourists, who dream of seeing the best monuments of Russia's architecture, should visit it. It is located in the heart of the city and is one of the main symbols of the history of the Russian land. Since the Peter and Paul Fortress construction of the city began in 1703, therefore its walls were witnesses of all historical events that took place on the territory of the city of Peter. In the center of the fortress you can see the beautiful Peter and Paul Cathedral, which harbors the secrets of the history of the House of Romanovs. Near the cathedral is located Komendantskoe cemetery, where many commandants of the Peter and Paul Fortress are buried.

"Millennium of Russia"

Monuments and sculptures of Russia are striking not only for their diversity and historical background, but also for the exceptional beauty of their performance.

monuments and sculptures of Russia
The monument "Millennium of Russia", located inVeliky Novgorod, was erected here in honor of the millennium's fulfillment of the vocation of the Varangians to the territory of Russia. The monument was erected in 1862, roughly in September. It is not a sin to say that this monument is the whole history of Russia together with its many glorious generals, statesmen and representatives of the world of culture. Many patriotic Russians believe that the monument to the Millennium of Russia reflects the spirit of their great country. The monument itself is made in the form of a ball-power, which is installed on a special pedestal in the form of a bell or bell. Each part of this thematic monument symbolizes separate periods of the history of Russia, and the whole monument radiates pride for the country and symbolizes its greatness.

Farmstead Polivanovo: the estate of famous families

The truly great monuments of Russia have already appeared in the territory of this state for a very long time.

Great monuments of Russia
For example, the Polivanovo estate stands on the Russianland since 1779. In the vicinity of the estate there is the Church of the Annunciation, which was the witness of the entire process of building the estate. The church was built in two years, and the estate was started to be erected after the completion of its construction. The estate is located in the village of the same name, which got its name due to the glorious noble family of Polivanovs. For all time of the existence the manor many times changed owners. In its walls lived Dohturovs, Saltykovs, Apraksins, Razumovsky, Davydovs and Gudovichi. Due to the fact that such famous families lived within the estate, the flow of tourists here does not run out, gaining special intensity in the warm season. The Polivanovo estate is not only beautiful in itself, but also located in an extremely picturesque area on the shore of Pahra.

Monument to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in Moscow

In addition to the monuments that glorify the great powerRussia, there are many cultural monuments celebrating the masterpieces of the world cultural heritage. The monument to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson appeared in the capital of Russia quite recently, in 2007.

monuments of Peter 1 in Russia
It so happened that it was installed exactlywhen the first book of Arthur Conan Doyle about the adventures of the famous detective celebrated his 120th anniversary. Not far from the monument is the building of the British Embassy, ​​so tourists can feel the cultural authenticity of the monument if desired. Despite this, the attentive view of the tourist does not escape the fact that in the features of the faces depicted on the monument of the characters Vasily Livanov and Vitaliy Solomin are guessed. It is said that all problems will disappear overnight if you sit between two characters and put your hand on Dr. Watson's notebook. Even in spite of the fact that this belief has not been justified, it is worthwhile to try so simply to solve its problems.

Great monuments of the great ruler

In honor of the Russian ruler Peter I, monuments were erected not only in Russia, but also in many European cities.

monuments to Peter 1 in Russia [1]
The most famous monuments to Peter the Great in Russiaare located in St. Petersburg. Most tourists visit the monument with the bright name "Bronze Horseman", which is familiar even to those who have never been to the city on the Neva. It rises above the Senate Square since 1782. Of course, a lot of legends are connected with the Bronze Horseman, in particular, about the Petersburg "mystical text". Because of its duality and apparent surrealism, the imagination of the Russian people created the most incredible stories. The monument received its name thanks to the great writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in accordance with his eponymous work. You can read a lot about the monuments of Russia for a long time, but it is best to look at them with your own eyes. Words on paper can not convey all the power and greatness that they radiate.

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