/ / Milk thistle - unpretentious healer

Milk thistle - unpretentious healer

Milk thistle is a one- or two-year-old plant from the family of Compositae. Her native land is the Mediterranean coast.

Milk thistle
The people are more common name -sharply-motley. It is mottled because on the green background of the leaves the spots of irregular shape of white are clearly visible. Sharp - for small yellow spines, located at the edges of the leaves, as well as for thorns on the leaves around the flower basket. There are also other names - milk thistle, St. Mary's thistle, holy thistle, mottled thistle, Maryin Tartar, etc.

In the first year, milk thistle developsradical leaves in large quantities, and in the second year a weakly branched powerful stem is formed. The plant grows to a height of more than 1.5 m. The leaves are beautiful, large, oval, with notched edges. Blooms in July and adorns the infield to late autumn.

Milk Thistle Spotted Contraindications
Flowers tubular, purple or crimson-lilac color, collected in six-centimeter baskets. Seeds are formed a lot. Fruits (achenes) are black and yellow, with a crest of hairs.

Milk thistle - an undemanding plant,cold and drought-resistant. When growing problems usually does not arise. Seeds can be sown under the winter, and it is possible in early spring. To get a powerful plant, flowering and fructifying this year, it is better to grow seedlings.

To accelerate the germination of seeds, they needsoak for several hours in water or in a solution of the stimulant, and then sow, deepening by 2-2.5 cm. Milk thistle prefers fertile light soils, although it can grow on any. The soil should preferably be fertilized with compost or humus, ashes and mineral fertilizers. The minimum distance between plants is 30 cm, in a row - 50 cm. Seedlings will appear in 8-10 days.

Milk thistle grows rapidly,reaching to the middle of summer of maximum sizes. The first flowers open on the central stem. Flower stalks with attractive baskets can be dried, they will look good in compositions or winter bouquets.

Milk thistle
Seeds begin to ripen in late August, harvestingthey can be practiced until October. When the wrapping leaves of the basket dry, it is cut with a small part of the stem. Dry, and then thresh the seeds. Store in paper or tissue bags in ventilated rooms. Germination lasts up to 3 years.

Surprisingly, this plant practically does not suffer from anything and is not affected by pests.

Milk thistle - a medicinal plant,used in many diseases. In the composition there are about 200 valuable substances, including silymarin. It has long been used in liver diseases: cirrhosis, damage from alcohol, toxins, radiation, drugs. It also helps with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, inflammation of the bile ducts, blood diseases, thyroid gland, varicose veins, edema, obesity, hemorrhoids, radiculitis, allergies, etc.

It is useful to healthy people, use its decoctions to purify the body of toxins and for the prevention of various diseases.

Here she is - a wonderful milk thistlespotty. Contraindications are not revealed, but we must not forget that the plant contains vitamin K in large quantities, and it contributes to high blood coagulability.

Plant in your garden this unique plant. Plus the weight: looks interesting, unpretentious, excellent drug, but if planted along the fence, then another, and protection from unwanted visitors.

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