/ / Elena Mozgovaya and Sergey Shnurov - wedding

Elena Mozgovaya and Sergey Shnurov - wedding

The news that the soloist of the "popular" rock band"Leningrad" Cord and Voronezh beauty Elena Mozgovaya want to legalize their relationship, it was a real sensation among the showbiz. Still, what could be the common thing between a rebel bully and a girl who wanted to devote her life to science? The answer to this question is difficult to find. And nevertheless Elena Brain and Cord is a harmonious pair. They are happy together and believe that this is the main thing in the relationship.

Two opposites

Of course, the "young" are not new toamorous affairs. The musician of the scandalous group has repeatedly stamps the passport, and Matilda "twisted" love with people who were famous and famous. Among them, photographer Dmitry Mikheev, musician Ivan Demyan, actor Yevgeny Tsyganov.

Elena Brain

It should be noted that after the acquaintance of Shnur andThe brain life of the leader of the rock band "Leningrad" has changed dramatically. From the rude, brawler and "motherfucker", he began to turn into a man who knows the measure of alcohol consumption, who was sick of tobacco smoke, which began to lead a healthy lifestyle.

How could these two opposing creative characters have collided, and why is their family idyll still not violated? Let's consider this issue in more detail.


On the biography and philosophy of life of Sergei Shnurovit is written much. A rebel, a hooligan, a rowdy on the stage - everyone knows about this. But not many people know that in everyday life the soloist of Leningrad is quite a balanced and calm person.

Sergei Shnurov

Noteworthy is the fact that as a child, Sergei wasflexible and intelligent child, he even dreamed of a career as a diplomat. But, after growing up a little, he considered that he should not differ from ordinary guys and began to slowly use abusive language and get involved in a fight with peers. After some time Sergey Shnurov already wanted to please the girls and to achieve this goal he brought out a simple formula: one must at all costs be an outrageous, brutal musician, and then there will be no end of the women's attention. From that moment, he rarely let go of his guitar. But before embarking on a solo career, Sergei tried many professions: he was a loader, a joiner, a designer, a blacksmith, a watchman. Once he created a rock band "Leningrad", which made him popular and famous.

The girl from Voronezh

The Chosen One of Sergey Shnurov was born in Voronezh. Initially, Elena Brain prophesied a career as a biochemist, becoming a student at a St. Petersburg university. Soon she met a secular photographer Dmitry Mikheev, who became the author of the pseudonym Matilda, forever attached to the girl. Then she changed priorities in the profession, and after another quarrel with her mother decided to realize herself in Moscow.

Here she wanted to practice ballet artand began to get acquainted with famous media personalities. She also searched for herself in the profession for a long time and now everyone knows Matilda as a successful businesswoman: she owns the restaurant "KoKoKo" and own ballet school.

Shnurov and Matilda

Love at first sight

The initiator of the acquaintance of Brain and Cord was theira common friend who for a few days came to the Russian capital from the United States. The meeting of future spouses lasted only five minutes, but it was during this period of time that the spark of sublime emotion ran between them. They talked and talked, and lights flashed around ...

But the offer of the hand and the heart of the soloist"Leningrad" did not at all standard. Once the lovers together were looking for sausage in the refrigerator, and Cord suggested: "Let's get married?" Elena Brain immediately replied: "Yes, of course, it's time."

For representatives of show business news aboutThe marriage of Sergei and Matilda became shocking. Especially for the former wife of a rock musician - the famous actress Oksana Akinshina. But their marriage eventually disintegrated. And after a while the sharks of the pen already wrote that Schnurov and Matilda are married in the church. The girl decided to finally put an end to the biochemist's career and become a business lady. However, she also did not forget about the fact that the wife should keep a home.

Solemn ceremony

Wedding Cords and Matilda was held in the summer of 2010of the year. The ceremony of marriage took place in the "first" registry office, which is located on the Promenade des Anglais in the Northern capital. The festive event was not closed, although it was held without much pomposity and chic. The groom arrived at the wedding palace, not on a luxurious limousine, but on a modest Subaru, and he did not dress in a strict suit appropriate to this occasion, but in a light shirt with a picture of a woman on his back and ordinary trousers. On the legs of the Cord there were white boots with black noses.

The bride was dressed in a wedding dress, and her beauty was accentuated by earrings with pearls.

Wedding of Shnurov and Matilda

"The wedding sang and danced ..."

It should be noted: Sergei Shnurov warned the journalists in advance that he did not want the press to cover the details of his marriage. He stressed that if someone tries to invade "his personal life," he will take the most drastic measures. Such daredevils were found, and the soloist of the rock band "Leningrad" kept his promise: he immediately sent out annoying reporters from the registry office. The ceremony was attended by honorary guests: actor Ville Haapsaalo, sports commentator Vasily Utkin, theater director Vasily Barkhatov, producer Vasily Melnikov. Of the closest associates of Shnurov, there were approximately 15 people. But the parents did not come from the bride's side.

After the solemn ceremony, the culprits of the celebrationinvited guests to celebrate a joyful event in the restaurant "Park Giuseppe". The menu was original and pompous: royal prawns, Caesar salad, melon with Parma ham, Piemonte beef.

Life after the wedding

Brain Elena, whose biography has taken shapeunexpectedly even for herself, after the marriage took the name of her husband. In addition, she changed her name. Friends and acquaintances now know that she is Matilda Shnurova. Putting stamps in their passports, the couple began to beautify their family nest.

However, Motya does not forget about publicity: she often goes to the social network to talk with people close to her. But she does not feel any special need for PR, since almost every third knows it in Northern Palmira. And Sergei Shnurov's fame here plays far from a key role, as Elena Brain (Matilda) successfully runs a restaurant business and spends a lot of time in her own ballet studio.

Elena Brain Matilda

And, before opening her own catering facility called "CoCoCo", Elena helped her husband in the bar "Blue Pushkin", which he owned on an equal footing.

Brain about the husband

Communicating with the press, it becomeslaconic when it comes to her person. But she likes to discover the merits of her husband. This is explained simply: they understand each other with a half-word. In addition, Shnurov and Matilda respect the personal space of their second half.

"Both I and my husband are indifferent to the crispbanknotes, and all because we did not particularly need money. But we always with trembling concern to that it is possible to get on them. Sergei is trying not to deny himself anything, "says Mozgovaya.

Brain Elena biography

And yet the business lady confessed that living with a music star is not easy. But to extravagant tricks and eccentricities Shnurov Motya treats with understanding.

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