/ / Matilda Brain: biography and photos

Matilda Brain: biography and photos

Today it is known not only as the king's wifescandal and shocking Sergei Shnurov. Matilda Brain already has time to prove herself as a successful business woman, a beautiful and stylish woman who does not deny herself the pleasure of buying exclusive designer clothes in fashion boutiques. The girl does not hide that she always dreamed about the life of a secular lioness, and in order to acquire this status, she needed to marry a rich and famous person.

And Matilda Brain, whose photo todayare the decoration of rating glossy magazines, has done so. Nobody can condemn her for the fact that before her acquaintance with the leader of the popular rock band "Leningrad" her life "was a key": she tried to make acquaintances with media people, so that she could be recognized on the street. Previously she was a simple journalist in Voronezh (although she did not succeed in this professional field), but then everything changed ...

Matilda Brainwave

Biographical information

Yes, Matilda Brain was born in the Black Earth capital. But over time, her creative ambitions became tight in this region.

Initially, in her document certifyingpersonality, it was written that she was Elena Brain. The girl decided to take the pseudonym Matilda, as soon as she determined for herself that she would start a new life. Even officially formalizing relations with the soloist of Leningrad, she was not against becoming Shnurova. However, as Mathilda Brain herself states: "Date of birth, name, surname, name and other nuances, which are fixed in the passport, are far from paramount for me. The main thing is the actions and personal qualities of a person, as well as what he could achieve over the years of his life. " At the same time Sergey Shnurov's wife does not like to talk about how old she is. But it is known that the age difference between her and the soloist of Leningrad is 13 years.

Sharks of the pen in their publications repeatedly wrote that the childhood of Helen can not be called iridescent. The thing is that her parents were religious fanatics.

Matilda Brain Photo

Mother forced the girl to learn mantras andto light incense. However, she failed to impart to her "spiritual" values. In adolescence, our heroine did a tattoo on her stomach, and this act caused resentment from the parent.

"I grew up early"

Matilda Brain very early began to try onAdult life. She regularly went to restaurants and nightclubs. In one of such "cereal" institutions she got acquainted with the musician of the group "7B" Ivan Demyan. He advised the girl to go to the capital to realize her dreams. Subsequently, Ivan himself went to Moscow. Began to mature for this step and Elena, especially since her rampant and carefree lifestyle finally upset the relationship with her mother.

In Moscow it did not work out ...

Matilda Brain decides to follow suitDemian and sent to him. However, the musician, who was a family man, hurried to disown the young man and introduced her to his friend, professional photographer Dmitry Mikheev.

Matilda Brain biography

The girl constantly asked for her newboyfriend, so he introduced her to the famous people in the show-Biza people. But Dmitri did not like that he was being "used". After a long novel that lasted for three years, the paparazzi matured for a break in relations with the Brain. Matilda decided to seek support from other people. She started a romance with the actor Yevgeny Tsygankov, then the main editor of the famous men's magazine became the object of her attention. However, no one intended to realize the dreams of a journalist from Voronezh, and together with her friend she left "to seek happiness" in South America. However, even abroad, the life of the Brain did not work out, and she travels back to her homeland.

northern capital

Arriving in Russia, after a while a girldecides to realize himself in St. Petersburg. But here nobody knew her, and so that she did not get bored, she decided to occupy herself with something worthwhile, so that there would be a minimum of free time. Matilda Brain, whose biography is a whole kaleidoscope of bright events, decided to submit documents to the Technological University and become a biochemist. It was perhaps the most difficult faculty in terms of admission. She coped with this task and some time with pleasure gnawed granite science. However, she did not become a famous scientist, having changed her life priorities.

The Ballet School

Soon the girl realized that she wanted to organize inNorthern capital is a ballet school. The project was helped by the spouse Sergey Shnurov, who invested about one million rubles in the educational institution. Over time, the ballet school "Isadora" began to bring a good profit. However, in recent months there have been rumors that this project has become unprofitable, in spite of the fact that new machines, mirrors, and repair of the premises were purchased. Anyway, but Matilda Brain is proud of her brainchild.

Matilda Brain birth date

Catering business

Sphere of interests of the wife of the Cord by the ballet artnot limited. She is known in St. Petersburg as a famous restaurateur. It all began trite: her husband asked Matilda to help in the modernization of the "Blue Pushkin" bar, which he owns. After some time a significant meeting with the famous chef Igor Grechishkin took place. Then in the girl's head the idea of ​​creating a restaurant "KoKoKo" was matured, the menu of which consisted exclusively of dishes based on natural products supplied by domestic farmers. Today this institution catering is a fairly profitable and profitable business.

Acquaintance with the leader of "Leningrad"

Sergei Shnurov and Matilda Brain, photos of which appear regularly in the Russian press, met through their common girlfriend who lives in the US.

Sergey Shnurov and Matilda Brain Photo

She only came for a few days tothe Russian capital and asked Elena to come together to the dressing room of musicians from "Leningrad", because they were connected with them by a long friendship. It was in the dressing room between Sergei and Matilda sparkled a sublime feeling. Today they are happy together, they have a cozy apartment on the Fontanka where they live in harmony and love.

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