/ / Chelyabinskaya GRES: history, modernization

Chelyabinskaya GRES: history, modernization

Chelyabinsk GRES was built in the eraelectrification of the country and became the last in the chain of stations of the GOELRO plan. After its launch, the capacity of the power plant was planned to be used for heating the city and the operation of several small enterprises. But thanks to the available energy Chelyabinsk and the region began their rapid development.


Chelyabinsk GRES was the last, the twenty-seventhstation, which was built according to the plan of GOELRO. The project was developed in 1923, it provided for the construction of a station with two turbines, each of which had a capacity of 5000 kW, and the equipment of Shaturskaya GRES was also involved. The construction was started in 1927, the planned design capacity is 150 MW. The station was laid on the first decade of the October Revolution, namely on November 6, 1927.

Industrial current first generatorissued in 1930, September 15, two years later, the Chelyabinsk GRES gave out a capacity of 100 MW, the design mark was reached in 1935. The received electric power was planned to be directed to industrial facilities located in Kyshtym, Karabash, Zlatoust.

Chelyabinsk greese

Development of Chelyabinsk and the region

GRES in the Chelyabinsk region after launchserved as an impetus to the development of industry in the region. It was the first powerful power station in the South Urals. The first plans for the development of the region included the construction of a factory for the production of silica brick and a weaving factory. These modest plans to use the received capacities were revised in connection with the idea of ​​industrialization of the country that arose.

Chelyabinsk State District Power Plant opened the era of constructionenterprises of industrial importance. In a short time, several large complexes were launched: a tractor plant, a metallurgical plant, a ferroalloy plant, a paint and varnish factory, a polishing factory, zinc and other enterprises of the city and the region.

The work of the station solved an important problem -effective utilization of low-grade Ural coal. In 1930, several power plants, including Chelyabinskaya GRES, were merged into a single system - Uralenergo. The station was connected to the Sverdlovsk line in 1931 through the Kyshtym-Ufaley electrical substation. After five years of operation, the power was 121 MW, by 1936 the design targets were 150 MW.

Greese in Chelyabinsk oblast

Stable work

During the war of 1941-1945, the Chelyabinsk GRES uninterruptedly supplied electricity to the defense enterprises of the city and the region. For the successful fulfillment of the tasks, the ChGRES was awarded the Order of Lenin.

At the turn of the 50-60's the Chelyabinsk power station- one of the first in the Urals - was reconstructed. As a result of the modernization, there was an opportunity to generate heat and electricity. The last modernization of this period concerned the transfer of the power plant from coal to gas, and since 1963 natural gas has been used as fuel for uninterrupted operation.

The Turning Nineties

In 1993 the enterprise "Chelyabenergo" replacedIn several years, in 2005, within the framework of the national plan for reforming the energy sector, the structure of Chelyabinsk Generation Company was selected from the Chelyabenergo Open Joint-Stock Company, of which Chelyabinskaya was a part GRES. In the course of further reform, the Fortum company was formed, which combined the Chelyabinsk Generation Company and the Tyumen Regional Generation Company.

settlement gras chelyabinsk region


In 2007, the ChGRES replaced the obsoletepower equipment, which has been operating since 1931. The old turbine of Metropolitan Vickers was replaced with the domestic assembly equipment produced at the Kaluga Turbine Plant. The next stage of modernization began in 2012 with the construction of two new power units, each with an electric capacity of 247.5 MW, and a thermal power of 150 Gcal / h. The second launch of CHRES took place on October 18, 2016.

After the work, the stationthe possibility of generating thermal and electrical energy. The thermal power is 700 Gcal / h, the electric power is 494 MW. The design efficiency of the combined-cycle plant is 52%, which is much higher than the standard values ​​(about 35%).

Gres Troitsk village, Chelyabinsk region

GRES in Troitsk

Troitskaya GRES (Chelyabinsk Region) is located incity, from which it received its name. The station was built in 1960, today it is part of the OGK-2 enterprise. During the operation period, two waves of modernization were carried out.

The first took place in the period 2008-2012., in the course of the work, cleaning equipment was replaced. In 2013-2014 the units No. 8 and 9 were replaced, and a new power unit No. 10 was built. To date, the electric capacity of the Troitskaya GRES is 1,400 MW, and the heat output is 515 Gcal / h. The total number of the station personnel is 1154 people. As fuel, coal is used, ignition is carried out using fuel oil. The station is a city-forming enterprise, around which there is a settlement of GRES (Chelyabinsk region).

Troitsk Greas Chelyabinsk Region

The village of GRES

The village of GRES (Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region) wasIt was built in 1954. It was at this time that the first works on the construction of a hydroelectric power station were included. In 2014, the 60th anniversary of the settlement was solemnly celebrated. The bulk of its residents work at the Troitskaya GRES, near which it arose. Today, about 11 thousand people live here. The general condition of the housing stock and communications is thoroughly worn out, but in the coming years no one plans to carry out repair and capital repairs at the infrastructure site. Currently, the administration of Troitskaya GRES is trying to transfer the settlement to the balance of the city of Troitsk.

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